:Base iexplore.hlp>proc4 :Title Internet Explorer Help :Index Accessibility Help=accessib.hlp :Index Content Advisor Help=Ratings.hlp :Link accessib.hlp :Link ratings.hlp 1 Welcome to Internet Explorer=iexplore_welcome>medium 1 How To... 2 Customize Internet Explorer 3 Changing how a page is displayed=web_change_appearance 3 Changing your start page =web_homepage_change 3 Changing the appearance of the toolbar=change_toolbar 3 Changing your search page =web_searchpage_change 3 Changing the number of pages in the History list=change_pages_in_history 3 Viewing web pages written in a different language=IE4_VIEW_DIFFERENT_LANGS 3 Displaying text in a different font=display_text_dif_font 3 Display text larger or smaller=web_change_fonts 3 Using a graphical image as desktop wallpaper=web_image_wallpaper 3 Automatically configuring Internet Explorer on a corporate system=IE4_AUTOCONFIG 2 Explore the Internet 3 Viewing pages on the Internet=web_view_page 3 Going to a specific place or page=web_goto_page 3 Searching the Internet=web_search 3 Returning to a page you've already seen=web_view_history 3 Returning to the start page=web_return_home 3 Using the Links bar to visit preselected Web pages=using_quick_links 2 Customizing Web Content Delivered to You 3 Overview: Information Delivery and offline browsing=IE4_INFODELIV_OVER>medium 3 Subscribing to a Web site=IE4_SUBSCRIBE_SITE 3 Adding to or changing a subscription to an existing favorite Web site =IE4_SUBSCRIBE_EXISTING_SITE 3 Updating subscriptions and Smart Favorites=IE4_UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTIONS 3 Viewing subscriptions=IE4_VIEW_SUBSCRIPTIONS 3 Browsing the Web without being connected=IE4_OFFLINE_TASK 2 Manage Information 3 Copying information from a page into a document=web_copy_info 3 Searching for text on a page=web_find_onpage 3 Adding a page to your collection of favorite pages=web_collect_favorites 3 Organizing your favorite pages into folders=web_move_pages 3 Creating a desktop shortcut to the current page=web_create_shortcut 3 Saving the current page on your computer=web_save_page 3 Saving a page or picture without opening it=web_saveas_item 2 Use Security Features 3 Overview: Security certificates=SEC_CERT_OVER>big 3 Overview: Security on the Internet=IDH_SECURITY_TELL_ME>big 3 Setting security levels=set_security_levels 3 Viewing multimedia and other active content=view_active_content 3 Viewing security certificates=define_internet_certificates 2 Limit Access to Inappropriate Internet Content :include ratings.cnt 1 Tips and Tricks 2 Viewing and organizing pages=web_page_tips 2 Displaying pages faster=web_display_fast 2 Displaying previously viewed pages faster=web_disk_cache 2 Sending a shortcut to a Web page in e-mail=send_shortcut 2 Using the IntelliMouse pointing device=IE3_USING_INTELLI 2 Keyboard shortcuts=keyboard_shortcuts>big 1 Accessibility :include accessib.cnt 2 Using accessibility features in Internet Explorer=product ;:include psspos.cnt