Hi... I just hope you enjoy this voxel rendering program... (well... voxel is not the correct name for this kind of rendering but after all what's in a name ?). Keys: LEFT ............ Turn you head to the left RIGHT ........... Turn you head to the right UP .............. Increase yor speed DOWN ............ Decrease your speed ! ............... Flip low res / high res rendering mode Mouse ........... Change you position and set you speed to 0 ESC ............. Exit the program Take a look at the sphere shadow and at the on-the-fly dithering of the gouraud rendering.... :) To contact me... Andrea Griffini 4535 Murietta Avenue, Apt #4 Corso Argentina 24 Sherman Oaks, 91423 CA 27029 Vigevano (PV) - U.S.A. - OR - ITALY - agriffini@vv.val.net a.griffini@agora.stm.it http://vv.val.net/~agriffini