Color Matte Clips

Color matte clips can be placed on VA tracks to create video clips. They can also be used in title clips on Title tracks.
Color matte clips are created in the Bin window. They can be monochrome or have gradations of up to 4 colors.

Clip name

The name of a color matte clip is set to Color Matte when the clip is created. To change the name, click the clip name, highlighting it, and enter the new name.


No duration is set for the color bar clip when it is first cretaed (displayed as "--:--:--;--"). Duration is set after the clip is placed on tracks.

To create a color matte clip

  1. Click the Add Clip button to display the list and select Color Matte.
    The Color Matte Setup dialog appears.

  2. Select the number of colors (1 to 4). Enter directly from the keyboard, or rotate the mouse wheel.

  3. Click the color box to display the ColorSelect dialog.

  4. Select a color from the color boxes and adjust it by dragging on the color chart or color bar.

    To limit the luminance range of the color chart and color bar

    Check the IRE Warning check box. The luminance range of the color chart and color bar is limited, allowing you to select a luminance within the range up to 68.0 IRE.

    To use the color picker

    The color picker allows you to select a color from the picture on the timeline monitor. Click the color picker and then click over the color that you want to use.

  5. When the desired color appears in the preview box, click OK to close the ColorSelect dialog.
    The color selected in the ColorSelect dialog appears in one of the color boxes of the Color Matte Setup dialog.

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for the specified number of colors.

  7. If there are 2 or more colors, enter a Direction angle for the gradation. Enter directly from the keyboard, or rotate the mouse wheel.

  8. Click OK to close the Color Matte Setup dialog.

To change the color and gradation settings

Select the clip icon and click the Properties button.
The Color Matte Setup dialog appears, allowing you to change the color and gradation settings.