Color Bar Clips

Place a color bar clip on VA tracks if you want to insert a color bar at the start of a project.
Color bar clips are created in the Bin window.

Clip name

The name of a color bar clip is set to Color Bar when the clip is created. To change the name, click the clip name, highlighting it, and enter the new name.


No duration is set for the color bar clip when it is first cretaed (displayed as "--:--:--;--"). Duration is set after the clip is placed on tracks.

To create a color bar clip

Click the Add Clip button to display the list and select Color Bar.
The Color Bar Setup dialog appears.

Click the Color Bar Types button to display the list and select the color bar type. To add audio reference signal information to the color bar clip, use the Audio Reference radio buttons to select -12db or -20db. If no audio reference signal is required, select Mute.

To change the audio reference signal of a color bar clip

Select the clip icon and click the Properties button.
The Color Bar Setup dialog appears, allowing you to select another color bar type and to change the audio reference signal setting.