Still Image Clips

Still image clips can be placed on VA tracks to create video edits. They can also be used in title clips on Title tracks.
The following still image file can be used as source data of a still image clip.

To store a still image clip in the Bin window, click the Add File button to display the Windows Open dialog, and open the source data file. All of the data in the source data file becomes a single clip.

Clip name

A new still image clip automatically receives the same name as the source file name. To change the name, click the clip name, highlighting it, and enter the new name. (You can also change the name by displaying and editing the clip's Properties palette.)


No duration is set for the still imag clip when it is first cretaed (displayed as "--:--:--;--"). Duration is set after the clip is placed on tracks.
You can change the duration in the Properties dialog.

To view detailed information about the clip

Select the clip icon and click the Properties button.
The clip's Properties dialog appears.

File info tab

Still image info tab

The Properties dialog of a still image clip consists of 2 tabs: the File info tab and the Still image info tab.
You can use the File info tab to change the name of the clip. You can use the Still image info tab to change the duration of the clip.