Checking Source Data Information

Information about the source data (playback timecode, operating mode, audio level) is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

A "P" appears in front of the timecode to indicate source timecode (player timecode).
The operating mode is shown by marks representing the Play, Fast Forward and other buttons. The speed is displayed in shuttle mode.
Audio levels are displayed for two channels.
If you do not want to display this information, select Information Display from the Monitor window Settings menu and then select Hide.

To check detailed time data

There is a display section at the bottom of the screen to show data about the currently playing source data. It shows the following information.
For IN, OUT, and DUR, you can click the icon next to the IN display to switch between video time data and audio time data.

To change timecode

You can change Crnt, In, or Out timecode shown in the time data display area in units of hours, minutes, seconds, or frames.
To do so, click the digit you want to change, do one of the following.
You can also enter offsets by keeping the "+" or "-" key pressed. (The timecode increases or decreases by the entered value.)
Timecode is displayed in red when there is a conflict, for example, an In point that is set later than an Out point.