Monitor Window

In the default configuration, the Monitor window is made up of two monitors. The one of the left side is the source monitor and the one on the right side is the timeline monitor.
You can access the main menu and the settings menu from the title bar.

Main menu


The pointer changes into a crossed arrow to indicate the only that the only operation that can be done currently is to move a window or a palette. The pointer returns to its original arrow shape after you drag a window or palette.

Change Size

The pointer changes into a crossed arrow to indicate the only that the only operation that can be done currently is to resize a window or a palette. The pointer returns to its original arrow shape after you drag a window or palette.


The monitor window and the timeline window are minimized and shown as icons at the bottom of the screen. Click an icon to restore the window to its original size. This command works the same way as the Minimize button.


Changes the layout of the windows and palettes.

Single Mode

In this mode there is only one monitor. If you want to use it as the source monitor, click the PLR button on the title bar. If you want to use it as the timeline monitor, click the RCD button on the title bar.

Dual Mode

Both the source and timeline monitors are displayed (default setting).


Exits EDIUS. This command works the same way as the close button.