
This filter allows you to make a specific color (normally green or blue) in a video clip transparent, using the sections with other colors as a key.

Chromakey example

Setup dialog

In the Key Setting tab, specify the color to make transparent (key color).

There are 4 methods to specify the color. They are the same as the 4 methods described for Chrominance on 「Video Filters」.
Regardless of the method used, you can click Auto Fit to automatically select the key color so that the background becomes more or less completely transparent. If you want to make precise settings, click Advanced Settings to display parameter setting controls. Specify a cancel color as required.

Functions common to each mode

As with the Chrominance filter, you can check the state of the key by checking Show Key or Histogram (for modes other than color picker mode).
If the main picture is computer graphics, you can optimize the processing by checking CG Setting. Check Linear CancelColor to automatically specify a cancel color.

Color picker mode functions

Soft Edge:
If this is checked, soft edges are added around the key.


Rectangle and color picker cannot be used at the same time.
If this is checked, you can narrow down the key range by dragging a rectangle on the preview screen.
Auto Fit:
If Enable is checked, the key is reset automatically even if the key color changes. You can reduce the processing load by checking Skip Lines or Skip Frames.


See "To set key frames" for basic operations.

To vary the key transparency from moment to moment

Set key frames in the Key Frame Setting tab.

To set up fades

In the Key Frame Setting tab, you can choose to have the key fade in or fade out.
Check Enable in the Fade Setting section, and specify durations in the In and Out boxes. The duration in the In box is the time until the key appears, and the duration in the Out box is the time until the key disappears.