[Source monitor control] button

[Stop] buttonStops playing back source data.
[Review] buttonPlays back source data in the reverse direction at 4 times or 12 times the normal playback speed. Each click of the button toggles between 4 times and 12 times.
[Previous Frame] buttonEach click of the button plays back source data one frame at a time in the reverse direction. If you click the button with the [Shift] key held down, source data is reversed by 10 frames.
[Play] buttonStarts playing back source data in the forward direction.
[Next Frame] buttonEach click of the button plays back source data one frame at a time in the forward direction. If you click the button with the [Shift] key held down, source data advances by 10 frames.
[Fast Forward] buttonPlays back source data in the forward direction at 4 times or 12 times the normal playback speed. Each click of the button toggles between 4 times and 12 times.
[Loop] buttonRepeats playing back a portion of source data between video In point and Out point. If no In and Out points have been defined, the whole length of source data is played back repeatedly.
[Set Video In] buttonSets a video In point on source data.
You can also perform the following operations from the menu list of the [Set Video In] button.
Go to InMoves the current position to the video In point set in source data.
Clear InClears video In point in source data.
Set Audio InSets an audio In point on source data.
Go to Audio InMoves the current position to the audio In point.
Clear Audio InClears audio In point in source data.
[Set Video Out] buttonSets a video Out point on source data. You can also perform the following operations from the menu list of the [Set Video Out] button.
Go to OutMoves the current position to the video Out point set in source data.
Clear OutClears video Out point in source data.
Set Audio OutSets an audio Out point on source data.
Go to Audio OutMoves the current position to the audio Out point.
Clear Audio OutClears audio Out point in source data.
[Insert to Timeline] buttonWith inserting mode, insert a clip at the position of the timeline cursor.
[Overwrite on Timeline] buttonWith overwriting mode, insert a clip at the position of the timeline cursor.
[Capture] buttonCaptures non-digitized data from external sources for creating clips.
[Add to batch capture list] button [Add to batch capture list] button This button is used to create multiple clips from non-digitized source data at once. If you press this button after setting In and Out points in source data, the information on those points will be registered and shown in the list of the [Batch Capture] dialog box. You can open the [Batch Capture] dialog box by clicking the [] (List) button next to the [Add to batch capture list] button and selecting [Batch Capture].
[Update Bin] buttonUpdates the Bin window reflecting new clips created from source data.
[Hidden] buttonShows the buttons that were hidden when the Source monitor screen was minimized.