Date Released: 2002-08-13 Size in bytes: 262144 Download Type: BIOS Upgrade Operating System: Language: English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Solves ACPI I/O error under Windows XP Warning: This BIOS is a Beta BIOS and it is still undergoing testing. This BIOS has not been fully tested. Soyo is not responsible for any damage, performance, or stability issue which occur while using this BIOS. Use at your own risk. Important Notes about BIOS Upgrades -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your BIOS upgrade is available as only a .bin file, you will need to: Download a copy of the "Awdflash.exe" program. Follow the instructions in KB Article 35 -- How do I flash my BIOS? Optionally, follow the instructions in KB Article 36 -- Where can I download a boot disk for flashing my BIOS?