1995 RHINO RECORDS CATALOG Published by: PSG-HomeCraft Software Information in this manual and catalog is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment of any kind on the part of H.C.P. Services, Inc. or HomeCraft Software. This manual and accompanying software is copyrighted. It is a violation of federal law and the Berne Convention (international law) to copy this manual, software, or catalog on any medium, for any reason other than those described in the accompanying user license. This manual is Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 by H.C.P. Services, Inc. -- All Rights Reserved IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Microsoft and MS-DOS are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation dBase III is a trademark of Ashton-Tate Organize! Your (name of collection) and Organize! Your Collection are trademarks of H.C.P. Services, Inc. H.C.P. Services, Inc. PSG-HomeCraft Software P.O. Box 974 Tualatin, OR 97062 503) 692-3732 ________________________________________________ U S E R L I C E N S E A G R E E M E N T ------------------------------------------------ NOTICE! - This manual, catalog and software are provided to you on the express condition that you agree to this software license. By using this software/catalog you agree to the following provisions. If you do not agree with these, please return these materials for a full refund. <1> This manual, catalog, and software and the disks on which they are contained are licensed to you, for your own use only. There are protected by both copyright and contract law. You are not obtaining title to the software, catalog, or manual nor any copyright rights. You may not sublicense, rent, lease, convey, modify, translate, convert to another programming language, decompile, or disassemble the software for any purpose. You may not copy, republish, reprint, distribute, rent, lease, sublicense, or translate this catalog, except as described in the vendor.doc file accompanying this catalog/software. WARRANTY - HCP SERVICES INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS PRODUCT, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR WARRANTIES OF ACCURACY, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. NEITHER HCP SERVICES, INC. NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE EVEN IF HCP SERVICES, INC. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. IN NO EVENT SHALL HCP SERVICES, INC.'s LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EVER EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THE PRODUCT, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF CLAIM. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT. Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oregon and shall inure to the benefit of HCP Services, Inc. and any successors, administrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction located in Multnomah County, Oregon. The parties hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts." ________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: ------------------------------------------------ TOPIC Topic Number -------------------- ------------ INTRODUCTION 001 INSTALLATION 002 QUICK START 003 REFERENCE SECTION 004 The Main Screen 005 Utilities Menu 006 Printing Documentation 007 Alphabetize 008 Set Screen Colors 009 Search Menu 010 List Entries 011 List Alphabetically 012 Sequential Searches 013 Alphabetical Searches 014 Global Search 015 Set Starting Point 016 Screen Print Feature 017 Ordering CDs/Tapes 018 Report Menu 019 Printing A Report 020 Exit Program 021 Shell To DOS 022 Help Menu 023 Calculator 024 ____________________________________________________________ 001 SECTION ONE - INTRODUCTION: ------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to the computer-based version of the 1995 Rhino Records Catalog. This catalog provides you with an easy way to find the songs and artists you are interested in, without regard to which CDs or tapes they are on. You can even have the software print an order form as you find each CD or tape The software provided with this catalog lets you search the catalog any way you need--just fill in the blanks and push F8. The CDs/tapes containing what you are looking for will be displayed on the screen one at a time. The software provided with this catalog is a very limited version of HomeCraft's "ORGANIZE! Your Collection" software. If you are interested in cataloging your collection on your computer, send for a free catalog of HomeCraft's software products. We now publish both DOS software and Windows multimedia software for music col- lections.Write to: HomeCraft, P.O. Box 974, Tualatin, OR 97062 or send a fax to: (503) 692-0382. If you'd like to buy a copy of the leading software for cataloging a collection--HomeCraft's ORGANIZE! YOUR COLLECTION--it's available in both a DOS and Windows version. The cost for either version is just $59.95 plus $6.00 s&h ($10.00 s&h outside North America). But, you can save even more! Just read the next section! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------ SAVE 10% ------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a user of this computer-based catalog you are eligible for a 10% discount on any order for $75.00 (US) or more! The software will automatically calculate this discount for you. Or if you order by phone, just mention you are ordering from the computer- based Rhino catalog and ask for your 10% discount--you'll save 10% on everything in this catalog! You can also save 10% on HomeCraft's ORGANIZE! YOUR COLLECTION software. Just mention the 1995 Rhino Computer-Based Catalog when placing your order with HomeCraft, and you'll get a 10% discount! You can get either the DOS or the Windows version and save 10%! It's the best way to get great music--and great software for cataloging your music--and SAVE 10% on everything you order! HomeCraft also publishes other great computer-based catalogs such as the COMPLETE CATALOG OF 45s; Henry Busse Jr's catalog Of Jazz Performers; and the soon to be released catalog of music magazines. Just ask for our free catalog! _________________________________________________ 002 INSTALLATION: ------------------------------------------------- You will need to have approximately 5mb of free space when the catalog files are de-archived. An additional 2 to 3 megabytes is required, if you index the catalog. The catalog files can not be de-archived manually. You must use the installation utility to install these files. If you do not use the installation utility, the catalog may appear to be scrambled when you try to read it. ________________________________________________ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: ------------------------------------------------ This software requires an IBM compatible computer with at least 380K of memory available. A hard disk is required as the files are too large to fit on a floppy disk. ________________________________________________ USING THIS MANUAL ------------------------------------------------ This manual is divided into three main sections. You are reading section one now. It contains the introductory information. Section two provides a short Quick Start set of instructions for those of you who can't wait to give the catalog a try. The third section is a reference section that describes, in detail, all of the features in this software. No computer experience is required to use this software, however you will need to know which letter designates each disk drive on your computer. For example, a hard disk is usually drive C and floppy disks are drives A and B. Check your computer's manual for the letters used to designate the drives on your computer. _________________________________________________________ USING THIS CATALOG WITH HOMECRAFT'S ORGANIZE SOFTWARE --------------------------------------------------------- The files in this catalog are fully compatible with all later versions of HomeCraft's "ORGANIZE!..." (OYC) software. If you are using the OYC software, you can also use it with this catalog (except that this catalog is not compatible with some of the shareware versions of OYC). For more information about the ORGANIZE! software send for our free catalog. Write to: HomeCraft P.O. Box 974 Tualatin, OR USA 97062 ________________________________________________ UPDATES: ------------------------------------------------ HomeCraft will issue updates to this catalog for as long as Rhino Records makes the information available to us. To automatically receive the next update send $9.95 (outside the U.S. and Canada send $12.95) to: HomeCraft, P.O. Box 974, Tualatin, OR USA 97062 _________________________________________________ OTHER CATALOGS PUBLISHED BY HOMECRAFT: ------------------------------------------------- HomeCraft publishes a variety of computer-based music catalogs. These include: The Complete Catalog of 45s - provides the most complete listings of 45 rpm records available. This catalog is being released on floppy disks alphabetically by label. Each floppy disk has about 22,000 song titles (including both A & B side for each record). Henry Busse Jr's American Jazz Performers - the son of big band leader Henry Busse has created the most complete catalog available with information about people in the jazz industry. Over 2,600 people are listed along with the birth dates, death dates (if appropriate), occupation, and the names of the key people and bands they've worked with. Plus more! ------------- Coming soon from HomeCraft (actually by the time you see this the following will probably already be available): Bill Uhre's Complete Catalog Of Music Magazines - a complete listing of the magazines that include interviews with or articles about people in the music industry. You'll be able to search for the name of any performer and find every music magazine that has information about that artist. You'll even be able to find out how to buy copies of old magazines with articles/interviews/ stories about your favorite artists. MegaGuide To CDs & Albums - a CD-ROM based catalog with information covering more than 25,000 albums, plus over 90 minutes of sound clips. Includes information on every song on each LP. Plus the MegaGuide can be used with the ORGANIZE! software to catalog albums with a keystroke. For more information write to: HomeCraft, P.O. Box 974, Tualatin, OR USA 97062 or send a fax to: (503) 692-0382. SECTION TWO: ________________________________________________ 003 GETTING STARTED - Quick Start: ------------------------------------------------ For those of you who want to get started right away, here is a very short summary of how to use this catalog. In this "short-cut" we have assumed you have a basic knowledge of computers and software. Before starting the software, be sure your computer is set for the directory containing the "RHINO94.EXE" file. If you get a DOS prompt on the screen when your computer starts, use the DOS Change Directory (CD) command to set your computer for the correct directory. Once in the correct directory, type RHINO94 and push ENTER to start the software. A blank "search" screen will now be displayed on the screen. To see an entry in the catalog, push the F1 key. This will put the software into the browse mode and display the last entry. You can now push F1 to move backward through the catalog, or push F2 to move forward. When you are done browsing, push F7 to clear the screen. To search for a song or artist, enter the information you want to find on the appropriate line. For example, type "Turtles" on the ARTIST line. Push F8 to start the search; then push the TAB key to select the "Quick View" option. All of the "Turtles" songs will be listed on the Quick View screen. The Quick View screen let's you see 20 songs at a time. You can use the PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, and Cursor keys to move around and see various parts of the list. ________________________________________ THE CATALOG ----------------------------------------- All of the information in the catalog, except the type of music, is entered in upper and lower case. The type of music is always entered using all capitals. Each song is a separate entry in the catalog. If you want to find all of the songs on a CD/tape, then search either for the title of that CD/tape or search for its catalog number. When doing this I suggest using the Quick View display option so as to easily see the list of songs on the CD/tape. To do this search type the name of the CD/tape on the ALBUM TITLE line, then push the F8 key. You can search for any of the information in the catalog in the same way. You can also have the software do a cross reference just by filling in information you want to find on two or more lines. ----------------------------------------- ORDERING A CD/TAPE ----------------------------------------- When you see a song that is on an CD or tape you want to order, highlight it and then push the ENTER key to display the complete information about that song. Then push CTRL-O. Answer the questions that appear. An order form will be printed when you exit from the software. SECTION 3: ____________________________________________________________ 004 REFERENCE SECTION: ------------------------------------------------------------ This section of the manual provides detailed descriptions of each function on the drop-down menus. First let's go over the information and options presented on the Main Screen. ________________________________________________ 005 The Main Screen: ------------------------------------------------ Most of the time you'll be using functions that are accessed from the Main Screen. This screen includes a listing of menus across the top of the screen. The top line also includes the current entry number in the upper right corner of the screen. When you are at a blank screen (no entry displayed) the entry number will be blank. When information is on the screen, the associated entry number will be displayed. The second line from the top of the screen has a horizontal double line. This is a status line. The name of the catalog in use will be displayed in the middle of this line. The function currently in use (i.e. Main Screen, Search, etc...) is identified on the right side of this line. The left side of the second line also includes status information. For example, if you push the INS key to put the software into the character insert mode, the letters "INS" will be displayed at the left edge of this line. As long as INS is shown there, the software remains in the character insert mode. The space at the bottom of the screen also contains a horizontal double line and below that is the mouse prompt/status line. The mouse prompts identify the F-Key short-cuts. You can use the mouse to click on any of these prompts to quickly use the features they represent. ________________________________________________ Clearing The Screen: ------------------------------------------------ There is one key that is very handy, the F7 key. Pushing F7 will clear the screen of all catalog information and return you to the Main Screen. If you are in the search, and want a clean screen to start a new search, push F7. If you need to erase a screen full of information, push F7. If you are using a mouse, you can click on the "7 Clr" prompt at the bottom of the screen to accomplish the same thing as pushing F7. ------------------------------------------------ Typing Information (Filling In The Blanks): ------------------------------------------------ When you are entering search criteria (entering the song or artist you want to find) you essentially just "fill in the blanks" with the information you want to find. Various keys help you get around on the screen. The cursor can be moved around using the up/down and right/left cursor keys. When using the up/down cursor keys, the cursor will move directly up and down--it will not return to the beginning of a line when it's moved to a new line. You can move the cursor to a new line and return it to the beginning of that line by pushing the ENTER key. Each time you push the ENTER key, the cursor will move down by one line. When the cursor is on the bottom line, pushing ENTER will move it to the top line. To quickly move the cursor to the right you can use the TAB key. Each time the TAB key is pushed the cursor will move five spaces to the right. Pushing the END key will move the cursor to the end of the line. The HOME key moves it to the beginning of the line. Holding the CTRL key and pushing either the left or right cursor key will move the cursor to the left or the right by one word. Whenever the cursor reaches the beginning or the end of a line, your computer will beep to indicate it can go no further. If you do not want to hear this "beep," you can turn it off by pushing CTRL-A. This will display the Screen Set-Up options. Push the F1 key to toggle the beep off. Then push ESC to return to the Main Screen. You can type information at any time. The character you type will be placed at the cursor location and the cursor will move one space to the right. The software will accept accented characters, characters used in some European languages and all English language characters. It will not accept most graphics characters. ________________________________________________ Insert & Delete: ------------------------------------------------ If you need to insert characters, place the cursor at the point where you want them. Push the INS key. The letters INS will appear on the upper left of the screen (second line from the top of the screen). You can now type the characters or words you want to insert. As you type, any information to the right of the cursor will move to the right. If the existing information reaches the right edge of the line, it will disappear and be lost--one character will disappear for each character you insert. To get out of the insert mode push the INS key again. Characters can be deleted by pushing the DEL key. When the DEL key is pushed, the character at the cursor location will be erased and everything to the right of the cursor will move left by one space. The Backspace key will also delete characters. When Backspace is pushed, the character to the left of the cursor will be erased. ________________________________________________ THE MENUS: ------------------------------------------------ The software uses drop-down menus. All the capabilities of the software are accessed through these menus. The names of the menus are listed across the top of the screen. Some of the frequently used functions can be used directly by pushing the appropriate "F" key. Prompts showing the functions available using the "F" keys are at the bottom of the screen. The name of each menu contains one capitalized letter. To select a menu, hold down the ALT key and press the capitalized letter in the menu's name. For example, to select the "Search" menu, hold down the ALT key and push the letter S. You can also pull down a menu using a mouse by putting the mouse cursor on the menu's name at the top of the screen and clicking the left mouse button. Once any menu is displayed (dropped down), you can move from one menu to the next using the left/right cursor keys. When a menu is displayed, the top selection on the menu will be highlighted by a scroll bar. The scroll bar is moved up and down through the menu selections using the up/down cursor keys. To select an item on a menu, highlight it with the scroll bar and push the ENTER key. If you are using a mouse, put the mouse cursor on the menu selection you wish to use and click the left mouse button twice (double click). ________________________________________________ 006 THE UTILITIES MENU: ------------------------------------------------ The Utilities Menu has three options. Press ALT-U to display the Utilities Menu. ________________________________________________ 007 Utilities - Print Software Documentation ------------------------------------------------ Since you are already reading this manual, I assume you have printed the documentation. If not, you can use this option on the Utilities Menu to display and/or print the complete user's manual. ________________________________________________ 008 Utilities - Alphabetize: ------------------------------------------------ To find information quickly the alphabetical searches use indexes to look up the required information and then go directly to the entry that has that information. In other words, indexes provide a way for searches to be very fast. Indexes are also required in order to list information in alphabetical order. The software uses the indexes to generate the alphabetical listings and searches. When you first install the catalog the indexes will not be there. You will need to tell the software to built new indexes. The indexes will use about 2.3mb of disk space. The "Alphabetize" feature is completely automatic. To reindex, use the scroll bar to highlight "Alphabetize" on the Utilities Menu and push ENTER. You'll be asked whether you want to continue. Push "Y" and everything is automatic from that point. Indexes are separate files stored on your disk. They are relatively fragile files that maintain a record of the relationship among many separate words and phrases. If the files on your disk become fragmented or cross-linked, the indexes can become damaged. Although indexes do not effect the catalog files, if the results of a search do not seem to make sense, try making new indexes by using the "Alphabetize" feature. ________________________________________________ 009 Utilities - Set Screen Colors: ------------------------------------------------ The READ software will initially start running in the black & white mode. To switch it to color, select "Set Screen Colors" on the Utilities Menu. You can also push CTRL-A to jump directly to this screen from the Main Screen. Five possible color settings will be displayed. Push the number, from 0 to 4, that indicates the color combination you want to use. (Generally #1 provides the best setting). This set-up screen also allows you to control the BEEP that sounds when the cursor reaches the end of a line. Push F1 to toggle the BEEP on or off. ________________________________________________ 010 THE SEARCH MENU: ------------------------------------------------ This menu is used to start all of the listings and searches. There is a difference between a listing and a search. A listing is used when you are not searching for anything in particular, but just want a list of the entries in a catalog. That listing may be alphabetized. A search is used when you want to find something. You can search for artist's names, song titles, CD/cassette titles, or any of the other information in the catalog. And you can cross reference any of the information in a catalog. The top box on the Search menu includes the two types of listings available. The second box down includes the two main types of the searches. Each time you start a search a window will appear giving you several choices for how you want to the report to be generated. Push the TAB key until the "X" moves to the option you want to select and then push ENTER. The options are: "Individual Entry" - this option will display entries on the screen, on at a time. This is a good way to see everything about a song on one screen. "Printer: Continuous Paper" - prints the results of a search or listing using the selected report format. There are four report formats provided. (See the section covering the Reports Menu for information on how to select a reports format). This option is the one to use for nearly every printer, including laser printers. Although laser printers use individual sheets of paper, they automatically feed them continuously into the printer. ASCII (document) file - saves the results of a search or listing in a text file on your hard disk using the report format that has been selected on the Reports Menu. "Printer: Single Pages" - this option is used with older, daisy- wheel types of printers for which each individual sheet of paper has to be feed in by hand. "Quick View" - displays the information for 20 songs at one time. You can then page the screen up or down using the PgUp and PgDn keys and scroll it from side to side using the left/right cursor keys. This is the best way to see information about a lot of songs at one time. To see a detail screen about an individual sing, se the up/down cursor keys to highlight it on the Quick View screen and ten push ENTER. To return to the Quick View screen push either F1 or F2. ________________________________________________ 011 Search Menu - List Entries: ------------------------------------------------ At the top of the Search Menu, is the "List Entries" feature. It will list the songs in the order they are stored in the catalog. When you select "List Entries" on the Search Menu, you will be prompted for the entry number with which you want to start the list. Then you will be prompted for the last entry number you want in the list. The software will list all the entries between, and including, the entry numbers you specify. ________________________________________________ 012 Search Menu - List Alphabetically: ------------------------------------------------ By selecting this option, you can list the information in the catalog in alphabetical order by either ARTIST or SONG TITLE. However, you must have first alphabetized the catalog using the alphabetize option on the Utilities Menu. To get an alphabetical listing first put the cursor on either the ARTIST or SONG TITLE line. The location of the cursor is used to tell the software which line will be used to set the alphabetical order. Push ALT-S to display the Search Menu and then use the cursor keys to move the scroll bar to the "List Alphabetically" option and push ENTER. The entire catalog will be listed in alphabetical order. _______________________________________________ Searches - General Information ----------------------------------------------- All of the information in the catalog is entered in upper and lower case. To conduct searches you need to enter the each word so that the first letter is capitalized. Artist's names are entered with the last name first, then a comma, and the first name. Any song title or name that starts with the word "The" has had the word "The" dropped. Do no include the word "The" as the first word when starting a search. If a search does not find what you are looking for, try reducing the amount of information you are searching for. If you are searching for a specific artist, try entering just the last name or part of that artist's last name. The less specific the information you enter to find, the more likely it is that you'll find something. In addition, the chances of a typo or misspelling is reduced. ________________________________________________ 013 Search Menu - Sequential Search: ------------------------------------------------- There are two basic types of searches; sequential searches and alphabetical searches. A sequential search looks at each entry one at a time in "sequence", examining it to see if it contains a match for the search criteria. This type of search has the advantage of being able to find matches even if the matching word or phrase is not the first word or phrase on the line. You start a sequential search by first entering the word or phrase you want to find on the appropriate line and then selecting the "Sequential Search" option on the Search Menu; or pushing F8; or using the mouse cursor to click on the "8 Srch" prompt at the bottom of the screen. ________________________________________________ Cross References: ------------------------------------------------ Any of the information in the catalog can be cross-referenced with information on any other line or groups of lines. All you need to do is "fill in the blanks" with what you want to find, start the search, and the software will automatically take care of the cross referencing. For example, let's assume you want to find all the "love" songs by "Jackie Wilson". That's a cross-reference between the SONG TITLE and the ARTIST. Start by entering "Love" on the SONG TITLE line and "Wilson, Jackie" on the ARTIST line. Then push F8 to start a the search. The software will automatically cross reference the two lines and display all songs by Jackie Wilson that have the word "Love" in the title. Note: F8 searches find matching information, even if it is contained within a line. ________________________________________________ 014 Search Menu - Alphabetical Search : ------------------------------------------------ To use the alphabetical searches, you must first have alphabetized the catalog using the "Alphabetize" option on the Utilities Menu. Alphabetical searches provide several advantages. First, they are very fast. While sequential searches may take several minutes (depending on the speed of your computer), alphabetical searches can find matches almost immediately. Indexing quickly determines whether there is a match and where the match is located. Second, alphabetical searches will automatically list matches in alphabetical order. The disadvantage of alphabetical searches is that they will not find matching words or phrases if they are within a line. For example, using an alphabetical search to find "Love" on the SONG TITLE line would only find those songs in which "Love" is the first word of the song title. There are several ways to conduct an alphabetical search. The first is a straight alphabetical search. Enter the information you want to find on either the SONG TITLE or ARTIST lines, leave the cursor on that line, push ALT-S to drop-down the Search menu, highlight "Alphabetical Search" and push ENTER. You can also start an alphabetical search without going through the menus by pushing F6 or by clicking on "6 Alpha" at the bottom of the screen. Like sequential searches, alphabetical searches can perform cross-references. To do this, fill in the appropriate lines with the information you want to find, put the cursor on either the SONG TITLE or ARTIST line, and push F6 to start the search. ***************************************************************** NOTE: When starting an alphabetical search, the cursor must be on a line that has been indexed. The alphabetical searches use the location of the cursor to determine the primary search criteria. If the cursor is not on a line that has been indexed, you will get a "Can't find required index" error message. **************************************************************** The alphabetical searches can also be used to get partial alphabetical listings. For example, if you want an alphabetical listing of everything that starts with the letter "A," put an "A" on the line to be listed (the SONG TITLE or ARTIST line) and start the alphabetical search. For example, if you need a list of all people whose names start with the letter "A," put an "A" on the ARTIST line and push F6 to start a search. Another type of alphabetical search let's you search for information on one line and list matching entries in alphabetical order based on another line. For example, if you wanted to find all the songs by the Kinks, and have them listed alphabetically, you would do the following: 1) Type "Kinks" on the ARTIST line. 2) Put the cursor on the SONG TITLE line. 3) Start an alphabetical search by pushing F6. Alphabetical searches will first find all exact matches based on the indexes. When no other ma