# | README file for | | ELSA graphics driver for Windows 2000 build 2195 | | Version: BETA | | GLoria II | | Copyright (c) 2000 ELSA AG (Aachen, Germany) | | ELSA AG Internet : http://www.elsa.de | Sonnenweg 11 | 52070 Aachen | Germany | | ELSA Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | 1630 Zanker Road | San Jose, CA 95112 | USA | | ELSA Asia Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | 7F-11, No. 188, Sec. 5 | Nanking East Road | Taipei 105 | Taiwan, R. O. C. | | ELSA Japan Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | Mita Suzuki Building 3F | 5-20-14 Shiba, Minato-ku | Tokyo 108-0014 | Japan | | 2000-06-15, FNicklis 1 Driver Description 2 Installation Instructions 3 Additional Configuration Options 4 Known Bugs / Restrictions 5 Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Driver Description Display Driver Version : OpenGL Driver Version : Operating System : Windows 2000 Display adapter : ELSA GLoria II Supported Languages : no limitations 1.1 List of file names (files may be compressed) - eglii.cat (Catalog file) - eglii.inf (Script file for driver installation) - egliid.dll (Display driver) - egliim.sys (Miniport driver) - egliio.dll (OpenGL driver) - readme.txt (the file you are reading) - \ELSAINFO\ (ELSAINFO directory ) - \GLSET\ (APPLICATION SETTINGS directory) - \GLIIMODE\ (Tool for generating special monitor timings) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Installation instructions 2.1 Preparation Note: If there were already other GLint based boards installed, their referring "oemx.inf" and "oemx.pnf" files (where "x" read as numbers) in the INF subdirectory of your system have to be deleted. This is to ensure that the Plug&Play recognition of Windows 2000 is working properly. Copy all listed driver files to a formatted disk (or a temporary directory). Uninstall all display adapter devices under CONTROL PANEL/SYSTEM/HARDWARE/DEVICE MANAGER/DISPLAY ADAPTERS. Remove your floppy disk and reboot your system. 2.2 Installation Windows 2000 uses Plug&Play functions to recognize your display adapter. Here is how: 1. Device recognized. The "Found New Hardware" wizard will guide you. - click "Next" - choose option "Display a list of the known drivers ..." - click "Next" - choose "Display Adapters" - click "Next" - click "Have Disk..." - choose the directory from (2.1) - click "Ok" - choose entry "ELSA GLoria II - click "Next" - click "Next" - click "Yes". Now the driver will be installed. - click "Finish. 2. The installtion of the display driver is finished now. Remove your floppy disk and reboot your system now. Note: Depending on your monitor at the next reboot Plug&Play will recognize and install a monitor device. 2.3 Verification Open CONTROL PANEL/DISPLAY/SETTINGS. Verify that you can read "Plug and Play Monitor on ELSA GLoria II". You should now be able to use a resolution higher than 800x600. 2.4 Adjusting Refresh Frequencies Click "Advanced" Button on Display Properties Page. Go to Monitor Properties Page and use the DropDown-List "Refresh Frequency". ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Additional Configuration Options 3.1 Additional Tools 3.1.1 ELSA Application Settings The ELSA Application Settings allow you to configure the 3D options of your ELSA GLoria graphics board. You will find this tool as a tab in the display properties. You also will find a detailed description by clicking the Help key. 3.1.2 ELSA Info ELSA Info offers a quick view of all relevant information about your hard- and software configuration. First of all, this is a diagnostic tool, which should help you in solving configuration problems of your graphics system. You can redirect all shown information to file or printer. The generated output will be helpful in getting quick and efficient support from ELSA. 3.1.3 ELSA Settings The ELSA Settings utility is not shipped with this driver. Read the Known Bugs section for a workaround. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Known Bugs / Restrictions Doing a shutdown->restart on certain machines may sometimes cause the system to come up to a black screen. In this case, please power-cycle the machine. Currently the ELSA Settings utility is not supported by the display driver. To create new monitor timings we included a command line utility named GLIIMODE.exe in the package. It can be found in the \Windows\ELSAUTIL subdirectory. Start the program with "GLIIMODE /?" for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Troubleshooting