InfoTip Extension Version Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Norio Nomura All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------ //- Description "InfoTip Extension" is shell extension for MSIE4.0 or later. InfoTip is New Shell feature that introduced by MSIE4.0, Small window that appears when you point Mouse Cursor at "My Computer", "Network Neighborhood" or "Recycle Bin". "InfoTip Extension" adds this InfoTip feature to files that not supported by MSIE. You just need to point at file, if you want to view that's information. //- Usage You can configure options from "File Properties" Dialog's "InfoTip Extension" tab. You can add file extension from "Display Properties" Dialog. When InfoTip is show, if you are pressing key, InfoTip content will copied to clipboard. [Ctrl] key -> File's full path text [Shift] key -> InfoTip content text //- Uninstall "Control Panel" -> "Add/Remove Programs" -> "InfoTip Extension v2.0.3.96(Remove Only)" //- Requirements InfoTip Extension requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. Windows 9x, Windows NT 4.0 + sp3. //- Tested Environments and InfoTip Extension's Version Windows NT 4.0 Japanese SP3 + MSIE 4.0 & Windows NT 4.0 Japanese SP3 + MSIE 4.01 & Windows NT 4.0 Japanese SP3 + MSIE 4.01 SP1 & Windows NT 4.0 Japanese SP3 + MSIE 5.00.0518.10 & Windows 95 Japanese OSR2 + MSIE4.0 & Windows 98 Japanese & Windows 98 US & Windows 98 German & (Thanks, Mr.Cornelius Rossmanith) //- License InfoTip Extension is free! You should send notification e-mail when redistribute this package. //- Multi Language Now, InfoTip Extension supports, - Japanese (my mother tongue;-) - English - Dutch Volunteers can help me to translate resource into other language. Volunteers does not have to know Programing. //- Question and Answer Q: Is there any way to increase the size of a textfile property so that you can view more than 2048 bytes? A: "InfoTip Extension" give InfoTip contents to Explorer. Then, Explorer show InfoTip contents into InfoTip window, but Explorer cut contents to 1023 characters. So, there is no way. Q: Ok, but why 2048 bytes? why not 1023 bytes? A: Yes, it's OK, if 1 character is 1 byte. But if 1 character is not 1 byte, 1023 bytes is not enough, like UNICODE or Japanese. These need 2 bytes for 1 character. //- History - InfoTip delay time is extended, about 32 seconds, too long? - Change, "Show as Text" is limited to 2048 bytes. - Make a bit change to "about dialog". - Change to gather locale independent resources in main module. - Adds, Dutch resource. Thanks, Mr.Victor Vogelpoel. - Fixed, Installer show "Load Resource DLL Failed!", If OS's language is neither English nor Japanese. Thanks, Mr. Amir Anavy and Others. - Change default option for ".htm",".html", disable "Show as text file". For fix, Explorer's view "as Web Page" can not generate ".html" preview in Windows 98. Thanks, Mr.Hanamaru. - Fixed, "Show Filename", Directory Name was cutted after dot. Thanks, Mr.Stanislav Maximov. - Fixed, "Show header '== Original shell extension's InfoTip =='" not worked. - Change English resource message text. - Adds, Japanese resource using MS UI Gothic. Request from Mr.Shinka Okada. - Fixed, Install script. - Create English resource. Write this document. -- Norio Nomura