ASUS V3000 Display Driver Release Notes ======================================================================== version 2.00 Windows 95/98: 1. Windows 95 OpenGL ICD (Installable Client Driver) included 2. New resolution 1920x1080, 1920x1200 3. Windows 95 utilities: function change 4. Now supports ANTIALIASING and TRI-LINEAR MIPMAPPING Direct3D features 5. MPEG-1/VideoCD/Video-In quality has been enhanced NT 4.0: 1. NT 4.0 display/OpenGL driver updated ------------------------------------------------------------------------ version 1.10 1. Fix some bugs in display driver 2. WHQL Certified driver 3. Display driver updated : Windows 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ version 1.04 1. Windows 95 utilities minor bugs fixed/function change 2. Fix installation issues on some motherboards/chipsets. 3. Combine 3DP-V3000 and AGP-V3000 installation programs together 4. Display drivers updated : All platform ------------------------------------------------------------------------ version 1.03 1. Windows 95 utilities added Add monitor adjustment, resolution settings, color correction, information, advanced settings in display property pages. 2. Now Direct3D functions work on Windows 98 beta 3. 3. Display drivers updated : Windows 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ version 1.02 1. Display drivers updated : All platform ------------------------------------------------------------------------ version 1.01 1. Display drivers updated : All platform ------------------------------------------------------------------------ version 1.00 1. First released