BIOS Upgrade Instructions FLASH Memory provides a convenient way to update a system BIOS. When a manufacturer of a system updates the BIOS for a particular class of systems, a floppy disk can be obtained containing the source code for this new BIOS as well as a utility that will upgrade the ROM chip to this new BIOS. IMPORTANT! Extreme care must be taken when updating the system BIOS. If an incorrect BIOS source code is used to update the ROM chip, the system may refuse to boot. Please follow carefully the procedures outlined below. If in doubt, consult a qualified technnician or call your local vendor. NOTE: If you use AMI BIOS, you must use the "AMIFLASH.COM" Setup utility to update your FLASH Memory, otherwise it will not work. If you use AWARD BIOS, you must use the "AWDFLASH.EXE" Setup utility to update your FLASH Memory. You can not mix these two utilities together, otherwise you will get an error message. The following outlines the AWARD BIOS FLASH Memory updating procedure: Make sure that memory managers such as QEMM386, EMM386 OR 386MAX are not loaded. Flash Memory utilities do not work under protected or virtual mode. From the C:\ prompt, type "A:" to change to the A drive. Type "AWDFLASH" and then press ENTER. The Award Flash Memory Writer Screen will now appear. A prompt will be given to type in a file name. Type in the new BIOS source code's full file name, including the file extension. You will be prompted with the message, "Do you want to save BIOS?" To save the existing BIOS, type "Y" for yes and enter a file name to save the BIOS to. Otherwise type "N" for no. Next, you will be prompted with the message, "Are you sure to program?" Type in "Y" to begin the BIOS updating process. When the updating process has finished, there will be a prompt to reset the system, otherwise type "N". The Flash Utility will automatically terminate. The following outlines the AMI BIOS FLASH Memory updating procedure: Make sure that memory managers such as QEMM386, EMM386 OR 386MAX are not loaded. Flash Memory utilities do not work under protected or virtual mode. From the C:\ prompt, type "A:" to change to the A drive. Type "AMIFLASH" and then press ENTER. The AMI Flash Memory Writer Screen will now appear. A prompt will be given to type in a file name. Type in the new BIOS source code's full file name, including the file extension. You will be prompted with the message, "Do you want to save BIOS?" To save the existing BIOS, type "Y" for yes and enter a file name to save the BIOS to. Otherwise type "N" for no. Next, you will be prompted with the message, "Are you sure to program?" Type in "Y" to begin the BIOS updating process. When the updating process has finished, there will be a prompt to reset the system, otherwise type "N". The Flash Utility will automatically terminate. Caution!!! After upgrading the BIOS and entering the BIOS Utility Setup you may be prompted to enter a password. If this occurs the following procedure should be followed. Turn-off your computer. Locate the jumper on the motherboard labeled "CLR CMOS". (Refer to the manual if necessary) Place the jumper-block, so that it shorts the two-pins. Turn-on your computer for approximately two to five seconds then turn-off your computer. Place the jumper-block to normal operation then reboot your computer.