Flash-Bios-Update for PCI-486-Mainboard: HOT-433P ================================================= Attention: This file may not be up to date. We are not liable for any damages caused by the bios-update. 1) Is there a Flash-EPROM (EEPROM) on the mainboard? Remove the "AMI"-label on the EPROM-Chip... - Is there a window, then it's an EPROM - you can't update this type by using software. - It's a "SST"- or "Winbond"-Chip: you can update by software. 2) Remove any memory-manager (EMM386.EXE) 3) Clear any password settings in BIOS-Setup. 4) Start program: FLASH465 433AUS25.ROM (for Version 25) (Start AWDFLASH if AWARD-Bios is running) If the programming failed, you can start the programming on an other mainboard with Flash EPROM. Before you confirm the programming, you can change the EPROM with the defect one (while system is running). The bios update could be impossible with - Cyrix 5x86 CPU (if error, then take an other CPU) - MS-DOS Version 6.20 (take 6.22) If you set the System-Clock to 40 MHz for 40/80/120 CPUs, you must test the PCI-Components if they run with this frequence. Take notice of PCI-Spec: it is specified up to 33 MHz, but some components run also with 40 MHz. 50 MHz is in all cases too much.