SiS IDE Drivers Installation Utility ==================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Uninstall SiS IDE DOS driver if you want to install SiS IDE Netware driver. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Under "IDE DEVICE DRIVER INSTALL UTILITY", user can install SiS IDE DOS, SiS IDE Windows 3.x, SiS IDE Windows for Workgroup 3.11, SiS IDE Netware 4.1 drivers directly from according "INSTALL DRIVER" menu. 3. Under "IDE DEVICE DRIVER INSTALL UTILITY", user can read installation procedures for SiS IDE Windows 95, SiS IDE Windows NT 3.5x, SiS IDE Windows NT 4.x, SiS IDE OS2 Warp 3, SiS IDE Netware 3.x, drivers from according "INSTALL DRIVER" menu. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Hard Drives' default wait states are set by using Hard Drive internal information automatically. The recommended value table for different mode Hard Drives is as follow : Hard Disk Mode 4 3 2 1 0 ================================================== Recovery Time 1 3 8 A 0 Active Time 3 3 6 6 0 ================================================== Note that the range for Recovery Time is 0-F and for Active Time is 0-7. In config.sys file, users can use /A /R and /M parameters to set the wait states and IDE BUS MASTER CONFIGURATION SPACE BASE ADDRESS manually. For example: "DEVICE=C:\SISIDE\SISDR.SYS /A3456 /R6543 /M:4000" means active time for channel 0 master is 3*30ns channel 0 slave is 4*30ns channel 1 master is 5*30ns channel 1 slave is 6*30ns recovery time for channel 0 master is 6*30ns channel 0 slave is 5*30ns channel 1 master is 4*30ns channel 1 slave is 3*30ns and the CONFIGURATION SPACE BASE ADDRESS is 4000h. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q & A : 1. Under Windows 95, system will hang when accessing IDE CD-ROM Driver motion happened, such as open "My Computer", CD-ROM Autoplay ...... Etc. Ans: When this situation happened, SiS suggest remove IDE CD-ROM DOS Driver provided by device company. IDE CD-ROM DOS Driver Removing Procedure: Please remark or delete "mscdex.exe" command in c:\autoexec.bat and remark or delete IDE CD-ROM DOS Driver in c:\config.sys files, 2. Novell Netware Server will hang when client is trying to login. Ans: Please remember to use Uninstall function to remove SiS IDE DOS Driver after SiS IDE Netware Driver installed. 3. How to use 32-bit file access for Hard Disk and CD-ROM working at the same channel in WFW 3.11 environment ? Ans: It is a limitation of the system. You should either put the devices in different channel or turn the 32-bit file access off. 4. DOS Driver adjusts HD speed by parameter : e.g: You can write the following line in config.sys device=c:\siside\sisdr.sys /Rxxxx /Axxxx Where x could be 0 .. 9, A .. F for speed . R : Recovery time A : Active time ( ref. Above note 5 ) 5. After SiS IDE DOS driver installed. Some mode 4 hard disk will cause system hang at the IDE driver loading procedure when we reboot the system. Ans: Users can avoid this by downing the speed in Manual function as Q&A 4.