UPDATE FLASH BIOS ================= This document explains how to use the FLASH.EXE utility to update your system BIOS. ************************************************************** * * * WARNING !! * * ========== * * * * A FLASH BIOS, together with FLASH.EXE utility, allows you * * to update your system BIOS without changing the BIOS * * chip. However, if you accidently write something wrong * * instead of the correct BIOS code into FLASH BIOS, the * * system may not be bootable anymore. Should this happen, * * the only remedy is to replace the BIOS chip. Please read * * this document carefully before you start updating your * * FLASH BIOS. * * * ************************************************************** 1. Please make sure that your motherboard BIOS is a FLASH BIOS and related "BIOS Type Selection" jumpers (586F52 and 486F55, boards only) are set correctly. 1.5 Save the settings in your current BIOS before you upgrade, by writting them down or printing them out. 2. Boot your system from an MS-DOS system diskette which contains only COMMAND.COM and not CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files. 3. Change to the directory which contains both the FLASH.EXE and new BIOS code. 4. Type "FLASH xxxxxx.BIN", then press "ENTER". xxxxxx.BIN is the new BIOS file you just downloaded. 5. The FLASH utility will show the following message: "Do You Want To Save Bios(Y/N)" By typing "Y" you will save the old BIOS code in a file. We strongly recommend you save a copy of the old BIOS code. Save your old BIOS using the name OLD.BIN. 6. After saving the old BIOS code, the FLASH utility will show the following message: "Are you sure to program(y/n)" By typing "Y" the program will start writing the new BIOS code into the FLASH BIOS. 7. After the new BIOS code has been written to the FLASH BIOS, the system may reboot by itself, or the FLASH utility will show the following message: "Please Power Off or Reset System !" At this time, you may turn off power and restart your system. During the boot sequence, press the "DEL" key to enter into the BIOS setup menu to re-configure your system. Load the setup defaults for your BIOS using the Load Setup Defaults option. Now choose the Standard CMOS Setup option. In this screen you need to configure your hard disk drives and floppy disk drives. Press the "ESC" key when you are finished configuring your HDDs and FDDs. If there are settings that you need to change elsewhere in the BIOS, change them now. When you are finished choose the Save and exit setup option on the initial CMOS(BIOS) setup utility screen. End.