Step 1: Make a DOS boot diskette without autoexec.bat and config.sys files. Copy the PHLASH.EXE, PLATFORM.BIN, and 0307.ROM(say if you wanna to update to version 0307) BIOS Image files to this diskette. Step 2: Turn the system off, then boot the system using the boot diskette you just created. Then type PHLASH/MODE=3 0307.ROM (say if you wanna to update to version 0307) and press [ENTER]. Step 3: It will now update the flash BIOS. If flash memory has been successfully programmed, it will ask you to press any key to restart the system. Please press any key to restart your system. If system cannot restart itself, power off the system, then restart it. Step 4: Assuming that you have successfully flashed the BIOS. After the system reboots, hit [F2] to enter the CMOS Setup. At this point, go to "Load Setup Defaults" field at "Exit" sub-menu. Then save and exit setup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that to have better disk performance, please also enable DMA setting at "CONTROL PANEL" \"SYSTEM" \"DEVICE MANAGER" \"DISK DRIVES" \"GENERIC IDE DISK TYPE01" \"SETTINGS" if it is a UDMA HDD. Based on our HDD testing experience, IBM DTCA-24090 HDD has better performance than HITACHI and TOSHIBA HDDs. Please also keep in mind that Pentium II MMO implement 440BX chipset, and 440BX does NOT support mixing of EDO and SDRAM. Since P6300 is 16 MB SDRAM on board already, so you can not and should not insert any EDO DIMM on expansion sockets.