=========================================================================== IBM VisualAge for Java for Windows Version 1.0 Entry Edition Installation Notes =========================================================================== 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Prerequisites 3.0 Installation Problems 1.0 Introduction Welcome to the IBM VisualAge for Java Version 1.0 Entry Edition. This is an unsupported trial version of the product which contains an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with a Visual Composition Editor to help programmers rapidly create graphical Java applets and applications. Before installing this product we recommend you read this file in its entirety. To install the product: - Uninstall any Beta versions of the product from the system. - Unzip the wEnty100.zip (preserving the directory structure when unzipping) into a temporary directory. - Invoke the 'setup.exe' file from the 'setup' subdirectory and follow the instructions to install. - Once you have completed installation read the release notes by clicking the 'Release Notes' icon in the IBM VisualAge for Java product folder. There are two product versions of IBM VisualAge for Java should you wish to purchase either of them. - VisualAge for Java Professional contains the same function as this trial Edition but there is no limit on the number of classes that can be created and online documentation is provided. - VisualAge for Java Enterprise contains the same function as the Professional Edition with the addition of Enterprise Access Builders which enable you to generate and develop JavaBeans components that establish connections between the Java client and IBM CICS Transaction Servers, application servers, and data servers. For more information, on-line help or to give feedback on the product, please visit the following site: http://www.software.ibm.com/ad/vajava 2.0 Prerequisites VisualAge for Java Version 1.0 Entry Edition requires the following software and hardware for development with the IDE: - Windows 95 (or higher) or Windows NT 4.0 (or higher) - An 'unzip' tool - Pentium(R) processor or higher recommended - SVGA (800x600) display or higher - 32 MB RAM minimum (48 MB recommended) - Frames-capable Web Browser to view HTML Help files on the Web 3.0 Installation Problems The following is a list of items that you should be aware of during install: - If installing to a very large FAT drive then the required space is almost doubled (due to 32KB cluster overhead). - Do not install to an HPFS network or local drive (since Windows 95 and NT4.0 have trouble handling long file names on such a drive). - If you are installing from a Web downloaded image then be sure to create a "tmp" directory on a FAT or NTFS drive (not HPFS) and unzip the web image to yield the actual install programs ("setup.exe" will not run from an HPFS drive with a long file name in its directory). - In addition to the space required for the product, you must have at least 2MB free on your Windows system drive, and you must have your environment variable TEMP or TMP pointing to a valid temporary directory with at least 5MB free. This also applies to the UnInstall program. - Windows 95 has an AUTOEXEC.BAT path restriction of 255 characters. If your current path is greater than 200 characters then you should remove entries from it prior to installing. - Windows NT4.0 has a registry path restriction of 511 characters. If your current path is greater than 450 characters then you should remove entries from it prior to installing. - If you have an install problem, please delete all the files located in the root install tree which by default is C:\IBMVJava. You will also need to delete the registry \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\VisualAge for Java for Windows entry by using the following instructions: 1) Make sure you have an Emergency Recovery Disk. Instructions for creating this are available in the Windows operating system documentation. 2) Invoke "regedit.exe" from a command prompt. 3) Expand and select the key \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\VisualAge for Java for Windows 4) Select Edit->Delete from the menu bar pulldown for this key. 5) Select the YES pushbutton when asked to confirm deletion of the key. 6) Select Registry->Exit from the menu bar pulldown. - If you get a message that indicates that the install has detected a "Shell Extension" for Windows NT, the install will not be able to proceed and will terminate. In order to get VisualAge for Java installed, you should perform the following tasks: 1) Make sure you have an Emergency Recovery Disk. Instructions for creating this are available in the Windows operating system documentation. 2) Invoke "regedit.exe" from a command prompt. 3) Expand the key \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon 4) Select the SHELL name in the name/data pairs for the above key. 5) MAKE A NOTE OF THE 'DATA' RECORDED FOR THIS 'NAME' AS YOU WILL NEED IT AFTER INSTALLING IBM VISUALAGE FOR JAVA. 6) Select Edit->Modify from the menu bar pulldown for the SHELL name/data pair. 7) Set the value for the SHELL name to Explorer.exe, and then select the OK pushbutton. 8) Select Registry->Exit from the menu bar pulldown. 9) Restart and complete IBM VisualAge for Java installation. 10) Once installation is complete restore the previous registry entry as follows: - Invoke "regedit.exe" from a command prompt. - Expand the key \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon - Select the SHELL name in the name/data pairs for the above key. - Select Edit->Modify from the menu bar pulldown for the SHELL name/data pair. - Restore the value for the SHELL name to the value that was recorded in Step (5), and then select the OK pushbutton. - Select Registry->Exit from the menu bar pulldown. =========================================================================== (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1991, 1997 - All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =========================================================================== Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries, or both: IBM VisualAge CICS Other terms used in Installation Notes, which may be denoted by a double asterisk(**), are trademarks or service marks of others. Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. ===========================================================================