=========================================================================== IBM VisualAge for Java for OS/2 Version 1.0 Entry Edition Installation Notes =========================================================================== 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Prerequisites 3.0 Installation Problems 1.0 Introduction Welcome to the IBM VisualAge for Java Version 1.0 Entry Edition. This is an unsupported trial version of the product which contains an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with a Visual Composition Editor to help programmers rapidly create graphical Java applets and applications. Before installing this product we recommend you read this file in its entirety. To install the product: - Unzip the oEnty100.zip file (preserving the directory structure when unzipping) into a temporary directory. - Invoke the 'install.exe' file from the 'install' subdirectory and follow the instructions to install. - Once you have completed installation read the release notes by clicking the 'Release Notes' icon in the IBM VisualAge for Java for OS/2 folder. There are two product versions of IBM VisualAge for Java should you wish to purchase either of them. - VisualAge for Java Professional contains the same function as this trial Edition but there is no limit on the number of classes that can be created and online documentation is provided. - VisualAge for Java Enterprise contains the same function as the Professional Edition with the addition of Enterprise Access Builders which enable you to generate JavaBeans components that establish fast connections between the Java client and IBM CICS Transaction Servers, application servers, and data servers. For more information, on-line help or to give feedback on the product, please visit the following site: http://www.software.ibm.com/ad/vajava 2.0 Prerequisites VisualAge for Java Version 1.0 Entry Edition requires the following software and hardware for development with the IDE: - OS/2 Warp Version 4.0 or higher (or OS/2 Warp Server Version 4 or OS/2 Warp Advanced Server Version 4.0) - An 'unzip' tool - Pentium(R) processor or higher recommended - SVGA (800x600) display or higher - 32 MB RAM minimum (48 MB recommended) - A frames-capable Web Browser to view HTML files on the Web such as Netscape Navigator for OS/2 2.02. 3.0 Installation Problems The following is a list of items that you should be aware of during install: - VisualAge for Java must be installed to a drive which supports long file names such as an HPFS drive. - An Uninstall of the product will require about 5 MB on the TEMP drive. (Or TMP drive, if TEMP is not set as an environment variable). - If there is an install problem resulting in an unusable system, perform the following tasks to remove all IBM VisualAge for Java components from your system: - Uninstall IBM VisualAge for Java by running "uninstal.cmd" from the INSTALL subdirectory of the directory where you installed IBM VisualAge for Java (eg. C:\IBMVJava). - Restore config.sys with the backup created automatically during install. Install creates numbered backups, of the form config.xyz, where xyz is the first available number from 000 to 100. The backups will have the time and date stamp of the time of the install. Copy the most recent backup file over config.sys. - Delete the desktop folder for IBM VisualAge for Java. - Delete all product files found in the directory where you installed IBM VisualAge for Java (eg. C:\IBMVJava). - The "Release Notes" icon is created as a URL object. If the default browser on the system is not Netscape Navigator for OS/2, the Release Notes html file will not be displayed when the icon is double-clicked. To allow the object to display, - Right-click on the icon and select properties. - From the properties notebook, select the Browser page. - Change the "Path and File name" entry to the location of netscape.exe. - If the checkbox labeled "Integrated browser" is checked, uncheck it. - Close the notebook. =========================================================================== (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1991, 1997 - All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =========================================================================== Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries, or both: IBM VisualAge OS/2 CICS Other terms used in Installation Notes, which may be denoted by a double asterisk(**), are trademarks or service marks of others. Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. ===========================================================================