1000 Welcome to the InControl Tools 95 Monitor Wizard. 1001 1002 You have chosen to use the Monitor wizard because 1003 the manufacturer and model of your monitor is not 1004 among those listed in the Control Panel. 1005 1006 You may find the list in the Control Panel on the 1007 'Settings' page by pressing the 'Change Display Type...' 1008 button. 1009 1010 1011 If you are ready to begin click Next. 1012 1013 1040 In order to determine your monitor's capabilities we are 1041 going to apply various operating settings to your monitor. 1042 Each setting will cause your screen to flicker momentarily. 1043 When the test is done your original settings will be restored. 1044 1045 If you have never been through this process we 1046 recommend the 'Minimal' or 'Full' monitor setup, 1047 otherwise choose 'Custom'. 1048 1050 Determines which modes your monitor 1051 supports at a refresh rate of 60 Hz. 1053 Determines which modes your monitor 1054 supports at the highest refresh rate. 1056 Allows you to select your own mode 1057 and refresh rate combination. 1059 Please test this mode 1061 Mode tested and is valid 1063 Mode tested and is NOT valid 1080 You may begin testing when you are ready. The screen may 1081 flicker momentarily for each setting. The Wizard will ask 1082 you if the screen looks normal. If it doesn't look normal 1083 you can wait a moment or press the ESC key and your 1084 screen will be restored. 1085 1086 1120 You may begin testing when you are ready. The screen may 1121 flicker momentarily for each setting. The Wizard will ask 1122 you if the screen looks normal. If it doesn't look normal 1123 you can wait a moment or press the ESC key and your 1124 screen will be restored. 1125 1126 1160 You may select the modes to be tested( either one at a 1161 time or several at once). When you begin testing the 1162 Wizard will ask you if the screen looks normal. If it 1163 doesn't you can wait a moment or press the ESC key 1164 and your screen will be restored. 1165 1166 1200 The modes which your monitor can do have been collected. 1201 If you are satisfied with the test process and would like 1202 to save the results click 'Finish'. 1203 1204 If you would like to go back and perform the test again 1205 you may do so now. 1206 1207 1208 1240 There was no response to the previous mode. This probably \n 1241 means your monitor does not support this mode. Before \n 1242 continuing we wanted to protect your monitor by restoring \n 1243 it to its normal operating settings. \n \n 1244 Do you wish to continue testing? 1245 1246 1280 Does the Screen look Normal and Stable? \n \nPress 'ESC' or 'Cancel' to abort the test. \n 1281 Testing Mode: 1282 Diamond Custom Monitor Wizard - Welcome 1283 Diamond Custom Monitor Wizard - Setup Type 1284 Diamond Custom Monitor Wizard - Minimal Setup 1285 Diamond Custom Monitor Wizard - Full Setup 1286 Diamond Custom Monitor Wizard - Custom Setup 1287 Diamond Custom Monitor Wizard - Finished 1288 Minimal 1289 Full 1290 Custom 1291 Begin Testing 1292 Clear results and start over. 1293 Legend 1294 Monitor Wizard - User defined monitor not selected 1295 Diamond Custom Monitor Wizard - Owner's Manual 1296 Horizontal [ kHz ] 1297 Vertical [ Hz ] 1298 Maximum Frequencies 1299 Test Next Mode 1300 %d %% Completed 1301 Diamond Custom Monitor Wizard - Disclaimer 1302 Approximate duration of test: %d minutes 1303 Diamond Custom Monitor Wizard - Explanation 1304 The Monitor Wizard cannot test with these limits! 1340 In order to run the Custom Monitor Wizard you must first \n 1341 select '(User defined monitor types)' in the Control Panel. \n 1342 \n 1343 To make this selection do the following: \n 1344 \n 1345 1. Enter the Control Panel. \n 1346 2. Click the 'Settings' tab. \n 1347 3. Click the 'Change Display Type...' button. \n 1348 4. Click the 'Change' Monitor type button. \n 1349 5. Click the 'Show all devices' option. \n 1350 6. Click the '(User defined monitor types)' entry. \n 1351 7. Click 'OK' \n 1352 8. Click 'Close' button. \n 1353 \n 1354 You can now run the Monitor Wizard \n 1380 Please enter the frequencies listed below for your 1381 monitor. These frequencies should be found in the 1382 specification section of the manual which came with 1383 your monitor. 1384 Warning: if you enter incorrect frequencies monitor 1385 damage may result. 1400 Now select the maximum resolution for your monitor. 1401 When you are ready to continue click Next. 1440 WARNING!!! You have not entered valid values for 1441 your monitor's capabilities on the previous page! 1442 1443 If you continue this test without entering the proper 1444 values on the previous page, there is a risk that 1445 the following tests may damage your monitor! We 1446 recommend that you contact your monitor company to 1447 obtain the correct information. By clicking 'Next' 1448 you agree to hold Diamond Multimedia harmless for 1449 any and all damage which may be caused to your monitor 1450 by the following testing. 1451 1452 Without more information, the default refresh rate of 1453 60 Hz will be used throughout the test. 1454 1455 To continue at your own risk click Next. 1480 Testing stopped! 1481 Your monitor has not sync'ed with any of the 4 possible 1482 polarities for this resolution. This probably means the 1483 limit of your monitor has been exceeded and further 1484 testing could damage your monitor! 1520 1521 You have chosen the 'Full' test. This means that, within 1522 the limits specified by you on the Owner's Manual page, 1523 each of the four sync polarities will be tried at every 1524 resolution and refresh rate combination in order to 1525 locate where your monitor will sync. 1526 1527 The approximate time for the test is shown below. 1528 1529 Click Next to continue. 1560 1561 You have chosen the 'Minimal' test. This means that, 1562 within the limits specified by you on the Owner's Manual 1563 page, each of the four sync polarities will be tried at 1564 every resolution in order to locate where your monitor 1565 will sync. The refresh rate for all tests will be 60 Hz. 1566 1567 The approximate time for the test is shown below. 1569 1570 Click Next to continue. 1600 1601 You have chosen the 'Custom' test. This means that only 1602 the modes you select will be tested. You may select and 1603 test one mode at a time or you may select several modes 1604 at once. Only the modes allowed by the limits specified 1605 by you on the Owner's Manual page are listed. 1606 1607 Click Next to continue. 1640 IMPORTANT!!! In the following tests you MUST reply 'Yes' \n 1641 for each mode which makes your screen appear normal. \n \n 1642 If your screen does NOT appear normal you may press the \n 1643 ESC key, or the 'No' or 'Cancel' buttons. If you do nothing \n 1644 it is assumed your monitor did not sync!