***************************************************************************** * LHASA ver0.11 (FREEWARE) * * Copyright(C)1997 by Takemura * * Translated by Hitoshi Ozawa * * Release Jan.22,1996 * ***************************************************************************** Thank you for downloading Lhasa. Lhasa, pronounced like combination of words 'lash' and 'sir', is a Windows95 program to extract Lha archived files (extension *.lzh) and Zip files. Files may be extracted by dragging and dropping files from the File Manager. If a short cut to Lhasa is defined on a Windows95 desktop, a file may be dragged and dropped to this short cut. Requirements ***************************************************************** Hardware: 8086 or higher machine Software: Windows 95 / NT Liability ******************************************************************* The author and the developer of this software will not take responsibility for any damage that may result from the use of this software. The files contained in LHASA010.EXE are distributed "as is" and without any expressed and implied warranties. The user assumes the entire risk of using the software. Included Files *************************************************************** The following files are included in the LHASA010.EXE file: LHASA.EXE Archive file extraction program file LHASA.TXT Japanese README.TXT file FILE_ID.DIZ Program description file README.TXT The file you are reading right now Installation **************************************************************** Execute the archive file, LHASA010.EXE, from the File Manager or MS Explorer. Specify the directory to extract the archive file. Lhasa will self-extract to the specified directory. How to Use ****************************************************************** WindowsNT3.51 users To set default directory to extract files: - Select Lhasa icon from the desktop. - Specify directory to extract file when a system menu prompts for 'extract to' directory. Files dragged and dropped to Lhasa icon will extract to this directory. To create directory when extracting files: - Click the left mouse button on the Lhasa icon. - Check [Create Directory] option. Files will be extracted to a directory that is created with a name of the archive file without the file extension. If you are going to run Lhasa from a program launcher: - Click the left mouse button on the Lhasa icon. - Uncheck [Stay Resident] option. Please also read Command line section for further details. Windows95/NT4.0 users Please create a short cut to Lhasa or place Lhasa directly on a desktop. Lhasa will prompt for directory to extract files and optional parameters if no file name is specified. After specifying extraction directory, drop archive files to extract. It is recommended to create a desktop of a directory to extract files and set option to create folder for each file. (Refer to WindowsNT section) To open folder after extracting files: - Click the left mouse button on the Lhasa icon. - Check [Open after extract] option. Command line options When activating Lhasa from a program launcher, settings may be changed temporary by specifying the following parameters with LHASA.EXE Parameter Description -d(destination) extract files to directory specified by (destination) -a create directory when extracting files (same as checking Create Directory option) -a- extract files to default directory (same as unchecking Create Directory option) -s Lhasa will stay resident after extracting files (same as checking Stay Resident option) -s- Close Lhasa after extracting files (same as unchecking Stay Resident option) Miscellaneous Settings are saved to Windows' Registry. Releases ******************************************************************** Feb.28,1997 ver0.11 - Support crypted zip - Fix zip extraction bug Feb.04,1997 ver0.10 - Support 'not Japanese' Windows system (Special thanks to Mr. Hitoshi Ozawa) - Add [Extract to source folder] Sept.15,1996 ver0.09 - Fixed to extract files with names containing several '.' - Support deletion of Associated files - Display changes in Associated files June19,1996 ver0.08 - Fix zip extraction bug - Improved routine to process unarchive files June03,1996 ver0.07 - Fix zip extraction bug - Avoid error when trying to re-display icon after associating files May 20,1996 ver0.06 - Support Windows95 dialog boxes - Write settings to Windows' Registry - Fix problem with some zip files being unable to extract - Add [Extract to] Apr.30,1996 ver0.05 - Able to create long file name when a file is dropped to a short cut icon - Disable converting spaces to underlines - Able to associate to an archive file - Add installer Apr.04,1996 ver0.04 - Fix time stamp bug that was offsetting time by 9 hours - Support zip file extraction Jan.17,1996 ver0.03 - Developed 32bit version - Change to end program after each execution - Support command line option - Fix to extract first file in archive file that was not being extracted on archive file made by some archiver Feb.08,1995 ver0.02 - Fix bug with archive file containing kanji directory names - Improved check routine while extracting files - Improved to run better on NT - Supported lh6 archive format July01,1994 ver0.01 - first public release Miscellaneous *************************************************************** I want to thank Mr. Yoshizaki for making public .LZH/.LZS access library Ver.0.98c with which Lhasa's LHA extraction class is based. Lhasa is the name of the capital of Tibet. The name was chosen arbitrary just because it started with letters 'lh'. (^_^) Distribution **************************************************************** Lhasa may be only distributed if the following conditions are obeyed: 1. This program can be distributed only in the ORIGINAL archived LHASA010.EXE formatted file. Do not change this file or any files within. 3. Please make it apparent that Lhasa is a FREEWARE. It is necessary to state this in the program description. 4. If this program is to be mentioned in any article, please send an E-mail note to one of the developers. If it is going to be distributed in any other ways (e.g. on CD-ROM), please contact the developer. The developer is willing to discuss other means of distribution. Please send a note to one of the E-mail addresses in the support section below. Copyright ******************************************************************* Lhasa is copyrighted by Takemura. Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and other countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Support ********************************************************************** Support for Lhasa is provided by e-mail. If you have any question, opinion, suggestions, or any other comments, please send an E-mail to: Takemura mail: GGB01506@niftyserve.or.jp homepage: http://www.st.rim.or.jp/~otake/ Other Japanese software may be founded at: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~h_ozawa/