Quick View Plus for Windows 3.1 Technical Support Notes ------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: 1) Launch Options a) Closing file on launch b) Setting launch contexts c) Launch instead of view d) Disabling launch for particular viewers e) Launch notes and exceptions f) Launch ID numbers 2) Integrations a) General information b) Understanding the Quick View Plus AddOn window c) Understanding the AddOn Manager: d) File Manager integrations e) E-mail integrations f) GroupWare integrations g) Internet Browser integrations h) Word Processor integrations 3) Format specific information a) Autocad DXF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Launch Options a) Closing file on launch Quick View Plus may now be configured so that the view of files and mail attachments will close when the file is launched. This behavior is controlled by a command string that the user must enter in the [QVPLUS] section of the SCC.INI file (located in the Windows directory). To leave files open in the view window upon launch, no modification to the default configuration is necessary. To close files viewed upon Launch, enter the following line in the [QVPLUS] section of SCC.INI: CloseFileOnLaunch=YES To disable this setting, the user may delete the command string or set its value to NO. The only valid values are YES and NO. It is not case sensitive. NOTE: This command string affects only the launch behavior from tear-off windows or the AddOn interface. If you launch a file from the Quick View Plus stand-alone interface (the one you get by double-clicking on the Quick View Plus icon), its view will always close, though Quick View Plus will remain open. WARNING: Setting this parameter to YES may cause problems if you launch attachments from cc:Mail, Lotus Notes or Novell GroupWise. b) Setting launch contexts You can control the contexts where Launch is active by placing the following command in the [QVPLUS] section of your SCC.INI file (located in your Windows directory): LAUNCH={ALL|OIONLY|OFF} "ALL" enables launching both in the main Quick View Plus program and in the AddOn interface (accessed through OI's E-Mail integrations) "OIONLY" enables launching in the main Quick View Plus program, but disables it in the AddOn interface. "OFF" disables launching both in the main Quick View Plus program and in the AddOn interface. When Launch is disabled for all viewers in a particular context, the Launch icon will be grayed out. NOTE: This parameter is overridden by the [LaunchOnly] parameter (see below). c) Launch instead of view If you prefer to use another application to view specific file formats, you can configure Quick View Plus so that particular formats are launched instead of viewed. This feature is supported by Quick View Plus's Microsoft Mail Attachment Handler, Windows File Manager AddOn, and Quick View Plus itself. To enable this feature, you must edit the SCC.INI created by the installation program and add a section as shown below: [LaunchOnly] ID={YES|NO} ID={YES|NO} . . . Where 'ID' is a four digit number identifying the file type you wish to have the LaunchOnly behavior. If the value is set to YES, Quick View Plus will not view files of that type but immediatly launch the associated application. The id numbers for formats recognized by Quick View Plus are listed in "Launch ID numbers" the end of this section. To enable this feature for file types not recognized by Quick View Plus, add the following line to the [LaunchOnly] section of the SCC.INI: 1999=ON For network versions of Quick View Plus, the network administrator may create a SCC.INI in the Quick View Plus network directory which will be duplicated for each workstation during node installation. NOTE: The LaunchOnly settings override the value of the "LAUNCH=" parameter discussed above. d) Disabling launch for particular viewers To disable the Launch feature for a particular viewer or group of viewers, you must edit the SCC.INI created by the installation program and add a section as shown below: [DisableLaunch] ID={YES|NO} ID={YES|NO} . . . Where 'ID' is a four digit number identifying the file type you wish to disable launching for. If the value is set to YES, Quick View Plus will gray out the launch item for that file type. The id numbers for formats recognized by Quick View Plus are listed in "Launch ID numbers" the end of this section. If there is a conflict between the LaunchOnly and DisableLaunch settings, such that the same viewer is simultaneously set to launch instead of view and disabled for launching, Quick View Plus will display an error message explaining the conflict. e) Launch notes and exceptions Some applications do not run well under Windows; launching these programs is not supported in Quick View Plus: dBASE III dBASE IV Microsoft Excel (Ver 2.10 only) MultiMate 4 MultiMate Advantage II Paradox Paradox 3.0 R:Base 3.1 Samna IV Some applications do not support loading a file from the command line. Quick View Plus will launch these programs, but is not able to load documents for the following applications: DataEase 4.2 DisplayWrite 2,3,4 & 5 Enable First Choice Lotus 1-2-3 Lotus Manuscript Lotus Symphony Mass-11 Mosaic Twin MultiMate 3.6 PC File 5.0 Q&A Smartware II Volkswriter 3 VP Planner 3D The following applications will cause an inactive window to appear when the application is exited. You should close this inactive window before returning to Quick View Plus. Professional Write 1 MultiMate 3.6 PFS:Professional Plan If you have difficulty launching files created in applications not found on the lists above, try running the application independently of Quick View Plus. You must be able to run a program from Windows in order to launch the program using Quick View Plus. f) Launch ID numbers 1804-.ARC File 1801-.COM File 1800.EXE File 1802-.ZIP File 1056-Ami1 5002-Ami (internal bitmap) 1511-Ami Draw 1057-Ami Pro 4000-ASCII 1544-AutoCAD DXF (ASCII) 1545-AutoCAD DXF (binary) 1505-CCITT Group 3 Fax 1528-CGM Graphic Metafile 1503-CompuServe GIF 1520-Corel Draw 2.0x 1521-Corel Draw 3.0x 1537-Corel Draw 4.0 1541-Corel Draw 5.0 1205-DataEase 4.x 1201-dBASE III 1202-dBASE IV and V 1539-DCX 1021-DEC DX 3.0 and below 1077-DEC DX 3.1 1406-Enable Spreadsheet 1046-Enable WP 3.0 1074-Enable WP 4.x 1504-EPS (TIFF Header) 1058-First Choice 3 WP 1214-First Choice DB 1414-First Choice SS 1017-First Choice WP 1203-Framework III 1513-GEM Image 1416-Generic WKS 1524-Harvard Graphics 2.x Chart 1523-Harvard Graphics 3.x Chart 1525-Harvard Graphics 3.x Presentation 1522-HP Graphics Language 1034-IBM DCA/FFT 1008-IBM DCA/RFT 1009-IBM DisplayWrite 2 or 3 1036-IBM DisplayWrite 4 1053-IBM DisplayWrite 5 1016-IBM Writing Assistant 1535-JPEG 1066-JustWrite 1.0 1069-JustWrite 2.0 1062-Legacy 1401-Lotus 1-2-3 1.0 1401-Lotus 1-2-3 2.0 1430-Lotus 1-2-3 2.0 for OS/2 1431-Lotus 1-2-3 2.0 Graph for OS/2 1403-Lotus 1-2-3 3.x 1421-Lotus 1-2-3 4.x and 5.x 1526-Lotus Freelance 2.0 for Windows 1044-Lotus Manuscript 1.0 1045-Lotus Manuscript 2.0 1509-Lotus PIC 1651-Lotus Screen Snapshot 1652-Lotus Screen Snapshot (binary) 1510-Mac PICT 1506-Mac PICT2 5004-Mac PICT2 Binary 1029-Mac Word 3.0 1030-Mac Word 4.0 1073-Mac Word 5.0 1035-Mac WordPerfect 1.x 1059-Mac WordPerfect 2.0 1080-Mac WordPerfect 3.0 1215-Mac Works 2.0 DB 1417-Mac Works 2.0 SS 1060-Mac Works 2.0 WP 1518-MacPaint 1032-MacWrite II 1031-Mass 11 1517-Micrografx product 1218-Microsoft Access 1.0 and 2.0 1529-Microsoft Excel 2.0 Chart 1405-Microsoft Excel 2.x 1415-Microsoft Excel 3.0 1530-Microsoft Excel 3.0 Chart 1419-Microsoft Excel 4.0 1531-Microsoft Excel 4.0 Chart 1424-Microsoft Excel 5.0 1536-Microsoft Excel 5.0 Chart 1425-Microsoft Multiplan 1538-Microsoft PowerPoint 4.0 1543-Microsoft PowerPoint 7.0 1000-Microsoft Word 4 1001-Microsoft Word 5.x 1076-Microsoft Word 6.x 5005-Microsoft Word/Windows (internal bitmap) 1054-Microsoft Word/Windows 1.x 1055-Microsoft Word/Windows 1.x (FS) 1065-Microsoft Word/Windows 2.0 1096-Microsoft Word/Windows 2.0 OLE2 1082-Microsoft Word/Windows 6.0 5006-Microsoft Word/Windows 6.0 Metafile 1102-Microsoft Word/Windows 7.0 1094-Microsoft WordPad for Windows 95 1048-Microsoft Works 1.0 1049-Microsoft Works 2.0 1204-Microsoft Works DB 1407-Microsoft Works SS 1216-Microsoft Works Windows (DB) 1418-Microsoft Works Windows (SS) 1068-Microsoft Works Windows (WP) 1220-Microsoft Works Windows 3 (DB) 1426-Microsoft Works Windows 3 (SS) 1093-Microsoft Works Windows 3 (WP) 1409-Mosaic Twin 1006-MultiMate 3.6 1039-MultiMate 4.0 1007-MultiMate Advantage 2 1041-MultiMate Note 1019-Navy DIF 1051-OfficeWriter 1514-OS/2 Bitmap 1502-Paintbrush 1206-Paradox 2 or 3 1207-Paradox 3.5 1217-Paradox 4 for Windows 1043-PC File 5.0 Doc 1413-PFS: Plan 1012-PFS: Write A 1013-PFS: Write B 1014-Professional Write 1 1015-Professional Write 2 1061-Professional Write Plus 1208-Q&A Database 1040-Q&A Write 1079-Q&A Write 3.0 1412-Quattro 1411-Quattro Pro DOS 1428-Quattro Pro DOS 5.0 1420-Quattro Pro for Windows 1429-Quattro Pro Windows 6.0 1211-R:Base 5000 1212-R:Base File 1 1213-R:Base File 3 1210-R:Base System V 1209-Reflex 1028-Rich Text Format 1011-Samna 1803-Self UnZIPping .EXE 1063-Signature 1200-Smart DataBase 1404-Smart Spreadsheet 1010-SmartWare II 1022-Sprint 1410-SuperCalc 5 1400-Symphony 1501-Tagged Image File Format 1512-Targa 1024-Total Word 1020-Volkswriter 1408-VP-Planner 1025-Wang IWP 1500-Windows Bitmap 1516-Windows Cursor 1515-Windows Icon 1508-Windows Metafile 5000-Windows Metafile (binary) 1700-Windows Sound 1700-Windows Video 1047-Windows Write 1018-WordMarc 5001-WordPerfecr Graphic (binary) 1023-WordPerfect 4.2 1005-WordPerfect 5.0 1083-WordPerfect 5.1 Japanese 1038-WordPerfect 5.1/5.2 1075-WordPerfect 6.0 1097-WordPerfect 6.1 1078-WordPerfect Encrypted 1507-WordPerfect Graphic 1527-WordPerfect Graphic 2.0 1004-WordStar 2000 1003-WordStar 4.0 1002-WordStar 5.0 1026-WordStar 5.5 1050-WordStar 6.0 1067-WordStar 7.0 1064-WordStar for Windows 1033-XyWrite / Nota Bene 2) Integrations a) General information During installation you have the option of integrating Quick View Plus with a variety of other programs. Once integrated, Quick View Plus's viewers become available directly from within the integrated program. Programs supporting integration are listed below: File Managers: Windows 3.1 File Manager Windows for Workgroups File Manager Norton Desktop for Windows WordPerfect Office for Windows E-Mail Programs: Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows cc:Mail Client version 1.1 for Windows Da Vinci eMAIL 2.02 for Windows Novell GroupWise (formerly, WordPerfect Office 4.x) Hewlett-Packard OpenMail GroupWare: Lotus Notes TeamWARE Office Internet Browsers: America OnLine Web Browser (version 2.5 and above) Netscape Navigator 1.1 and above as Helper Application Netscape Navigator 2.0 as Plug-ins SPRY Mosaic Browser (version 04 and above) Windows Word Processors: Microsoft Word for Windows Ami Pro WordPerfect for Windows NOTE: The installation program will automatically integrate Quick View Plus with your file manager. However, it will only integrate with your E-Mail or word processor if you select that option. If you did not integrate Quick View Plus with one of these programs during initial installation, you may do so by running Quick View Plus's Setup program again. b) Understanding the Quick View Plus AddOn window When invoking Quick View Plus from an integrated Windows word processor, the stand-alone Quick View Plus interface will be used. However, when integrated with E-Mail programs or file managers, invoking Quick View Plus will access an interface slightly different from that displayed when you invoke Quick View Plus as a stand-alone program. This new interface is called the AddOn window. The AddOn window provides an abbreviated tool bar featuring: Launch Print Copy Search Search Next Search Previous In addition, the display, print and Clipboard options defined for each file type are available from the drop-down menu to the right of the tool bar. The name of this menu will change depending on the file type viewed (Document, Spreadsheet, Database, Bitmap, Drawing, or Archive). The name of the integrated application (e.g., cc:Mail) will appear to the left of the tool bar. The View Window is located beneath the tool bar and will always be full-window width. Tear-off, file management functions and the accelerator keys are not available under the AddOn interface. NOTE: The AddOn window cannot view mail attachments that refer to subsidiary files for the content and/or attributes. This limitation affects viewing of R:BASE and DataEase attachments. Such file types can, however, be viewed directly within Quick View Plus, provided their subsidiary files are in the same directory as the main file. c) Understanding the AddOn Manager Quick View Plus provides an AddOn Manager module that keeps track of integrated applications and allows the user to enable or disable integration with a particular application. The AddOn manager is copied to the Startup group under Windows 3.1 during installation. If the Startup group is not present under Windows 3.1, or if the user is installing under Windows 3.0, the AddOn Manager's path and file name will be added to the Load line of the user's WIN.INI. The result of either method is that the AddOn Manager will be loaded into memory every time Windows is run. This is necessary for the Quick View Plus AddOn interface to be invoked from within cc:Mail, GroupWise or Da Vinci eMAIL. Though active, the AddOn Manager will not appear on the desktop as an icon. To access the AddOn Manager, simply click on its icon in the Quick View Plus group. The AddOn Manager consists of: Integrated Application list: The top half of the window provides a list of all integrated applications. To see information on an integrated application, or to enable/disable its integration, click on the application's name in this list. Information Area: The lower half of the window displays the following information for the selected application: Name, Description, Version and State (enabled or disabled). Enable/Disable: These buttons will enable or disable the integration of the selected application. When disabled, the application will still run, but it will no longer be integrated with Quick View Plus. To reenable integration, select the application and choose the Enable button. Note: When finished making changes, choose this button to save changes and exit the AddOn manager. d) File Manager integrations Quick View Plus allows you to integrate with popular Windows file managers. Each one is explained in the following sections. Windows 3.1 File Manager: The installation program will automatically integrate Quick View Plus with the Windows 3.1 File Manager. When integrated, a Quick View Plus item will appear in the File Manager menu bar. To view a file from the File Manager: - Select the file name in the file list window - Choose the QUICK VIEW PLUS menu item. - Choose the View menu item. The Quick View Plus AddOn Window will appear with the selected file viewed. Windows For Workgroups File Manager: Integration here is also automatic. When integrated, Quick View Plus will display as a button on the File Manager button bar. To view a file from the Workgroup File Manager: - Select the file name in the file list window - Choose the QUICK VIEW PLUS button in the button bar. The Quick View Plus AddOn window will appear with the selected file viewed. Norton Desktop for Windows: When Quick View Plus is integrated with Norton Desktop for Windows, Quick View Plus's viewers are available in a variety of contexts. It is imperative, however, that the user first set up the Quick View Plus viewers as Norton's default file viewers. If this is not done, Norton will use its own viewers instead of Quick View Plus's. To make Quick View Plus the default viewers: - Select the Norton Viewer icon to enter its viewer facility. - From the Viewer menu, choose SET DEFAULT VIEWER. - From the viewer list box, select QUICK VIEW PLUS VIEWERS. - Select OK to save your choice. Once made the default viewers, Quick View Plus's viewers may be invoked in three contexts: Using Norton's Viewer facility: Simply open the Viewer facility by choosing the Viewer icon. Then use File Open to select a file for viewing. When using a Quick View Plus viewer, Print and Copy buttons will appear in the upper right hand corner of the view window. Using Norton's File Manager: You access this function by selecting a Norton drive icon. To view a file, select the file name and then choose the View button. The file will be viewed in a new window below the drive and directory windows. To view another file, select its name in the file list window. Using the Norton Desktop Menu: When you Integrate with Norton Desktop, the main menu has a QUICK VIEW PLUS option. Open this menu and choose VIEW to start Quick View Plus. NOTE: To use the QUICK VIEW PLUS menu, you must already be viewing a file in the Norton File Manager. Otherwise the View option under the QUICK VIEW PLUS menu will be grayed out. Of course, you can still run Quick View Plus as a stand alone application under Norton Desktop as you would run any other Windows application. e) E-mail integrations Quick View Plus allows you to integrate with four popular E-mail programs. Each one is explained in the following sections. cc:Mail To view an attachment in cc:Mail: - Load cc:Mail and view the desired mail message as you normally would. - If you are using the default cc:Mail settings, Shift-Double-Click on the attachment you wish to view. If you have changed the defaults, Double-Click on the attachment. - The AddOn window appears. This window is integrated with the cc:Mail window and cannot be separated from it. Microsoft Mail 3.x The following section explains how to use Quick View Plus with Microsoft Mail 3.x. NOTE: Versions of Microsoft Mail earlier than 3.0 cannot be integrated with Quick View Plus. To view an attached file within Microsoft Mail 3.x, double click on the attachment icon. Occasionally you may want to revert to Microsoft Mail's default behavior with respect to attachments. In default mode, double-clicking on a mail attachment causes Microsoft Mail to attempt to launch the attached file, using the associations established in the Windows Registration Database. This behavior is overridden if Quick View Plus has been integrated. However, holding down the CTRL key while double-clicking on an attachment icon will restore the default response (i.e., instead of being viewed by Quick View Plus, the attachment will be launched using Microsoft Mail's capabilities). GroupWise In Novell GroupWise, you can use Quick View Plus's AddOn interface to view both the mail message itself and any attachments. - Load GroupWise and open your inbox. - Select and open the mail message you wish to work with. - Double click on the mail attachment you wish to view. - The AddOn window appears. This window is integrated with the GroupWise window and cannot be separated from it. Da Vinci eMail To view an attachment in Da Vinci: - Load Da Vinci eMAIL and view the desired mail message as you normally would. - Choose the Attachments button or choose ATTACHMENT from the Message menu. A dialog box listing any attachments will appear. - Select the attachment you wish to view and then click on the VIEW button. You can also choose multiple attachments simultaneously in this list. - The Quick View Plus AddOn window appears with the selected attachment viewed. If you selected multiple messages, multiple AddOn windows will appear. Some file extensions, such as .ZIP, are not associated with Da Vinci's Auto-View facility. In these cases, Da Vinci will view the file incorrectly. When this occurs, Da Vinci will present a list of viewers to choose from. To correct the problem, choose Auto-View from this list. To make this association permanent: - Load the EMAILSYS.INI file into a text editor. This file is located in the Da Vinci eMAIL directory. - At the end of the [WINDOWS VIEWERS] area of this file, add the following association: Zip Files = *.ZIP HP OpenMail Quick View Plus integrates with HP OpenMail via their linked application interface. This allows users to view OpenMail file attachments using Quick View Plus's viewers. Due to limitations in OpenMail, Quick View Plus will support 50 of the most commonly used OpenMail file types for attachments. Network administrators may change which 50 file types Quick View Plus will support by modifying the OPENMAIL.TXT file copied to the Quick View Plus Addon directory during the network installation. Use a text editor's cut and paste feature to rearrange the list so that all the file types you want Quick View Plus to support are at the top of the list. Quick View Plus's setup program will use this list when performing workstation installations. f) GroupWare integrations Lotus Notes The Quick View Plus setup program will detect the presence of a local NOTES.INI file and will automatically select the View Any Lotus Notes Attachments With Quick View Plus check box in the main Installation menu (Workstation Install menu for network installations of Quick View Plus). During installation, Quick View Plus's integration with Lotus Notes is accomplished by copying the files QVPVIEW.BMP and QVPVIEW.MAC into the Windows Icon Path specified in the user's local NOTES.INI file. To make the SmartIcon available within Notes after installation: - Run Notes - Choose SMARTICONS from the Tools menu - Select the desired toolbar to display from the drop-down list box. - In the Available Icons group on the left, scroll to the very bottom of the list. The QVPVIEW SmartIcon appears - Click on the SmartIcon with the mouse and drag it over to the list of icons (on the right) included in the selected toolbar. Drop the icon where you want it to appear on the toolbar. - Choose OK to close the SmartIcon Setup dialog. When you return to the main menu, the QVPVIEW SmartIcon will appear where placed on the Toolbar. To use the macro: - Open a Notes document containing attachments embedded in an RTF field, such as a mail message. - With the mouse, single-click on the QVPVIEW SmartIcon. The user does not need to select or double click on the attachment itself to view it. - If the document contains one attachment, Quick View Plus's view window will come up with the attachment displayed. - If the document contains more than one attachment, a dialog listing all attachments appears. Select with the mouse one or more attachments to view and choose OK. - A view window appears for each attachment selected. NOTE: The macro can process a maximum of 20 attachments in a single document. TeamWARE/TeamOFFICE Quick View Plus integrates with the following TeamWARE modules: - Mail - Calendar - Forum - Library The integration is accomplished by mapping the .DAT extension to SCCVAPI.EXE in the [Extensions] section of WIN.INI. By default, double-clicking on an attachment's icon in a TeamWARE module will cause it to be launched if the application that created it is registered in the user's local REGEDIT database. Thus, attachments created by most common Windows apps will be launched, not viewed, by double-clicking. If the attachment was created by a non-registered application, double-clicking will invoke the Select Tool list. From this list, choose SCCVAPI. The attachment will be viewed in Quick View Plus. To view an attachment even when its application is registered, instead of double-clicking with the mouse on its icon, choose SELECT TOOL from the main menu bar. You will be presented with a list of applications TeamWARE can launch. Choose SCCVAPI, and Quick View Plus's viewers will be invoked and will view the attachment. g) Internet Browser integrations During installation, Quick View Plus will integrate with the following Internet browsers if detected on your system: - America OnLine 2.5 Web Browser (VIEWERS.INI) - SPRY Mosaic (AIRMOS.INI) - Netscape Navigator 1.x (NETSCAPE.INI) All of these integrations occur and operate identically. Quick View Plus integrates with browsers by specifying its viewers in the browsers' .INI files or registry. Once integrated, the browser will invoke Quick View Plus when the user attempts to view a file that the browser's default viewers cannot view. During this process, the browser will download the file in question to the user's machine and invoke Quick View Plus. Netscape Navigator 2.0 Quick View Plus will integrate completely with version 2.0 of Netscape Navigator. All 200+ file formats that are supported with Quick View Plus are also supported in the Navigator 2.0 window. Any file attachments received through Netscape's email client can also be viewed as if in any another email application. This added functionality allows the viewing of files on the World Wide Web without launching extraneous applications. h) Word Processor integrations When you integrate Quick View Plus with a Windows word processor, you add a macro to the word processor's menu. The macro automatically loads Quick View Plus. When you access Quick View Plus via the macro, you can import data to your word processor in two easy steps. Simply select the data you want, and then choose PASTE TO [WORD PROCESSOR NAME] from the Edit menu, or click on the PASTE TO APPLICATION button. If no data or text is selected, Paste to will be grayed out. Quick View Plus allows you to integrate with three popular Windows word processors. Each one is explained below. Ami Pro When you integrate Quick View Plus with Ami Pro, the macro appears in the Tools menu. Microsoft Word for Windows When you integrate Quick View Plus with Word for Windows, the macro appears in the Utilities menu (for Windows 1.x), or the Tools menu (for Word for Windows 2.x). WordPerfect for Windows When you integrate Quick View Plus with WordPerfect for Windows, the integration varies according to the WordPerfect version you use. If you integrate with WordPerfect version 5.x then Quick View Plus registers as a macro appearing in the Macro menu. If you integrate with WordPerfect version 6.0 then Quick View Plus registers as a writing tool appearing in the Tools menu. NOTE: The WordPerfect for Windows integration also makes QVP available in the QuickList and QuickFind facilities. 3) Format specific information a) Autocad DXF The DXF filter will view nearly all DXF files created with AutoCAD version 12 and most AutoCAD 13 DXF files. Currently, the DXF filter provides full support for all AutoCAD 13 DXF entities except as follows: 3-D Objects Rendered in two dimensions BODY Not supported. CIRCLE Supported only in X-Y plane. Extrusion is supported only where the extrusion direction is parallel to the Z-axis. DIMENSION Supported where dimension picture block is available in the block list (all DXF files created with AutoCAD have this). ELLIPSE Not supported. LEADER Not supported. MLINE Not supported. OLE FRAME Not supported. POLYLINE Full support for 3D polyline, except where extrusion direction is not parallel to the Z-axis. Full support for 3D polygon mesh. Full support for polyface mesh up to a current maximum of 4096 vertices. REGION Not supported. SHAPE Not supported. SOLID Full support except where extrusion direction is not parallel to the Z-axis. SPLINE Not supported. TEXT Oblique, backward, alignment and upside down are not supported and all text is displayed at 0 degrees rotation. Extrusion is not supported. TOLERANCE Not supported. VIEWPORT Not supported. Viewports, 3d solids, light sources & rendering, and other advanced features of DXF are not supported.