Visaul Basic Product Documentation
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Visual Basic Online Reference
Contains full online reference information for the Visual Basic IDE, language syntax, and runtime funtionality.

New to Visual Basic
If you are new to Visual Basic, start here. Introduces the Visual Basic 5.0 development environment, explains how to create and run projects, and describes the features of the programming language.

"Developing an Application in Visual Basic"
"Forms, Controls, and Menus"
"Managing Projects"
"Programming Fundamentals"

Creating ActiveX Controls
A quick-start tutorial gets you up to speed on control creation concepts, property pages, and debugging controls at design time. Also includes in-depth information on control features you can add, plus supporting information to enable creation of advanced controls.

"Creating an ActiveX Control"
"Building ActiveX Controls"
"Creating Property Pages for ActiveX Controls"
"General Principles of Component Design"
"Debugging, Testing, and Deploying Components"
"Building Code Components"
"ActiveX Component Standards and Guidelines"

Supporting Information
Explains how objects work in Visual Basic, how to create collection objects you can use in your controls, and how the new Implements feature works. For advanced users, introduces the AddressOf operator, which you can use for subclassing your control.

"More About Programming"
"Programming with Objects"
"Debugging Your Code and Handling Errors"
"Distributing Your Applications"
"Accessing DLLs and the Windows API"

Creating CAB Files for Downloading
Describes safe scripting, digital signatures, and CAB files everything you need to know to make your controls usable on HTML pages. Describes how downloading and digital signing work.

"Internet Component Download"

More About Visual Basic
You can assemble your ActiveX control using Visual Basic痴 intrinsic controls, or draw its appearance using graphics methods. The documents in this file describe these raw materials, plus other capabilities of Visual Basic.

"Using Visual Basic's Standard Controls"
"Responding to Mouse and Keyboard Events"
"Working with Text and Graphics"
"International Issues"

Windows95 Common Controls
More controls you can use as constituents of your own ActiveX controls! Includes ListView, TreeView, ImageList, TabStrip, and more!

"ActiveX Controls Overview"
"Using the ActiveX Controls - 1"
"Using the ActiveX Controls - 2"

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