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Click OK at the bottom af the dialog box and Close in the next dialog box to return to Control Panel 15. When prompted to restart Windows, answer No, the setup program will prompt for restarting when all modifications are completed. To continue with the Setup program, close the README.TXT window by clicking on the small box with the X in it in the upper right hand corner of the README.TXT window. This will complete the README section of the Setup program. You will then be asked to restart Windows 95. If you have made any changes you must restart Windows 95 at this point to make the changes active on your system. №§ўџя№ёђ!+,-M]`~€ЂГЗабв )*њѕёэщхснйебЭЩХРМЗГЏЋІЂ˜“Š†}yuplgc_]c]cU]c]cU]c]c]c]cU]c]cU]c]cU]cU]cU]c]cU]c]c]c]cU]c]cU]c]c]c]c]c]c]c]c]c]c]c]c]cU]cU]c%*+,-UVWX   , - > ? 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This program is designed to make some configuration changes to Windows 95 that will help optimize your new Operating System for your notebook computer. Due to the nature of Windows 95, these changes must be made manually, but they are fairly simple. You will be able to follow the instructions in this file at the same time you actually perform the changes. This will give you an idea of the types of new features found in Windows 95 and setup your HiNote at the same time. If you decide not to configure your system at this time, this file can be read anytime by running Wordpad (or any other text editor). Simply open the file a:\readme.txt on this diskette. The Windows 95 settings that need to be changed are listed below. It is recomended that all four of these changes be made to optimize Windows 95 for your notebook computer. The exact steps to perform these changes are described below. 1. Color Setting - change from 16 colors to 256 colors 2. Display Type - change from unknown display to Laptop Display Panel (640x480) 3. File System - change from Desktop Computer to Mobile or Docking System 4. Port Com1 - change Bits per second from 9600 to 115200 (this change may also be applied to Com2 as applicable). To read this file while actually performing the modifications, first make sure your printer is connected and set up, then use the Print command from the application you are using to view this file. Changing the Color Setting and Display Type: 1. Click on the Start button in the lower left hand corner of the screen. 2. Move the pointer up to and click on the Settings selection on the menu. 3. Click on Control Panel. 4. Double click on the Display icon. 5. At the top of the screen, click on the Settings tab. 6. In the middle of the screen, under Color palette, click on the down arrow and then move the pointer to hilight the 256 Color selection and click on it. 256 Color will show in the box. 7. Next, click on Change Display Type, on the same screen near the bottom. 8. Under Monitor Type, click on the Change button 9. Hilight Standard monitor types in the left hand column 10. Hilight Laptop Display Panel (640 x 480) in the right hand column 11. Click on OK in the Select Device dialog box 12. Click on Close in the Change Display Type dialolg box 13. Click on OK in the Display Properties dialog box 14. When prompted to restart Windows, answer No, the setup program will prompt for restarting when all modifications are completed. Changing the File System and COM1 Speed settings: 1. Click on the Start button in the lower left hand corner of the screen. 2. Move the pointer up to the Settings selection on the menu. 3. Move the pointer right to the Control Panel selection and click on Control Panel. 4. Double click on the System icon at the bottom of the window 5. At the top of the screen, click on the Performance tab. 6. Near the bottom of the window on the left, click on File System. 7. Click on the down arrow next to the Typical role of this machine selection. 8. Move the pointer to Mobile or docking System and click on this option. 9. Click OK in the File System Properties dialog box. 10. Then select the Device Manager tab at the top of the System Properties dialog box 11. Find Ports (COM & LPT) near the bottom of the list and double click on it 12. Under Ports (COM & LPT) double click on Communications Port (COM1) 13. Click on the Port Settings tab at the top of the window 14. Click on the down arrow next to the Bits per second selection near the top of the window 15. 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