This file contains details of last minute updates some of which may not be reflected in the manual. Please note that users of ver 1.0 or ver 1.1 will have to upgrade their database to ver 3 format. See README.TXT for details on how to do this. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CDPlayer - version 3.7 Windows - 28 March 1996 1 Auto play A command line option, and a menu item, allows you to set CDPlayer in auto play mode. In this mode the program will automatically play an audio disk as soon as it is inserted into the drive. This will happen no matter what mode the program is in - full, small or iconized. To set this option add the "/P" command line option to the command launching the program. E.g. C:\CDPLAYER\PLAYER /P A menu item is also included in the Mode menu which allows you to toggle this option on and off when the full handset is displayed. If the option is active the Auto play menu item will be marked with a tick. The menu item acts as a toggle, so selecting it when it is not ticked will turn the option on and selecting it when it is ticked will turn the option off. 2 Windows '95 auto launch It is possible to set Windows '95 to launch a selected CD playing program when an audio disk is inserted in the Drive. By default this will be set to the Microsoft Player, but may be changed to our player as follows: Double click on the My Computer icon. Select View from the menu and then the Options menu item Select the File Type tab from the tabbed dialog Select AudioCD from the list and click on Edit Select Play from the Actions list and click on Edit Change the Application to use to: C:\CDPLAYER\PLAYER.EXE /P (change as required to reflect the directory where CDPlayer is stored) Close the dialogs The next time that you insert an Audio CD, CDPlayer will be launched and the disk will start playing. We have also changed the program so that if you try and launch it when it is already running it simply brings the current instance to the top. This allows Windows '95 to run the application each time a disk is changed without causing any problems. 3 The menu item on the Command menu to open and close the tray has been split into items to allow the opening of closed empty drives which do not correctly report that they are closed. 4 Standard Windows 3D look added to all dialogs. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CDPlayer - Version 3.6 All platforms - 6 February 1995 1 Some recently released CD drivers are returning a q control ADR of 0. This release of the programs is provided to handle this. Version 3.5 does not update the time display correctly with this type of driver. CDPlayer - Version 3.6 Windows - 6 February 1995 2 Command line switch Some CD ROM drivers do not follow the MSCDEX standard and convert track numbers before passing the details to MSCDEX. This causes CDPlayer to report incorrect track details when playing tracks 16 and above. A new command line option has been added to correct for this: C:\CDPLAYER\PLAYER /N 3 The program now looks for the registration and control files in the directory from which the program was launched. This enables CDPlayer to be run from application launchers that do not allow the working directory to be defined. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CDPlayer - Version 3.5 Windows - 23 August 1994 1 Under certain circumstances, the CD display froze at the end of custom or shuffle play. This could cause the handset to become inoperable and the only cure was to close CDPlayer and launch it again. This has been corrected. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CDPlayer - Version 3.4b Windows version - 22 May 1994 1 The option to "Keep on top" has been extended to the small handset and the system menu removed from the small handset as its only function was to allow you to return to the full handset. If the "Keep on top" box is checked in the Configuration dialog box, the system now displays the small handset on top of the current application as well as keeping the icon in view if the program is minimized. 2 Improvements have been made to the look of the buttons after they have been pressed. The button which has focus (i.e. the last one pressed) now displays a blue symbol rather than a line surrounding the word. 3 At various points during the program it was possible to run two conflicting options simultaneously, e.g. Browse and Fit tracks to time, and this could cause a GP fault. Tests have now been included to ensure that when an option is active other conflicting options are not able to be run. 4 It appears that there was still a possibility of the database files being opened twice in some circumstances, resulting in the data becoming corrupt. Further checks have been included to ensure that this cannot happen. CDPlayer - Version 3.4b All platforms - 22 May 1994 5 The logic determining whether or not the drive is open or close has been improved and the system should now always open the drive even if there is no disk loaded and the display is showing "error". ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CDPlayer - Version 3.4a All platforms - 15 January 1994 It was reported that none of the players would play above track 49 on any CD. On investigation we discovered that this was the case and this release has been made to correct the error. All players will now play the full 99 tracks allowed. In addition, it is now also possible to programme tracks 50-99 using the program pick list provided in the Windows version of the player. TSR - Version 3.4a On loading or unloading the program form memory, the system was setting the screen colours to the handset display colour and leaving it in this state. We have changed the program so that it no longer changes the screen colours. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CDPlayer - Version 3.4 (Windows) - 24 October 1993 Enhancement 1 A new line has been added to the config file (CONFIG.CDP) which controls the action of volume button. On installation this line is set as NONE thereby indicating that no external program should be called to control volume. If NONE is changed to show the path and name of the mixer program for your soundcard then the external program will be called rather than the internal volume dialog box. E.g. for the Sound Blaster Pro the line may be C:\SBPRO\WINAPPL\SBPMIXER. CDPlayer will first try end execute the program identified here and then, if that fails, the internal dialog box. You can edit the configuration file with a text editor such as EDIT. Bug fix 1 If the full handset was left on the screen for a long period of time (i.e. days) it consumed memory and would eventually stop responding. This has been corrected. 2 If, while the browse, edit or custom play windows were open, you inserted or changed a disc the system would attempt to read the details from the drive and then access the database. This is due to a timer that activates CDPlayer every second for screen update and disc check. This caused a conflict which could either result in a corruption of the database or a GP error. The programs have now been changed so that the timed access is suppressed when the windows are open. The only side effect of this is that events which require the intervention of the main program, e.g. update disc times or play the next track of a custom program, will not happen until the browse window has been closed. 3 The option to select the CDROM to use in a multiple CD system was not working properly - this has been corrected. CDPlayer - Version 3.4 (DOS) Bug fix 1 In some circumstances the mouse cursor could disappear for prolonged periods of time. This has been corrected. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ