WINNT.DOC Windows NT ========== The installation procedure for Microsoft Windows NT(TM) and Windows NT(TM) Advanced Server operating systems are the same. Both operating systems will hereafter be referred to as "Windows NT". During installation of the NDIS 3.0 MAC driver, you may find it convenient to have the Windows NT System Guide at hand. Review the "Configuring the Network" section in chapter 5 and chapter 19, "Installing Windows NT" prior to installation. The NDIS 3.0 MAC installation procedure described below will copy all necessary set-up files to your Windows NT "System32" directory and the driver to your "System32\Drivers" directory. In addition, several changes will be made to your registry. Do not try to manually change entries in the registry. All MAC driver parameters are settable from the Network control panel. Installation procedure: ======================= The installation procedure for the NDIS 3.0 MAC driver allows installation either during the initial Windows NT installation or after Windows NT has been installed on your machine. If you have already installed Windows NT on your machine, refer to the "Adding adapter" section. MAC Installation during Windows NT installation: ---------------------------------------------------- 1 - Follow the instructions in the Windows NT System Guide to begin Windows NT installation. 2 - If you have chosen custom set-up, you should choose "Do Not Detect" when the "Network Adapter Card Detection" window displays, as there is no netcard detection module included with the Olicom MAC drivers. 3 - When the message "Set-up did not detect a network card" displays, select "Continue" to go to the adapter card set-up phase. 4 - Continue with step 4 in the "Adding adapter" section below. Adding Adapter: --------------- If you are installing a network adapter after Windows NT has been successfully installed on your system, you must be logged on with administrative rights. This is necessary in order to be able to add, configure and remove network adapters in Windows NT. 1 - Select the Control Panel in the Main window. 2 - Select the Network icon. 3 - In the Network Settings panel, choose the "Add adapter" button. 4 - In the list of Network Adapter Cards, select " Requires disk from manufacturer" and press the "Continue" button. 5 - Enter the full path to the setup files for the desired adapter type. If you are installing from the setup diskette, you should enter "A:\NT". 6 - Confirm choice, by selecting proper adapter type and press the "OK" button. The setup program now copies installation files to your harddisk. 7 - In the adapter configuration dialogue box, select proper values for adapter settings. Refer to the "Adapter parameters" section below for further details. 8 - Press the "OK" button when all parameters have been set correctly. The setup program now copies the NDIS 3.0 MAC driver to your harddisk. 9 - You may wish to review the binding settings by selecting the "Bindings" button. Press "OK" to return from the Network Bindings windows. 10 - Select the "OK" button in the Network control panel, when all adapters have been added. 11 - The settings will not take effect, until the system is restarted. If Windows NT is installed on your system, system restart can be initiated by selecting the "Yes" option in the dialogue box shown when you exit the Network Control Panel. Adapter parameters: =================== When configuring an adapter, the following parameters can be modified: I/O Base Address : Must match the adapter I/O settings on the installed adapter. Bus Number : Identifies the bus number, the adapter has been plugged into. For single-bus architectures, this value should be 0 (zero). Early Token Release : Selects the early token release feature. This parameter has only effect, when running 16 Mbps. Full Transmit Status : When set to "Yes", normal transmit verification is performed, and the upper layer drivers will be notified about the status of the transmitted frame, i.e. whether the destination address has been recognised and the frame has been copied by the receiving station. When this value is "No", all transmitted frames are assumed both recognised and copied by another station on the ring. If you have a bridge/router in your network or discover abnormal network behaviour, this value should be set to "Yes". Network Address : If this entry is specified, the specified value will be used in place of the universal burned-in node address on the adapter card. Note that the entered address must be administered locally. It must be entered as "XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX", e.g. "40-00-12-34-56-78". Using STAT.EXE to view adapter statistics: ========================================== The STAT.EXE program is used to display adapter status and statistics. This program is placed in the \NT\UTIL directory on your diskette. In order to use the STAT.EXE utility you must have your driver installed. The program is called, using the following parameters: STAT [options] where - is . Notice: There is no space character between and . - is the name of the driver, i.e. "Octk32". - is the instance number of the network adapter installed, i.e. 01, 02 etc. [options] - is one or more of the following -c for adapter configuration. Default. -a for additional adapter configuration -s for general adapter statistics -m for media specific statistics Example: STAT shows the above option list. STAT octk3201 -s will show the statistics for the octk3201 driver. Error messages: =============== If you experience any problems with the network, you should check if any error messages or warnings are posted by the MAC driver by using the Event Viewer found in the Administrative Tools window. All error messages and/or warnings posted by the Olicom MAC driver have the Source field set to "OcTk16" or "OcTk32" depending on the adapter installed. System error messages, related to the Olicom MAC driver, may occur with different source names, i.e. "Service Control Manager". The messages are enumerated by the Event field and are described below in Event number order. You can display the message description, by highlighting the message and pressing enter. Event Description 1 Bring-up diagnostics failed for OcTk3201. Action: The adapter failed during the bring-up diagnostics. Shut down your system and retry the operation. If the error persist, contact your place of purchase. 2 Adapter initialize failed for OcTk3201. Action: The adapter failed the initialization phase. Shut down your system and retry the operation. If the error persist, contact your place of purchase. 3 Adapter Check on OcTk3201. Action: A serious error occurred on the adapter, causing an Adapter check code to be posted. Restart your system. If the error persist, contact your place of purchase. 4 Could not open adapter OcTk3201. Ring beaconing. Check network speed settings. Action: The network speed settings is wrong. Change it and restart you system. 5 Could not open adapter OcTk3201. Duplicate node address. Action: A duplicate address has been discovered on the ring. Change your locally administered address as discussed in the "Adapter parameter" section above and restart your system. 6 Could not open adapter OcTk3201. Request initialisation failed. Action: An error occurred during adapter initialisation. Restart your system. If the error persist, contact your place of purchase. 7 Could not open adapter OcTk601. Remove station received. Action: The adapter has been removed by a LAN Manager station. Contact your network administrator. 8 Could not open adapter OcTk3201. Action: The adapter failed to open. Please check cables and connections and retry the operation. 9 Could not download code on adapter OcTk3201. Action: The download operation failed. Contact your place of purchase. 10 Lobe wire fault detected by OcTk3201. Please check cable connections. Action: Check all cables and connections and try another lobe media cable. Retry the operation. 11 OcTk3201 has failed the lobe wrap test resulting from the beacon auto-removal process and has deinserted from the ring. Action: The adapter has deinserted from the ring, because the ring was beaconing. Check the network speed settings and cable connections and retry the operation. If the error persist, contact your network administrator. 12 OcTk3201 has received a remove ring station Mac frame request and has deinserted from the ring. Action: The adapter has been removed by a LAN Manager station. Contact your network administrator. 13 The detected adapter for OcTk3201 is not supported by this driver. Action: You have installed a wrong MAC driver for the adapter used. 14 The configuration read for OcTk3201 is invalid. Action: A configuration entry is invalid. Use the network control panel to setup proper adapter settings. 15 OcTk3201 has received a Trace Tool Remove frame from a Network Management station and has disabled the promiscuous packet filter. Action: The adapter driver has cleared the PROMISCUOUS packet filter bit, as instructed by a LAN Manager station. Contact your network administrator. 5000 OcTk3201 : Has encountered a conflict in resources and could not load. Action: Check the resources used by the network adapter(s) to ensure, that no conflicts exists. 5001 OcTk3201 : Could not allocate resources necessary for operation. Action: The driver failed to load, because it tried to allocate too many resources. Decrease the number of receive and/or transmit buffers and retry the operation. 5002 OcTk3201 : Has determined that the adapter is not functioning properly. Action: The adapter could not be found or is not working properly. Check I/O base settings and retry the operation. 5003 OcTk3201 : Could not find an adapter. Action: The adapter could not be found by the MAC driver. Check I/O base settings and retry the operation. 5004 OcTk3201 : Could not connect to the interrupt number supplied. Action: The interrupt is already used by another device. Change the adapter interrupt number and retry the operation. 5005 OcTk3201 : Has encountered an internal error and has failed. Action: An internal error has been discovered. Contact your place of purchase. 5006 OcTk3201 : The version number is incorrect for this driver. Action: The driver version is incorrect. Contact your place of purchase. 5007 OcTk3201 : Timed out during an operation. Action: A time-out error occurred. Contact your place of purchase. 5008 OcTk3201 : Has encountered an invalid network address. Action: An invalid network address was specified. Change the locally administered network address and restart your system. The driver uses the burned-in address when loading. 5009 OcTk3201 : Does not support the configuration supplied. Action: An invalid configuration entry was discovered. Use the network control panel to set proper adapter parameters. 5010 OcTk3201 : The adapter has returned an invalid value to the driver. Action: An internal error has occurred. Contact your place of purchase. 5011 OcTk3201 : A required parameter is missing from the registry. Action: A parameter necessary for operation has been omitted in the registry. Use the network control panel to set proper parameters. 5012 OcTk3201 : The IO Base Address supplied does not match the jumpers on the adapter. Action: The adapter could not be found by the MAC driver. Check I/O base settings and retry the operation. 5014 OcTk3201 : The adapter is disabled. The driver cannot open the adapter. Action: Make sure the startup parameter for the Olicom Token Ring adapter driver is set to "Manual". Use the "Devices" applet in the control panel to change the settings. 5015 OcTk3201 : There is an I/O port conflict. Action: The ports used by the MAC driver is already in use by another device. Change the I/O Base address for the adapter. 5016 OcTk3201 : There is an I/O port or DMA channel conflict. Action: Check the I/O port and DMA usage by the adapter to ensure that there is no resource conflicts. 5017 OcTk3201 : There is a memory conflict at address xx. Action: The MAC driver and another device could not share the memory. 5018 OcTk3201 : There is a interrupt conflict at interrupt number xx. Action: Change the interrupt selection on the adapter and retry the operation. 5019 OcTk3201 : There is a resource conflict at DMA channel xx. Action: Change the DMA channel selection on the adapter and retry the operation. If you experience any problems, you should write down the "Event ID", "Source", "Description" and "Data" fields in the "Event Detail" window.