SQUARK GAME DIRECTIONS v1.0 by Soleau Software, Inc. Copyright 1996 OBJECTIVE The objective of the game is to capture all the squares on the game board by rolling the Red marble past all fours sides of each square, while avoiding the pursuing Green marbles. GAME PLAY To begin a new game, click on the 'New Game' button or press the letter < N > on your keyboard. A new game board will appear on the screen with your Red marble in the upper left hand corner and the Green marbles in the lower right hand corner. Press any key to start the game play. Use your < Arrow Keys > to select the direction you want the Red marble to travel. You do not need to keep the arrow key pressed down when selecting a direction. Just press the arrow key once and the red marble will move in that direction when it is possible to do so. The direction of the marble will not change until it has reached the corner of a square. Therefore, you cannot reverse direction until the Red marble reaches the other corner of the square. Every time you travel the side of a square, a red triangle will appear inside the square indicating the side you have completed. Every 30 seconds, a new green marble can appear on the game board. The maximum number of green marbles that can appear on the game board at one time is four. YELLOW DOTS At the beginning of each level there will be one or two yellow dots placed randomly onto the game board. When the Red marble rolls over these dots, the Green marbles will turn White and can be captured by the Red Marble. You will only have 10 seconds to capture the White marbles before they turn back to Green. Captured White marbles will be removed from the board and extra bonus points will be earned for each White marble captured. When 10 seconds has expired, the captured marbles will re-appear from the lower right hand corner of the game board. YELLOW BONUS SQUARE One of the squares on the game board will have a flashing yellow square around it. If you can capture this square first before any other squares, 100 extra bonus points will be added to your score. BONUS DOTS During each round of play there can be special Bonus Dots that appear for a brief time on the game board. If you can get the Red marble to roll over them, 70 extra bonus points will be added to your score. EXTRA RED MARBLE You always start a new game with 3 Red marbles. Every time you attain 3000 points you will be awarded an extra Red marble. LEVELS & SPEED The Green marbles will move at half the speed of the Red marble on the beginning levels, then increase in speed as the levels get higher. Also, the number of Green marbles released at the beginning of each level will increase on the higher levels. TIME BONUS POINTS If you can complete the level in under 3 minutes you will get special Time Bonus Points added to your score. You get 3 extra points for every second under the 3 minute time limit. If you took longer then 3 minutes to complete the level these bonus points will be subtracted from your score. GAME OVER The game will be over when your last Red marble is captured by a Green marble. If your score qualifies as a Top Ten High Score, then you will be asked to enter your initials onto the Squark Scoreboard. SCORING 2 POINTS FOR A SIDE OF SQUARE 20 POINTS FOR CAPTURING SQUARE 70 POINTS FOR BONUS DOTS 100 POINTS FOR CAPTURING BONUS SQUARE FIRST 50 POINTS FOR CAPTURING 1 WHITE MARBLE 100 POINTS FOR CAPTURING 2 WHITE MARBLES 150 POINTS FOR CAPTURING 3 WHITE MARBLES 200 POINTS FOR CAPTURING 4 WHITE MARBLES 3 POINTS FOR EVERY SECOND UNDER THE 3 MINUTE LIMIT -3 POINTS FOR EVERY SECOND OVER THE 3 MINUTE LIMIT EVERY 3000 POINTS AN EXTRA RED MARBLE IS AWARDED SQUARK GAME KEYS & BUTTONS You can use your mouse to click on the buttons or use your keyboard. < N >ew Game : Begin a new game of Squark s< C >ores : Squark Top Ten Scoreboard < D >irections : Squark Directions < O >ptions Sound On Sound Off Save Game : Registered Version only (games saved from beginning of present level) Load Game : Registered Version only < S >oleau Information on Soleau Software Registration Information for Squark Game Other games by Soleau Software < Q >uit : Exit Squark CONCLUSION This is a Shareware Version of SQUARK with 6 levels of play. The Registered Version of SQUARK is only $18 (U.S.) and features 30 levels of play, faster loading and exiting, plus options for saving and loading previous games. Please click on the Soleau button within the game for details or see the sqrkreg.txt file. You are encouraged to pass this Shareware version of Squark along to your friends or local BBS. Soleau Software depends upon your registrations to continue producing non-violent strategy logic game software for the computer market. Please support our work by registering your copy today! **************************************** ORDER TODAY -- IT'S EASY !!! We accept MasterCard & Visa, US & Canadain Checks and P.O. Money Orders Call, Send or Fax your Order Form Voice: 212.721.2361 Fax: 212.873.4994 You can use the Sqrkreg.txt file which is the Order Form. Soleau Software 163 Amsterdam Ave Suite 213 New York NY 10023