Mastering Calligrapher 3.0 By Spar Systems The MASTRCAL.CFG file configuration is setup for the C:\ drive partition of your hard drive. You may change the drive if you wish. The MASTRCAC.RSC file has interface gadgets for the ST Medium resolution. The MASTRCAL.RSC is for resolutions starting from 640x400 and up. Road map Take a look at the examples in the 'EXAMPLE' folder. -------------------------------------------------------------- Things About Calligrapher 3.0 Q: I cannot see the Calligrapher desktop icons referred to in the manual. A: Your Calligrapher desktop icons were configured for a big screen monitor (1280x960), and you will not have access to these icons when used in 640x200, 640x400 or 640x480. To correct this you will have to re-configure the icons by dragging them at the left upper corner of your big screen monitor and exit, and then run Calligrapher in 640x200, 640x400 or 640x480 and reposition the icons to suit your fancy. Calligrapher will record the position of the icons. If you don't have access to a big screen monitor, you can use one of the 'virtual big screen emulators (i.e. MONSTER.PRG)' and follow the above steps. If you don't have a virtual screen emulator, contact: Working Title in England or CodeHead in America -- voice: 213-386-5735, Fax: 213-386-5789.