EDPAT303.PRG (to update EdHak v 3.00-3.02 to version 3.03) 22 Jan 1994 If you are a registered EdHak user but have not already upgraded to EdHak 3.0, then this patch will not do you any good. In this case you need to spend a few dollars to get the upgrade from your current EdHak ($10 from version 2.3x or $15 from prior versions). Of course, then you won't need this patch program, since the upgrade you get from Clear Thinking will already be the latest version (3.03). This archive (EDPAT303.LZH) may be distributed freely on BBS's, PD disks, etc., but may not be sold for anything other than a reasonable disk copying fee, such as from a user group library. The archive must contain all the following files: EDPAT303.TXT (this file) EDHAK303.PAT EDPATCH.300 EDPATCH.301 EDPATCH.302 EDPAT303.PRG All these files are dated 1/22/94 Instructions ------------ 1) Find your copy of EdHak version 3.00, 3.01 or 3.02. If it has been modified using DC Squish or any other similar compression program, you will first need to unSquish or otherwise uncompress it (or just locate your original or backup EdHak disk, with the original unmodified version of EdHak on it). This will NOT work on any version of EdHak other than the three listed -- i.e., it will not work on any of the many beta versions that some of you may have seen along the way, with names like EDHAK30M.ACC. 2) Make sure you have a backup copy of it somewhere in case this doesn't work right on your first try. 3) Also be sure you make a backup copy of at least the EDHAK303.PAT file from the enclosed group of update files, since running the patch program will write to this file. 4) Run EDPAT303.PRG. Be sure the EDHAK303.PAT file is in the same directory as EDPATCH.PRG. a) The first file you will need to choose is whichever EDPATCH.30x file corresponds to the version number of EdHak you are updating from. e.g., If you got EDHAK.ACC v 3.00 in step (1) above, you would choose EDPATCH.300. b) The second file you will need to choose is the EDHAKxxx.ACC (or EDHAKxxx.PRG) file that you located in step (1) above. c) The EDPAT303 program will do its thing to these two files (a) and (b) and combine the outcome with the EDHAK302.PAT file, which must end up being 101504 bytes long. 5) After all that, it is up to YOU to rename the file EDHAK302.PAT to EDHAK.ACC (or .PRG or whatever you like to call your EdHak). You can do that from the desktop by clicking once on that filename and using the file menu "Show Info" command to change the name. You will now have the default EdHak version 3.03 with 10K buffer. If you want to change the buffer size you will need to use the Config command to do so. However, any EDHAK.CFG file you were using successfully with your prior EdHak 3.0x should still work fine with version 3.03. CHANGES MADE ALONG THE WAY ========================== EdHak 3.03 15 Jan 1994 Shift-space with no block selected just yields space. Removed "Really want to Quit?" alert. Added "Save Changes?" check for Closebutton exit as PRG or MDX. Change "too big for" to "larger than" in dialog boxes (major change!) Add Cancel option to Text/Hack/Hex toggle. Fixes MultiTOS kwiksend (which also seems to fix it for those those remaining European word processors that had a problem with it before. Fixes problem some people had with Spelling Sentry. EdHak 3.02 ... Drag & drop file opening as a NeoDesk Accessory! To use this, you must have NeoDesk v 2.05 or greater. Have EdHak loaded as an ACC, and then Set Preferences in NeoDesk to recognize EdHak as a NeoDesk Accessory (v Neo 3.0 or greater) or for earlier versions of NeoDesk manually add "EDHAK" to your NeoDesk Acc list file. Fixed display when do Alt-Delete with window shifted to right; Shift-Clr-Home from top of buffer now always sets cursor to bottom of window even when there is less than a full window of text; Removed shift-space warning when no block is selected; Changed non-clipboard block save/merge to BLOCK.TXT from SCRAP.TXT; Made line/char status display in current font size; Horiz scroll much faster (now uses blitting); Allow bigger display fonts; Fixed undeletable file problem (little bug in Merge routine); Fixed display when scrolling cursor down below screen; Fixed crash if > 128 columns displayed (was due to VDI limit); Fixed couple little display weirdnesses with long lines; What version 3.01 fixed in 3.00... You can exit the block number dialog (the thing where you get to pick buffer size or part of file to load) by hitting Return, as it should be. In TOS 1.0 (or when running in MultiDesk) if you use the menu to go to the config screen, you now don't instantly skip over the first screen. With a column block marked, the highlighting now never goes beyond the edge of the window. Not exactly a bug fix, but an improved feature: When doing a block shift left (Ctl-Space), the block now remains highlighted for easy multiple shifts. ************************************************* ** ** ** EdHak VERSION 3.0 Released June 13, 1993 ** ** ** ************************************************* MultiTOS/Falcon TOS compatible; Allow "kwiksend" from PRG (only useful for MultiTOS); Note that in MultiTOS, "kwiksend" will only handle up to about 30 characters. CAUTION: If no window open to receive keystrokes, they may be taken as key commands if running with NewDesk!!!!! (maybe you can make use of this as a feature...) Fully resizable/movable window; Can now move window off bottom and right edges of screen; Horiz Scroll Bar; Horiz scroll while typing only shifts 10 cols, instead of full window; Greatly expanded Block handling options: Added Column (rectangular) block operations; Alt-Click-Drag or Shift-F2 Note that when mousing, you must drag top left to bottom right, and the bottom right corner of the block must have text there, so you may need to add spaces to the last line of the block if it is shorter than the desired block width. Shift block right (insert spaces in first column); Shift-SpaceBar Shift block left (delete first column); Ctl-SpaceBar Quote block (insert '>' in first column); Alt-SpaceBar Added block Copy function; Any block operation can be done to/from pastebuffer or clipboard; F4 Cuts any kind of block to pastebuffer Shift-F4 Copies any kind of block to pastebuffer F5 Pastes normal block from pastebuffer Shift-F5 Pastes column block from pastebuffer F7 Cuts any kind of block to clipboard Shift-F7 Copies any kind of block to clipboard F8 Pastes normal block from clipboard Shift-F8 Pastes column block from clipboard Added full Block handling drop-down menu (default if block selected); Merge & Save block no longer require clipboard dialog; Additional Help screen just for all the block functions; Use any of the 3 system font sizes in most resolutions; Shift-Alt-F lets you pick font size Alt-plus increases font size Alt-minus decreases font size Enhanced Scrolling to data outside edit buffer; No alert box when shifting buffer contents of files bigger than buffer; If pastebuffer in use when shifting, gives option to save to clipboard; Easy scrolling to prior/later sections of Disk Sectors; Easy scrolling to prior/later sections of RAM; Enhanced text Macro operation; Pick macro directly from display with mouse or function key; Allow nulls in macros (last byte of macro stores macro size); Cursor is set to end of macro after insertion; Allow saving buffer=>ram block to any ram address (not just 1K boundaries); Limit how much scrolling will happen after releasing arrow key; Show user any truncation of typed-in value in blocknumber dialog; More informative alert if user fills buffer; Alert for bad save of config; Old bugs fixed: Retain mouse when attempt writing to write-protected disk; Fix typing past right edge of window in overwrite mode; Fix saving buffer => ram (did not work in 2.3x); Fix setting text to bottom of window for extended lines; ======================================================================= EdHak and Diary copyright (c) 1990-1994 by: Craig A. Harvey New address as of Jan 1993: Clear Thinking 2753 Plymouth Rd, Suite 137 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA GEnie e-mail: c.harvey GEnie EdHak/Diary support area: CATegory 2, TOPic 40 CompuServe e-mail: 73047,600 Modem (Clear Thinking BBS): 313-971-6035 3/12/2400 Fax: 313-761-3299 (NOTE: You must write the following voice number on any fax sent to me so I will be notified of it.) Voice: 313-971-8671 (non-business hours are best)