Contents chapter 1 introduction 1.0 preface 1.1 general 1.2 For whom can CoMa be useful 1.3 hardware requirements 1.4 connection modem and computer 1.5 CoMa as .APP or .ACC? 1.6 safety copy, installation on hard disc 1.7 the licensed CoMa version 1.8 licensing of COMADEMO.APP 1.9 adjusting of parameter for CoMa 1.10 exit dialogbox 'parameter' 1.11 parameter 'expert' 1.12 data name of fax pages in CoMa 1.13 star button 1.0 preface Congratulation, you decided on a mature software product from Softbaer for your ATARI computer. You will be able to learn to handle your correspondence via a fax-modem quickly, cleanly and safely. CoMa can work as FTP-Server as well. This gives You the ossibility to logg in Your computer wherever You are and down- or upload files. If You are the owner of a Zyxel or a Creatix LC144VF Modem You can make Your computer a answering maschine too if You take CoMa-Voice! This answering maschine is much more comfortable as any other analog maschine ever could be! CoMa recognizes if You get a fax, data-call or a voice-call and switches into the right part of the programme. This handbook contains all advice necessary to install and use the programme. We assume that you are already well versed in the usage of your ATARI computer and advice such as 'mouse click left', dialogbox, GEM window or menu panel should be familiar to you. If not consult the handbook to your computer again. Our handbook for First Million (an office software programme from SOFTBEAR) delivers a crash course in chapter 2 as well. If you really get stuck we will be able to advise you by telephone. You will be able to contact our hotline via 0799/525038. We are there after 6pm and at weekends, which obviously reduces the cost of the telephone call. Should you encounter any problems whilst working with CoMa, or have ideas of your own, don't hesitate to contact us. It is our company's philosophy to try to solve all problems. Another advice to all programmers who want to create a driver for a programme. You find all necessary information and parts of programmes to enable you to do so in the folder 'DEVELOP'. Wishing you lots of fun with CoMa and always a good 'connection'. 1.1 General CoMa is the abbreviation of Communication Manager and is a fax programme with extreme fast speed, which functions on all ATARI ST(e), TT and Falcon personal computers. CoMa has no problems with MultiTOS or Magix. The programme is 100% multi-task! Display of incoming faxes is on-line, this means that every line received is displayed on the monitor. CoMa is data-compatible to all QFax pro data. This means you can use all already existing fax drivers (Calamus, Signum3!, etc) to create a fax page. CoMa can also read and process 1st word documents and graphic data directly in IMG-format. It is not necessary to convert those data. This speeds up the screen display tremendously. It is not necessary to apply Hufman coding back-transfer for fax pages. Best would be if your favourite application could produce a IMG data file (with 200 dpl resolve). Hufman coding is calculated in CoMa practical 'on-line'. A pre-coding is therefore not necessary. Another advantage is the display of up to 8 fax pages simultaneously. A GEM window is opened for every page. It is easily possible then to look at these pages on a large monitor before the computer sends them as faxes. The installation of the programme is very easy despite all these functions. You do not have to configure a long text directory with a great number of keywords. All you have to do is to edit the 'parameter' dialogbox. Existing problems with the serial port are not an issue for COMA. This programme has no problems with the serial port, if You use the programme HSMODEM witch is in the folder 'AUTO' on the disk. This programme speeds up the serial port and makes all the corrections that still are necessary because of a mistake in TOS. We want to thank Harun Scheutzow for his help and the permission to put HSMODEM ontu the disk of CoMa. CoMa enables you to use two different head- and foot-logos (via additional load you can use as many graphics as necessary). You can change your fax page via touch of a button from a business document to a private one. Our communication software is especially interesting for owners of modern modem systems which contain a 'voice'-modus. For example one has to one's disposal a very comfortable digital telephone answering machine which contains several texts, inclusive personal messages. The differentiation between telephone call and fax will be made automatically. We support this funktion for two type of modem. At first the Zyxel 1496 which has a large spreading. The second modem is the Creatix LC144VF which has a very good price. So if You have CoMa voice You only need to have the computer switch WAKE_UP and change Your good old ATARI into a smart communication manager. WAKE_UP is specialy made for CoMa and starts the computer when the phone rings. After receiving a fax or a call WAKE_up switches the computer off. So the computer is only working as long as necessary. 1.2 For whom is CoMa useful? CoMa was developed so that we are able to deliver a fax programme which is easy to install and can be used intuitively for your office software. You can send all forms or serial letters from the software FIRST MILLION without any problem by the click of your mouse as fax. First Million is calling a tomatically from the programme CoMa. The extent of the programme has grown tremendously in the meantime and therefore CoMa has turned into its own independent fax programme which can be used without connection to First Million. All owners of a modern fax modem will value the advantages of a secure and fast fax software. The programme supports all transmission speed up to 14400 Bit/s and should work reliable with all available modem types who use fax standard Class 2. But,as with many computer standards, there is still some scope for definition of class 2 which can lead to problems. You will be delighted with the ease in transmitting your fax documents if your modem sticks to the preset. Should you have problems contact us immediately, we will try to help as fast as possible. 1.3 hardware requirements The programme is written fully in C ie assembler, as is the case with other software products from us, and keeps to the GEM-guidelines, which means that CoMa functions on an old 520St without any problems as well. It also functions safely with MultiTos or Magixl. The programme works of course on the Atari Falcon! You can use CoMa as programme as well as accessory. Accessory needs much less memory than other fax programmes. You can use any closing from 640x200 pixeln because CoMa has been programmed to close independently. Graphic cards available on the marked pause no problems either. 1.4 connection between Modem and computer You will need a serial cable for the connection between modem and computer which should receive a shield if possible in order to keep noise ratio at bay. This is necessary because the connection is operated with Baud 19200. Serial cables are available at various electronic distribution companies at easonable prices. Please make sure it is a 1;1 cable (DB-25 plug to Sub-D-25 socket). It is a bit more complicated for the Atari TT STE or Falcon. You will need a cable with a DB-25 plug and a DB-9 socket. DB-25 (Modem) DB-9 (TT) Pin 2(TX) Pin 3 Pin 3 (RD) Pin 2 Pin 4 (RTS) Pin 7 Pin 5 (CTS) Pin 8 Pin 6 (DSR) Pin 6 (not needed for CoMa) Pin 7 (earth) Pin 5 Pin 8 (DCD) Pin 1 (not needed for CoMa) Pin 20 (DTR) Pin 4 Pin 22 (RI) Pin 9, important otherwise automatic reception does not function 1.5 CoMa as APP or ACC? CoMa can be installed as a normal programme or as an recallable ACC. Because CoMa is using only 170 kB memory for a workable minimal configuration it is not a good solution to use it as a programme. It will probably be the exception to work seriously with 512 kB. But if there are any space problems the CoMa.ACC can be renamed into CoMA APP. CoMa must always be started from the desktop. The reception of fax pages will be more difficult because you have to leave a programme when the telephone rings in order to start COMA.APP and to click the function "Receive" in the CoMa dialogue box. Furthermore you cannot send a document directly from First Million without MultiTOS. Result: hardly anything passes COMA.ACC, even if the Atari has to receive a memory extension. We should not forget another problem: memory eating programmes which reserve the whole memory for themselves after the start. You cannot use CoMa from such a programme because you cannot request memory for the data ( for exampel Calamus 1.09N). 1.6 security copy, installation on the hard disc You receive a diskette with CoMa as soon as this handbook is delivered. Please make a back-up copy of this diskette immediately and always work with the copy. There are several data files with eight folder on the diskette. If you are using a hard disc please copy COMA.APP (COMADEMO.APP) onto the boot partition into the top level ( or into a file). Drive C is normally the boot partition. If you have not enough space on drive C you can choose a different drive for the demographic in IMG-format and the eight folder. You will have to create the path for the graphic and the folder in any case if you do not wish to copy the diskette completely onto the boot drive. (chapter 1.7). Our development parcel is included in the folder DEVELOP. With this aid it will be relatively easy to create relevant printer driver, if necessary. The more elegant method is via the IMG-file! If you use our development parcel, the created printer driver will be publ c domain! Please take note that CoMa is capable to directly input and use graphic data in IMG-format. If your application is capable to create a IMG-data you do not need a fax driver at all. The screen layout is then faster by factor 10, just as a side effect. Hufman decoding is not necessary in order to disp ay the data on the monitor. (graphic) Boot your computer by pushing the reset-button. You will now find the CoMa entry below the ATARI sign. 1.7 licensed CoMa version It is not easy for software companies to remain competitively on the market because the whole trade is showing decreasing tendencies. It is understandable therefore that we think very hard to prevent the distribution of our products without bill of sale (also called pirate copies). Copy protections either soft- or hardware solution is not considered practical because of the extensive expenditure and it limits the usage of the programme. Additional the user has to bear inconveniences with hardware protections. We believe we have found a more elegant solution to the problem. Every customer receives a version of the programme licensed to his name and every fax will send this information as 'recognition' in the first line of the fax. It is not possible for the customer to de-activate this stampline. Should you fax No change you can edit this in the window 'parameter', but you cannot change the name of the licensee. The stampline contains the page nos., the date and the time, apart from the sender details. The date and time can only be correct if the clock of the system has been set correctly. We have installed a limited version of the system in various mailboxes and networks to enable you to test the programme. It is possible to receive unlimited with the shareware of CoMa, but one can only send up to 500 lines, appropriately the sending part should be rather called 'cripple ware'. How you can change your shareware to a licensed version can be seen in chapter 1.8 and 2.17! 1.8 licensing of COMADEMO.APP If you have either taken our programme from a mailbox or bought it at a dealer you will need the registration key in order to transform the limited shareware into a fully functioning programme. You are able to receive the registration key very quickly if you call up the dialogbox 'registration' when you start the programme. Put in your personal details and print the registration form (chapter 2.17). After receipt of your order we will send you the number code immediately. Of course you can also request the code by telephone (see hotline). The dealer will contact us immediately in case you have bought the programme from a shop and you normally receive your licensed CoMa version at once. 1.9 Adjusting parameter for CoMa You will have to make some adjustment in the dialogbox 'parameter' before you can start with CoMa. Please click the entry 'CoMa' on the menu panel once and the main dialog box for the accessory CoMa will appear. The button to change to parameter dialogbox can be found there, please click once and you get a pop-up-men with six funktions. Fax, Expert, FTP, Print, Voice, Messages, HSMODEM activ This shows you, that the programme HSMODEM is activ to speed up the serial port and handle the CTS/RTS signal correct. This programme also opens up higher data transmission rates for the serial port, which are necessary for the operation of the voice-module from CoMa. CoMa will not work without HSMODEM activ! So please make shure it is installed correctly. Chapter 2.23 shows you what you have to know to intall HSMODEM! Modem-protocol The probability exists that not all modems adhere 100% to the preliminary class 2 standard of fax transmission . An automatic protocol function has been included in the programme therefore and the whole communication of the programme with the modem will be stored on a file should your Modem not co-operate correctly with CoMa. All you have to do is to activate the button if there are mistakes in the transmission or receive. The protocol file is called MOD-PROT.TXT and is situated on the system path. Please send the error message and the file to us and we will be able to programme a solution so much faster for you. online screen redraw If you chose this button the page will be shown on the screen in a GEM-window during decoding whilst loading. You do not have to recall any help programme or leave the programme CoMa. You can slightly move the screen content with a click of the left mouse button on the window of the shown fax page and are now able to read the whole document. If you receive a fax the page will always be displayed at once so you are able to see immediately who is sending the fax. The window is scrolling automatically during screen layout. max. dial, repeats after XX sec. Note down the number of repeats you wish the programme to make if the connection is busy. This option is only functioning properly if the modem evaluates the busy sign correctly and is passing this information to the computer. You can edit the waiting time between repeat dials in the field 'repeat after XX' seconds. answer at X rings You will have to adjust this field if you want to receive fax during your absence as well. If you put in 0 your modem will connect only manual. Problems connected with automatic receiving are described in depth in chapter 2.12. dial orders fax files and system data Finally you can adjust the path for the system file and the 2 folder which are necessary for the programme to file the pages. You will have to make some alterations if you want to start CoMa from the hard disc. But you can save yourself this procedure if you copy the whole content of the disc onto drive C. The actual path is taken over as default setting when you start COMA.ACC (as well as COMA.APP) You only have to make alterations therefore if you distribute the file onto several drives. You will then have to proceed as follows: Click on the line of the path that has changed. The fileselectbox will then appear. It is very simple to put in the path by just clicking the drive and the file. Coma will remember all other paths as well (fax number organisation, file for IMG-file etc.) if you chose save parameter. Unfortunately this only works from the TOS-version 1.4 or higher. If you have got an older TOS you have to cancel the path line and edit the letter of the drive and file by hand. It is sensible anyway to consider the purchase of a new TOS version because the old ones did contain some errors. Port You can dial the desired port in a pop-up-menu because Atari's new computers have got various serial ports. The not available ports are deactivated in computers with only 1 serial port and cannot be selected. The port adjusted by the control field will be used if the button 'actual' is selected. DTE-Speed You can adjust the transmission speed between computer and modem with this pop-up-menu. The value is normally 19200 Baud. Some ports (TT and Falcon) can operate higher transmission rates. Fax-Speed This selection field enables you to adjust a certain transmission speed. Select the highest transmission rate that your modem supports. The modem will be then instructed directly to start with this speed for fax transmission. Should the fax machine not have this speed the transmission rate will be cut till transmission is possible. logbook If you like to protocol your connections you should activate this button. Coma then creates a text file LOGBOOK.TXT in the folder SYSTEM. You can check here always when and to whom you have send a fax. zoom 25% The zoom factor with which a fax page is displayed after load is selected here. You can adjust the display with the button "+" and "-" from the digit block at any time. Send 100 dpi If you want to reduce your connection time (and therefore your telephone expenses) you can send your fax with 100 dpi resolution. That does not look so elegant any more, but you have this function if you need it. Modem Type You can select the standard via two pop-up menues. Usually this will be of the type "class 2". New modem can be installed as "class2.0", if they work with the new standard. If You use CoMa-Voice please activate the menue "Voice". ID sending identification You can decide from now on if the stamp line should contain apart from your name your telephone number as well. You can input the number in this field. Receive max. DIN A4 If you have little RAM the computer will loose a fax page if somebody sends you a very long pages (more then a DIN A4 page with only 1 MByte RAM). This button helps you to prevent this! quit if all windows are closed This function terminates CoMa if the last faxwindow has been closed. 3-D look With 16 or more colours you can switch on the famous 3-D outlook of CoMa. Making a QFAX.INF Our programme can still read fax-files in QFax format even though this leads to loss of speed in comparison to IMG files. The programme assumes always that the path for the file outgoing is located in a file named QFAX.INF. We have installed a routine which creates such a file automatically so that you do not have to create such a file with a text editor. You only have to click the button "QFAX.INF" after you have selected the path for the folder OUTGOING. If you already have got a file with the name QFAX.INF on your hard disc you will see a warning message. You can abandon the procedure now. Please take care that the path for the file OUTGOING in QFAX.INF is identical with the path in the parameter dialogue box of CoMa 1.10 leave of dialogue box "parameter" Abandon If you leave the box via function "abandon" all changes will be ignored. OK You accept the changes with the button ok, but they are not memorised eternally. If you switch the computer off they will be lost. The ok button is important if you want to try out what kind of effect the adjustment has without wanting to memorise them for good. parameter saving The programme will save the parameter in the file COMA.INF if you activate the button "save" and will read them into the computer at the next start again. The path for the function "Load IMG" and "Save IMG" will be memorised here as well. 1.11 Parameter "Expert" With the funktion "expert" in the pop-up-menue "Parameter" you can call a new dialog box. For normal cases it will not be necessary to make here any changes. This dialog is reserved for the experts or, if there are problems in the use of CoMa. In order to cover all eventualities we have installed five different dialling strings. Send If your modem is connected directly to the telephone line it is probably sufficient to leave the order line as it is. Perhaps you have got an extension between modem and telephone line. Then you will have to adjust the waiting of the modem to the free line sign (X3) and the dialling of the telephone line (0) as well as a pause (.). Sign mentioned in ( ) are the Hayes orders which every modem should understand. The dialling string for the mentioned example would look as follows: ATX3DPO No dial Sometimes it is desirable to be able to transfer a fax during a telephone call, obviously assuming the other party has got combi-fax possibility. In this case the programme should not dial again and the dial tone detect has to be switched off. The modem disconnects immediately if it does not recognize a free-sign. The command necessary (according to Hayes) is "XI" or "X3". Dial command should be as follows: ATX3D If you activate the button "no dialling" in the main dialogue box the modem connects immediately without dialling and starts the transfer of the chosen fax pages. Transfer can only function if the telephone used for speaking has been connected to the modem. Receive We have designed a special dial string if you should need to give your modem specific commands for the reception of fax pages . Polling (Receive) Some companies, institutions or government departments are offering a new service for fax owners. You can call with your fax and "poll" certain fax pages. If your modem is compatible to polling you have to introduce a special dial command. The given example refers only to the Zyxel modem (for Firmware 6.10 + 6.11). Polling (Send) CoMa also gives you the possibility to create a folder for polling from your computer. Init The commands in this field are send to the modem in the beginning of every transmission. Next to this you find a place put a delay time between the init string and the next commands. Some modem can not make a reset and receive commands. Min. scantime Some modem give a wrong infomation to the receiving fax-maschine. You can now create a scantime by try and error. wait for "Ring" without RI-wire These two commands are only for a special use of Zyxel modem. add XY byte each line Some modem need time to decode the received fax-data. If the data are to fast, it will course mistakes. In this case it is usefull to put in some bytes to fill up a line. clear DTR after automatic receive This function supports the automatic computer switch Connect 1. This switch needs a DTR on/off after an automatic receive to switch off the computer. Our automatic switch does not need this function, it works even without it! 1.12 file name of fax page in CoMa The name will always show the day, the hour and the minute in which the page has been received if the fax has not transmitted an identification. A fax of the 12.5.93 at 17 hrs 25 min would be recorded as 12_17_25.FO1. The same time with the extension counted on would have been recorded if you had received 2 more pages (12_17_25.FO2 and 12_17_25.FO3. If the fax machine sends the telephone number as identification the fax file will be stored under this number. This has the advantage that you can identify the sender of the fax immediately. This should be the norm because most fax machine have this identification by now. 1.13 the star button You have learned already that you can display the fax page in a window and that you can change the display with the keys "+" and "-". the letters are somewhat squeezed if the pages are reduced too much. In order to eliminate this effect and to increase the readability we have installed a function to "thin out" the lines in the display. You can switch from normal, to thick and thin display with the star button of the key board. You will recognise the advantage of this function very quickly.