Cubase Audio for the Falcon v 2.02 - V 2.01, changes to V 2.00: - there was a problem when loading songs from version 1.10: they could be loaded, and saved, but not re-loaded into 2.00. - the FSEL.MOD has been replaced with a newer version. The one on the 2.00 could cause some problems, mainly with audio files. - changes from V 2.01 to V 2.02 - songs from 1.10, saved with 2.00 can now also be loaded. - a new MIXER.MOD - a new MROS3_43 to enable new sync option (see below), and better cycle timing. Note there is a potential problem if Mixer Parts start at the left locator, even if the Mixer Track is muted. You should delete all Mixer Tracks which you don't use, and try to avoid to let a Mixer Part start at the left locator. - Song Start and Display offset in the Sync Dialog could not be set to more than about 12 minutes, fixed. - volume events (drawn in the Audio Editor) for Stereo segments could affect the volume of the following channel, fixed. - sizing the end offset of very long Audio Segments in the Audio Editor would cause strange results, fixed. - if you press while the program is booting, you will be asked whether you want to disable the Audio Functions; this was asked for by many users. Note that the Audio Menu is entirely disabled, and there is no full guarantee that the program works correctly in this mode, but as long as you don't attempt to use Audio related functions, no problems should occur. - in the Hardware Setup Dialog, a new button 'SYNC'. To explain what it does, there are 3 possible sync modes now: a) internal sync (Midi sync'd to audio clock) S/PDIF (22.05, 32, 44.1, 48) | | FDI EXTERN or FDI INTERN (44.1 or 48) or CAC (44.1) or FALCON INTERNAL (16-33) | | AUDIO CLOCK ----> AUDIO + MIDI b) external sync (Hardware Setup SYNC off, Audio sync'd to Audio Clock, Midi sync'd to external timecode) AUDIO CLOCK ---> AUDIO SMPTE ---------> MIDI c) new: external trigger (Hardware Setup SYNC on, posit to timecode, Midi sync'd to Audio Clock) AUDIO CLOCK ---> AUDIO + MIDI SMPTE ---------> posit, trigger, stop As there is no synchronisation between Audio Clock and timecode, it can be more reasonable to keep Midi in sync with Audio, even if now both are 'free wheeling' with respect to the timecode. Also, if you have a synchroniser which can produce an S/PDIF output which is synchronised to a SMPTE input, you may achieve true sync to tape when the SYNC button in the Hardware Setup is active, and the Audio Input is set to the FDI's S/PDIF Input. Sept 94, (c) Steinberg