_______ _______ ________ _______ / _____/ / ___ / / ______/ _______ / _____/ / / / / / / / /_____ /______/ / / / / / /_ / / /_____ / _______ / / _____ / / / /--/ / / / /______/ / / / __ / / / / / / / ______/ / ________ / / / /_/ / /_/ /_/ /_/ /_______/ /_______/ /_/ /_____/ team presento: S E N I O R F U C K O U T ! ! ! credits: code: motorol, agent molder gfx: motorol msx: motorol design: motorol swap: motorol, agent molder, butter, capitan hamburger web swap: capitan hamburger rest: motorol, agent molder, butter, capitan hamburger This intro required only 1Mb and runs also on Falcon 030 with 4MB. We haven't check it on TT, but we haven't do it on ST too... You should have this files to be sure that intro is all: - senior.prg - serior.txt - desktop.info - papierkorb - diskstation A - diskstation B This intro is *NOT* use any trick, just brutal force... That's all folks, have a fun and wait for our next production Motorol/Rasero Team '97 4 contact write 2: Abuld Shirau Denver Road 38 54766 Manchester England ps. buy a computer and sell atari!