Some important notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some people told me, that Undercover VII did not run on VGA-Monitors. First I was a little bit surprised, but then I remembered, that some VGA-Falcon- connections result in faulty vsync-Signals. If you have this problem simply start "TWINSYNC" coded by the one and only Sebozet/Spirits before running Undercover. As I heard, the flicker-bug (screen somtimes disapper/distort) is a general Videl-Bug. So it's not so easy to kill it. I'll have to code a version of Undercover for Falcon in 640*240*16. Therefor I must change all gfx-related routs of it. And I don't think it'll be much fun... So I don't make any promises to fix this bug. An old bug, but I didn't notice it for a long time: Undercover does not run from harddrive on "normal" STs (and maybe STEs). Yeah!!! The exit-bug is still active. I probably know what caused it, but why break with old traditions... =-> Okay, that's enough. We now know the section we overtop Maggie without a problem... We have more bugs... Flash asked me, if I could code a monochrome-version of Undercover, but I'm not sure, if this is needed by anyone except him. If you want to read the Undercover-articles on that humble SM124/144/compatibles, simply send me a post-card. If there's some reply from you out there, I'll possibly code it. And at last a question. Could anyone help me to include the print-rout. I don't have any sources how to do this and the "ATARI ST Profibuch" wants me to use bios 3. If you can help me, please do it! I don't want to disassemble the system-routs... Write to: Lorenz Witte Bunnenbergstr. 20 30165 Hannover Germany