************************************************************************** Mine Sweeper ST by CREAM ************************************************************************** Hi folks, here we go again...Not with a high-quality-demo, but a nice little game, we hope you like as many people do. "Mine Sweeper" was originally written by Microsoft for a PC-Dos-version or so. We didn't like the style of that GEM-type game, so we restyled it a little bit with some 't'-graphics, a piece of TAO-music and some other changes like a highscore table and increased difficulty for each stage. All in one it is styled a bit more arcade-like. This game saves a highscore-file ("HIGHSCORES.DAT") to your actual drive and uses the path you loaded "SWEEPER.PRG" from. If this file doesn't exist, a new one will be created. The attempt of loading a non-existing higscore table will be ignored and a default list be used. So if you get a version with highscores you cannot reach, just delete "HIGHSCORES.DAT" from you disk. This game has been tested on nearly all types of ST Computers (ST,STE,MSTE) and should also run on Falcon (ST Mode and RGB). We hope that you like this little Project, although it is not brainblasting. And for the Falcon we are planing a special version using the capabilities of that great machine. Some crap: You might wonder why we release this demo under the CREAM Lable. This does not mean that we aren't ACF-Members anymore. Whenever a new ACF-Demo should appear, you'll certainly find some 't'-graphics and TAO musics in it. CREAM will be the Name for our FALCON-Projects in the future and this one should prepare you to the new style of presentation we will go from now on. And that means no fuckings anymore, peace and love will guide us in the future. Have a look at our pixwizard Agent t, and you will know what I mean. As You already might have heard we are still working on our last demo on the ST and you also might have expected it to be released already. But we (and especially me, TAO) have been lazy nearly the whole past year. Different interests and a lack of motivation were the reasons for our "whole". But we think the little pieces of art and noise we have collected for our "STMYGM, Songs That Make You Go Mmhh II" are to good to be thrown away, e.g. the Agent t - Amiga-Pics and some others. We hope that we will be able to release it soon. I hope somebody read this TAO of CREAM