THE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD BBBB EEEEE TTTTTTT RRRR AA CCCC KKK K EEEEE RRRR D D B B E E T T T R R A A C K K E E R R D D B B E T R R A A C K K E R R D D BBBB EEE T RRRRR AAAAAA C KK EEE RRRRR D D B B E T R R A A C K K E R R D D B B E E T R R A A C K K E E R R DDDD BBBBB EEEEE TTT R R AAA AAA CCCC KKK K EEEEE R R ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BY STGHOST/SECTOR ONE (C)1995 This is the first DEMO-VERSION of the DBE TRACKER, a new soundtracker for ST and PC. It runs on all ATARI machines with a DMA soundchip. This is a 32 voices soundtracker even a single STE (but it is a bit more shitty than on a more powerful machine). Speed cards are not recognized but can be used (not in the demo version). In this version, you can load soundtracks, load samples and save samples. You can edit the patterns. Many options and functions are still not imple- mented like transpositions, midi input/output gestion, sample edition... The tracker is not finished but you can register now. You'll receive all new versions that will be released. File formats of this version: *Load and decrunch (Atomik 3.5, Ice 2.4, Speed Packer 3) the following file formats: MOD, S3M, 669, MTM, MGM and my own format: DBT *Load samples: SPL, AVR *Save samples: SPL, AVR, WAV File formats in the final version: *Load WAV samples *Load/Save songs: SNG and DBS(my own format) *Save all soundtrack formats of this version *Load DTM and GTK soundtracks (Digital Tracker and Graoumf Tracker) Some remarks: -the quality depends on the processor speed and the number of voices. The DSP is not used in this version on Falcon030. Maybe there will be a spe- cific release for this machine. -the fileselector in this demo version is not finished. Only LOAD FILE and SAVE FILE can be used. -it is possible to load a file contained in a LZH (or ARJ) archive -there will be a midi-input and a MIDI-OUTPUT -there will be a sampler/sample-editor If you are interested in this soundtracker, contact me at the following address: HUGUET Denis 104bis Avenue du General de Gaulle 18500 Mehun sur Yevre FRANCE The registration fee is : 50FF / 6.35œ / 10.20$ / 14.20DM Please send a disk with you address and the fee (no cash !!!) if you want to be registered. More about the DBE TRACKER -------------------------- It is a 32 voices soundtracker. You can use 255 8-bits samples (and 16 bits on Falcon in the final version). You can have up to 256 patterns. Of course, such possibilities would require lots of memory, so the way to increase the patterns number is a bit shitty: you have to enter the number of the new pattern on the line called PATTERN by clicking on the number and entering a new value or by using +/- buttons. If you want to type it, please notice you can add patterns one by one. It is a bit more easy with samples: there is always a free slot for a new sample (if you have a 31-samples module, you can access sample number 32), select it and load the new sample (a new slot will be added). The selection of a sample is made with the numeric pad: 0 to sub 16, . to add 16 and all other keys to set the hexadecimal unit (Enter=0). Pattern entries are like this: NNN VV IIEEPP NNN is the note from C_0 to B_5 (Do_0 to Si_5) (--- if no note) VV is the volume: 00 to $40 set a new value $41 to $7f reserved $80 to $ff no change (-- on the screen) II is the sample number (0 means no change) EE is the effect PP is the parameter of this effect Only Protracker effects are included at the moment but I am going to add some ones. Please note that extended effects 0Exy are now 1x0y. Look at the file called DBT1_KBD.TXT for the keyboard functions. I hope you'll like this soundtracker. Please write me for ideas, re- gistration, module exchange or if you want the Sector One Music Disk 8 or the last DSMP (v2.02b). Warning: some options will not react in the demo-version because they are made/finished, so don't worry about bugs... Last minute: In the fileselector, the SAVE NEW button doesn't work because it is now possible to clic on the FILENAME field and enter the filename, then just clic SAVE FILE. Some thanks goes to: - Hello/Sector One for testing - Simplet/Fatal Design for documentation about file formats - TOS Crew for ARJ decrunch code Some greetings goes to: - Hello/Sector One -Zoby One/ACCS -The Beast/Typhoon Bye. STGHOST/SECTOR ONE