ICTARI PROGRAMMERS USER GROUP ============================= METHODS OF PAYMENT We will be using two basic systems for exchanging disks. You can either send a disk to us each month together with the return postage or you can send money and we will provide a disk from that. If you send a disk please erase any old data on it so that we don't have to check through it again to see if there is anything new being returned. If possible some new material for the magazine would be very useful, even if it is just a letter about some aspect of programming, requests for help or comments about the group. With the disk please enclose two second class stamps (or the money equivalent) to pay for the return postage and packing. Don't forget to write your name and address on the disk or we may not know where to send it. Alternatively you can send 75p for each month that you wish to pay for in advance. Any cheques or postal orders should be made payable to :- Mr P D Hibbs. Of the two methods, we would prefer the first one because this means we don't have to keep buying dozens of disks each month and also it is more likely that members will put something on the disk for the magazine. The only slight drawback is that members have to remember to return the disk each month. We would suggest that you buy a book of stamps and a packet of envelopes in readiness and also return the disk as soon as you can after you receive it to avoid any problems. If you do send money and then send a disk with a contribution for the magazine, your credit will be adjusted accordingly. The credit system means that a disk+stamps or 75p is worth one credit. When your credit rating is zero you will be informed so that you can send more disks/money as you wish. Back issues of the magazine are available from us for œ1 per disk. The address for ICTARI is :- 63 Woolsbridge Road, Ashley Heath, Ringwood, Hants, BH24 2LX. (Please note that this document will not change each month unless mentioned in the ICTARI.TXT document file) ----------------