PRINT FONT V.2 ============== This program was written to allow my sister-in-law to use her printer to generate text in a number of styles using GDOS fonts. These were to be used in place of letraset for her design course. This program is effectively a Beta Test version, uploaded only to the Ad Lib BBS for comments and suggestions. If you like it, use it. If you want something adding - tell me! P.S. Should currently work in ALL Resolutions. S.H.Rigby. ---------- Files ===== The following files should be in this archive - PRNTFNT2.PRG - THE PROGRAM PRNTFNT2.RSC - THE RESOURCE FILE PRNTFNT2.TXT - THIS TEXT FILE PRINTERS.CFG - THE PRINTER CONFIGURATION FILE Note:- The printers.cfg file is partially documented and can be altered or added to BUT it will always print to the standard printer port at the moment. Only standard 8 bit bitstreams are currently supported (9 - pin printers). On startup or reload of fonts, the program will look for a file called FONTS.LST on the root directory of the chosen (or startup) drive. If it finds this file, it will only use the fonts contained within it. If it cannot find this file, it will search the entire chosen disk for GDOS fonts and will create a FONTS.LST file on the root of that disk (if possible) for future fast startup. Searching large drives can be slow - BE WARNED. The file can be edited to make Prntfnt2 ignore fonts that you don't want. If you add new fonts to a disk - erase FONTS.LST to make the program re-search. Menu Help ========= About: This displays a small info box that will disappear after 5 seconds. There are No Buttons! File: Load Ascii: This option will allow you to load in any Ascii text file for perusal. Quit: This does as it says - Exit to Shell (Gem). Fonts: Change Font: This will provide a window to choose a font from (Alphabetical Order). Use mouse or cursor/Cursor/Return. Escape cancels choice. Reload Font: This option will give you a choice of drives to scan. Only available Drives can be scanned! Printer: Print File: This option will print the current text file with the currently selected font. The size and quality will depend on the printer driver chosen. Options: This option allows you to select which printer driver to use and what margins you require on the pages.