Subject: August GFA Basic Section By: James Collett (Professor) A Member Of: VIRTUAL INFINITY E-Mail: Address: Park View Farm, Carlton, Nr Nuneaton, Warks, CV13 ODA Mono Account: bcc Sorry the information file with last months (August) GFA section was short and cryptic, there wasn`t much disk space left and I thought it more sensible to use it for the programs. This is probably just a slightly extended repeat of what I said last month, but here goes with the information concerning August`s GFA files: 3-D Dister ========== I`ve re-written the replay so it runs 'flicker free' on a machine without a blitter. I`ve also optimised the 352044 pixel record by a WHOLE MINUTE by pre-calculating the trig. table. I still don`t think it runs on a half megabyte - WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! [Note the 2-D dister was on July Ictari disk.] Infinite Sprites ================ Nothing much new to say, I`ve simply converted it to GFA 2, [note the GFA 3 version was on July Ictari disk.] Rasters, Rasters, Rasters ========================= I`m afraid I went raster mad! Firstly, BORDER.LST should explain the basic theory of my "pseudo rasters". Animated routines include: bouncing RAST_BAR, simultaneous BI_DIRECT rasters and simult. BI_BARS (GFA 3 only). Finally a crappy 13_COLOR "pseudo interlace" thingy using rasters. Star-Field ========== This was a quicky based on a little theory of fixed, 2-D, concentric circles, so don`t expect too much from it! I know there are dozens of other star routines around, smoother and more efficient! ---END---