Name : David Ashcroft Project : Stereo Sound output for Atari STFM (Without Throughport) Address : (See Profile) Date : 2 June 1993 Disclaimer This project should not damage your ST in any way as long as it is constructed as directed. However, I will not be held responsible for any damage you should create while making or using this device. If when it is plugged in - the screen should become distorted etc, switch off immediately and recheck the soldering - you may have inadvertently soldered two parts of the plug together. In all my use of the device I have never experienced any problems and please do not let this disclaimer put you off building the project - it will just save my ass in the case of some silly bugger coming near his ST with a soldering iron! ______________________________________________________________________ The project outlined below is very easy to build and basically gives the STFM the same sound output as the STE - although in this project the Stereo is 'Simulated Stereo'. The only sacrifice is that this project can not be operated at the same time as anything is connected to the monitor port. The project costs only a few pounds and does not call for any modifications to your beloved ST at all. The project is easy enough for anyone with a VERY basic practical knowledge of soldering to build. First of all is a list of parts needed - alongside them are the MAPLIN ELECTRONICS catalogue numbers and prices so you can obtain the parts very easily. MAPLIN shops can be found all over the country, but I have also included the Address and Phone number of the Mail Order warehouse in case you can't easily get to a shop. There is one part listed as optional, in reality it is better to buy it as you will more than likely need it. It enables you to put the ST's sound output into your average tape recorder etc. So in my opinion - if you want the best - get the rest!. Oh, and the lead is grey, so it blends in with your ST Setup! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Part - Catalogue Code - quantity - Price - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 13-Pin DIN Plug - JW95D - 1 - œ1.45 - - Lapped 4-core Grey - XR92A - 1 - œ0.32 - - Plug Plas 3.5 - HF80B - 2 - œ0.60 - - 2x3.5 Mono/3.5 Ste (optional) - JM91Y - 1 - œ0.98 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - œ3.35 - --------- You will also need : - Solder and a Soldering Iron and two small pieces of speaker wire (maximum about 15 cm/6 inches long - I have not included this is the parts list because it can be bought cheaper at your local DIY shop etc!) Unscrew the back of the 13-Pin plug, and you are faced with an array of tags to solder wires on to - the only tags that you need to be familiar with are the 4th pin on the top row, pin 1 and the very bottom pin - pin 13 O O O O 1 O O O O O O O O O 13 Solder two of the wires to pin 1 (note the colours - for example I will use red and blue). Then solder the other two wires to pin 13 (again note the colours). Rescrew the back of the plug back on. At the other end of the cable there should now be 4 wires sticking out. Open the back of the 3.5mm Mono jacks Then solder each of the wires that you connected to pin 1 (in my case red and blue) to the terminal at the top of the Mono jacks (each of the wires goes to a different socket). Now solder each of the other two wires (the ones connected to pin 13) to the other terminals on each of the sockets. CONGRATULATIONS - YOU NOW HAVE 'SIMULATED STEREO' OUTPUT To get it working, just plug in the monitor plug to the monitor socket and then get your amplifier ready (or ZY-FI speakers - from EVESHAM MICROS). If your amplifier does not accept the "2 Mono Jack input" then I suggest that you buy the Two 3.5mm Mono Sockets to 3.5mm Stereo plug - listed as optional in the parts list. WHAT TO DO IF IT DOESN'T WORK If you have followed the instructions it should have worked. If however it does not, check all of the solder connections to make sure that there is no short circuit or broken wires anywhere. If you have done all this and there are no mistakes then you should try de- soldering the wires at the jacks and re-arranging the way that the wires are connected - try this one jack at a time, de-solder then swap the two wires about. If it still doesn't work, then why don't you send ALL of the parts to me and I will have a go at fixing it for you! However, don't anyone bother trying to send me unassembled kits for assembly - I don't have the time! Happy Stereo! Oh and bye the way - this text file is not in the public domain, it is for the use of ICTARI members only ! ********************************************************************** MAPLIN MAIL ORDER ADDRESS P.O. BOX 3 Rayleigh Essex SS6 8LR Tel:(0702) 554161 (They take credit cards) **********************************************************************