___ ______ ___ _________ _________ ___ \__\ \ __\ \ \__ \______ \ \ _____\ \__\ ___ \ \ \ __\ _____\ \ \ \ ___ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ____ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_____ \ \____ \ \__\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \__\ \_______\ \______\ \________\ \__\ \__\ * m a g a z i n e * -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I C T A R I U S E R G R O U P -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hi there, welcome to Ictari Disk #4. Hope you like the new menu program, shame I couldn't get Monkey's to work - as it is good ( I think ). :-) WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW MEMBERS OF ICTARI USER GROUP - MUST BE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THAT LETTER IN ST USER :-) First things first, My exams are over, so I can now devote all of my spare time to programming, Ictari User Group, etc. Maybe you will get quicker responses now :-). I do have a full time job, but no exams, assignments etc, so my spare time is left for programming, programming, programming, drinking, playing sensible soccer (the new version), and programming. My days will be spent earning money to fund a phone line, a modem, a hard drive, a Falcon, and a new printer -hmm loads of overtime in store I think. A new feature to be started next month, in my attempt to make Ictari more like a magazine, is the inclusion of the UNCUT chat folder, where members can talk about 'whatever' they like. Talk about whatever you like here - just send me what you want - ASCII format and I'll bung it in. I will have a separate X rated file that will allow swearing if you want to swear or just have a blatent flame. :-) This is just one new idea - I hoping to get more from the survey. Moving on to my letters: (in no order) Marcus Platt wants a 68k tutorial. Well my 68k is basic - but I will try and help. If any experienced 68k'ers see any fault in my tutorial then please correct me :-) Hopefully, I can write a beginners tutorial, and maybe some cool dude who is excellent with 68k coding, etc can expand it into some serious stuff. I mean now that there's thousands of students out there on Summer Hols, well - what else have you got to do - might as well write a nice intermediate 68k tutorial for us. 68k beginners tutorial starts next week :-) Marcus also adds - is Devpac 3 much better than 2. The answer is of course YES. Oh, yes and Ictari Back orders are available any time, through me or through any other source you can find. That reminds me, anyone seen Ictari Disks in any PD Library yet?, maybe I should start sending them, but that will cost me a load of disks. In reply to Martin Wright,regarding running STOS 3D Object Modeller,the following may be of some use :- On a pre-formatted disk put the following folders and programs: AUTO FOLDER (Run_OM.PRG) EXAMPLES FOLDER Object Modeller FOLDER(OM.FLDR) (containing:Colours FLDR;Obcols FLDR;etc) UTILS FOLDER (OL.TTP;PRUNE.TTP;SID.TTP) in the root directory : OM.PRG & SIMPATHS Auto boot this disk with the write protect off !! - the Object Modeller will automatically load and run then. Paul Winter has trouble with MONST, he says he can't get the binary file to save properly. The trouble is that if you use MONST to change something, you can't save it with save as binary! Does anyone know if there is a way of saving a modified, executable program?. If you can't help I'll have to do something drastic like read the manual. Arthur Wadolkowski, has a couple requests - which I will type in directly. (there's a lesson here - its sooooo much easier if you send requests in ASCII format on disks - it saves me time) Basically he's bought Z-KEYS from THIRD COAST TECHNOLOGIES a while back, he mentions that it allows a PC keyboard to be connected to the ST. Anyway the PC keyboard has no HELP, UNDO keys, and therefore he wants to know if anyone has a copy of a driver released by TCT that allowed the f11 and f12 to emulate these keys. - or if anyone has written their driver - or I suppose if anyone can write a driver :-) Arthur also asks if there is any PD, shareware etc that allows custom desktop icons to be added to TOS 2.06. Well is there? Frank Dawkins has problems with the following GFA Code: REPEAT REPEAT UNTIL MOUSEK ALERT 1,"| |HELLO|HELLO",1,"OK",c UNTIL MOUSEK=2 He says he gets a continuous beep and a message "NOT BYTE 0...255" is given when is used to exit the ALERT box. I could not duplicate this error on my STe, so maybe its to do with his TOS 1.2. Can anyone suggest a solution for him? Has anyone got Kozmic 2 pattern Generator ? Has anyone got the commercial game Tetris ? Can anyone think of a way to delete part of a file (a bit in the middle) without copying the file to another, and skipping the bit you wish to delete. I can't think of another way - I have a mind blank - thats my exuse and I'm sticking to it :-) To the Space Cowboy :- I am at present trying to obtain Atari ST Internals through various channels. The most promising of these is a book search carried out by Hatchards, Piccadilly, London, which may take up to 3 months when they contact you to inform you if it was a success or not. Unfortunately I don't have the exact address,but I will try and obtain a request form and forward it if you wish. . Does anyone else have any problems with the disk format I use, if so I consider changing it. Can anyone write me some code to load and display an ascii file - in 68K. I'm too lazy to do it myself. No need for anything neat and tidy. STOS USERS: STOSSER DISKZINE is available from TONY GREENWOOD, 29 Paxton Street, Accrington, Lancs, BBS 1QQ. Tony was 'still is ?' a member of IUG, he did contribute some STOS stuff for the first issue - hmm, has defected to create his own diskzine :-). Best of luck TONY - maybe I'll send a disk. The script used on my letters was a built in font. - I have now sold my printer, and thus hope to get a Bubblejet Printer. I only have my Electronic Typewriter at the moment, hence no personal replies - all merged here :-). Does anyone have the Atari Developers info ? Jim Taylor is new to C and wants to add some C maths functions to his 68k code. Can anyone help him - I don't have Lattice C - YET :-(I'm sure people like 'MORF' who has linked code can help :-). don't deny it - the source is on this disk :-). Jim need some help in how to link C with 68k, thats all. Ooh and I'm still after ST Internals if any one has or can get a copy? That's it - hope I haven't forgotten anything :-) See ya all next month NOTE: Replies to any of the above can be included in the NEW Ictari Discussion box thingy mentioned above - COMING SOON - NEXT MONTH ACTUALLY. NOTE: Please can you write your name, address, etc on all disks sent to me, and also write what you want to receive on the disk. Otherwise I lose track :-) Ictari Disk Magazine 5 released July 12th 1993