Subject: Swapping ST Demos By: James Collett (Professor) A Member Of: VIRTUAL INFINITY Email: (or Address: Room N4, L.S.C.College, Wheatley, Oxford, OX9 1HX Mono accnt.: bcc Nuts About Demos? ================= This applies to anyone who is as addicted to demos as I am, i.e. those things which push the ST`s computational power beyond that of a Cray, graphics power beyond that of an arch, and sonix power beyond a miggy`s (which isn`t difficult!!): As unbelievably impressive as some of them are, after the literary hundredth time of viewing them they do get a little predictable!! :-) Therefore I would like to swap some of my demos with other demos within the Ictari User Group - and maybe start a demo / PD software swapping club?? Please mail/post me if you have any demos not on my list and want some of mine. My Demo List ============ Sorry the numbering`s a bit strange, it`s simply in the order I picked them up off the floor! I have indicated 'non-official' demos with an asterisk: 1) Big demo 11)*Californion raisins demo 2) MicroMix (II+IV) 12) Ultimate GFA demo 3)*Dr.Who music demo 13) Union demo 4) Life`s a bitch demo 14) Decade demo 5)*C.F.S. crack 15) Electra demo (MEG) 6) Syntax terror demo crack (TWO) 16) Double doozer demo 7)*Misc. grafix demos (TWO+) 17)*C.F.S. (TWO) 8)*Gods music crack 18) Movie ST demo (STE) 9) Amiga demo 19) French demo (STE) 10) Fish`n`chips demo 20) Jungle demo (STE) 21)*Boing balls demo (STE) 27)*3-D scroller demo (STE) 22) Imagination 28) STupendous 23) Lightning demo 29) P.Y.M. (TWO) 24) The year after 30) Songs of the unexpected(STE) 25)*Star Trek 31) Neworder demo 26) Wow demo 32) Acid burn demo (MEG)=megabyte only , (STE)=STE only , (TWO)=demo comes on two disks E-mailing Demos =============== To anyone who has access to an internet mailbox and has never Emailed non-filed disks before: The mechanism is simple: first, on your ST, you convert the non-filed disk into a BIG file using the magic shadow archiver (MSA). Then you UUencode the file, to convert it to (7 bit) text, and send it as normal. Once received the file can be UUdecoded and de-MSA-ed, which returns it to its original and executable form. If the MSA file, to be sent, is too BIG to handle, then the non-filed disk can be converted into two (or more) files, for example one file containing tracks 0-40 and other containing tracks 41-81. Both MSA and UUcoders can be obtained from most PD libraries if necessary. Alternatively I can mail you MSA and UUencode; but I obviously can`t mail you UUdecode because you won`t be able to UUdecode it! A New Crew ... ============== Earlier this year a brand new ST demo crew formed, called VIRTUAL INFINITY! V.I. now consists of seven full time members, including myself (Professor) and Trantor (Dream State), and we are currently writing our first demo, 'Total Immersion', due to be completed later this year. V.I. consists of five 68k coders (Dream State, The Overlord, Kheldar, 68K, Kryten), one GFA coder (yours truly!) and one musician (Random). As for artwork: we get by! The Demo ======== Like most demos, 'Total Immersion' will be, and is being, designed and created to run on any ST set-up; although we do intend to include STe only and meg. only screens. The demo is going to be coded in a mixture of 68k and GFA. We will obviously be showing off out amazing talents, and including FX never before seen on the ST - if you want to know more you`ll just have to wait until it`s released! WANTED ====== The demo won`t be ready for release for a while yet, but when it is we will need *loads of* ST contacts to help spread it - both nationally and internationally. If you would like a copy, when it`s ready, please either get in touch with me or Trantor, or watch this space for more details. Also, if you`re a member of another demo crew or have done any similar work, and haven`t already got in contact with us, then please do and we`ll be happy to give you a greeting on our demo. ---END---