Subject: Methods Of Running GFA Programs By: James Collett (Professor) A Member Of: VIRTUAL INFINITY Email: (or Address: Room N4, L.S.C.Collage, Wheatley, Oxford, OX9 1HX Mono accnt.: bcc Interpreting And Compiling ========================== Source code is not in a form that the ST`s 68000 processor, or any machine`s processor, can execute (or run). In order to process, the source code must be converted into 'executable code', called machine code. When you normally Run, from the editor, GFA 'Interprets' the source code into machine code for the processor source line by source line, and 'gives' it to the processor in 'pieces'. When you run the first line is interpreted and executed, then the second, then the third and so on. The disadvantage of this is the interpreting 'gets in the way of' the run-time and slows the processor down. The solution to this is convert the entire source code into 'executable code', store this and run it separately instead of doing both conversion and execution in one go. This is called 'Compiling' the source code into executable code, which can then be run without an interpreter from the GEM Desktop! The GFA editor comes with an interpreter built in. But in order to convert your sources into stand-alone programs, a GFA compiler has to be obtained separately from GFA Media: Address: GFA Data Media (UK) Ltd Box 121 Wokingham Berkshire RG11 5XT U.K. Tel: 44 (0)734 794941 } Sales Fax: 44 (0)734 890782 } Only Note you ideally need exactly the same version compiler as interpreter. (For example I use version 3.5e interpreter and 3.5e compiler.) ---END---