Subject: File List By: James Collett (Professor) A Member Of: VIRTUAL INFINITY Email: (or Address: Room N4, L.S.C.Collage, Wheatley, Oxford, OX9 1HX Mono accnt.: bcc Speed Tutorial, Month One ========================= I faithfully hope you will spend at least 1% of the time and trouble to go through the tutorial, as I have spent in producing it. But knowing what busy lives everyone leads and knowing people like to dive straight in before getting around to reading the instructions, here is a simple list of the order I recommend you look at the sources, most of which have to be Merged: VARIAB_1.LST VARIAB_2.LST COMMENTS.LST BRANCH_1.LST BRANCH_2.LST BRANCH_3.LST TRUTABLE.LST FORNXT_1.LST FORNXT_2.LST FORNXT_3.LST (TRUTABLE.LST) WHILE.LST REPEAT_1.LST DOLOOP_1.LST DOLOOP_2.GFA or DOLOOP_1.BAS FORNXT_4.LST REPEAT_2.LST ARRAY_1.LST PROCED_1.GFA or PROCED_1.BAS (FORNXT_2.LST) PROCED_2.GFA or PROCED_2.BAS PROCED_3.GFA or PROCED_3.BAS EXAMMARK.GFA or EXAMMARK.BAS Note I probably won`t be including a 'speed tutorial' in future months. ---END---