Short Cuts, Hint & Tips Etc. ============================ Quick intructions ----------------- There are various 'quick' instructions in 68000 that can be used to speed up your code. These 'quick' instructions are a special form of immediate addressing. A 'quick' instruction is usually limited to operating on a number in the range 0 to 7, an exception being MOVEQ, which can operate on a number in the range -128 to 127. These 'quick' instructions are detailed below: ADDQ.B #1,D0 is quicker than ADD.B #1,D0 MOVEQ.W #78,D0 is quicker than MOVE.W #78,D0 SUBQ.L #2,D0 is quicker than SUB.L #2,D0 Note: a MOVEQ.W always clears the top 16 bits and MOVEQ.B always clears the top 24 bits. Short cuts ---------- Some types of intruction(s) can be substituted by different, but quicker instruction(s) that achieve the same result. Some other techniques can be used to speed up execution time. Details follow: Using LEA ??(SP),SP is quicker than ADD.L #??,SP unless ?? is less than 9, in which case ADDQ or SUBQ should be used. Using B??.S