ICTARI USER GROUP MAGAZINE MARCH 1993 ___ ______ ___ _________ _________ ___ \__\ \ __\ \ \__ \______ \ \ _____\ \__\ ___ \ \ \ __\ _____\ \ \ \ ___ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ____ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_____ \ \____ \ \__\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \__\ \_______\ \______\ \________\ \__\ \__\ * m a g a z i n e * -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I C T A R I U S E R G R O U P -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hi, and welcome to Ictari User Group, disk 1. Featured on this disk is my very own Personal Accounts program, which I am currently re-writing in C. Also included on this disk is Glenn's excellent Bootsector Cpmanion, which checks for viruses and allows you to install bootsector programs, repair disks, etc. If anyone has any unrecognised bootsectors, even if you know they are harmless can you use the program to store them, and send them to Glenn, or myself. The document displayer is being used to help read the documentation, I presume you are using this now, although it's not essential. I do hope in future to write my own version of this in the near future. Check out the GFA datatbase program in the the GFA folder which needs unarchiving, this program provides an excellent database for sources of information to GFA, it was written by Neil Warwick (How about a copy of the source please). Because of some incompatibility problems with some programs with a 4 Meg setup, I have included a memset program which will configure to 1 Meg. This is required by me for example to run Glenn's Bootsector program, which mysteriously does not work on 4 megs. Can anyone provide an explanation for this ??????? . The rest of the disk is separated into various popular languages in which I have had contributions sent in for. This includes 68K, STOS, C, and GFA. I hope other languages can be supported later. Also this edition is the first edition, and therefore there was a lack of hints, requests, etc which hopefully will be increased once the magazine gets distributed. I hope to write for the next edition a C tutorial and a 68K tutorial that starts from the basics. . Also I hope members will send me there recommended books, utilities and programs so people who hope to start in a particular field on the ST will have plenty of advice. Unfortunately this issue contains little on MIDI and GRAPHICS which are other important issues. Hoever I am prepared to cover these issues should I get some contributions relating to them. It is important to remember that this is your group as much as it's mine and that you decide what goes in the magazine by what you send me. I shall only be selective should an issue of space arise. Hopefully with my letter in ST Format, and the thus constant increase in membership as a result of this, I hope membership will continue to grow, and the quality of this magazine vastly improve, in all aspects. Ok, That's it for this edition, enjoy and get those contributions, and disks sent back to me for the next edition. Ictari Disk Magazine 2 to be released April 12th 1993 ----------------------------------------------------------------------