Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILESE LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo AddFontResource CreateScalableFontResource USER SetCursor LoadCursor SetForegroundWindow GetLastActivePopup KERNEL WritePrivateProfileString SYSINF SysInf_GetCPUSpeedRating SYSINF SysInf_Memory SYSINF SysInf_VidRes SYSINF SysInf_WaveOutCaps SYSINF SysInf_GetCDSpeed SYSINF SysInf_Version Failed to make working copy of configuration file. Setup cannot continue!A General Infoa CompanyR General Infoa ProductTitleR General Infoa ProductVersionR General Infoa ExecutableFileR General Infoa ProductNameR) General Infoa ProductIniFileR( Installing %sb) InstallShield_Winb4 General Infoa DialogBitmapR4 General Infoa PreviousInstallMsgR, %s is already installed on your system.b) If you reinstall now, you may experience some problems if you later decide to uninstall the product.$ These problems can be avoided if you quit the installer now, uninstall the product, and then reinstall.$ Quit the installer? (Y/N) General Infoa CreateDestinationDirR4 Welcome. This setup program will install %P on your computer. Hardware Reqda SystemValidationFailedMsgR4 Any Other Unique String Any Unique String Componentsa Was unable to create the directory '%s'a Installation is incomplete! Please Re-startb? Confirm Creation of Directoryb/ Was unable to create the directory '%s'a Installation is incomplete! Please Re-startb? The install process cannot continuea without a valid directory defined. Please select a directory that already exists.* redirect cfg fileR: General Infoa UninstLogDirR4 Creating Registry Database Keys" SOFTWARE\b INSTALL_FROMDRIVE__A INSTALL_TODIRECTORY__A INSTALL_FROMROOT__A Disable Autorun Dialog (Y/N)?A Install DateA Registering Document Typesb Updating Start Menu, Updating Program Manager 1.4b1 Updating Configuration File System Update Complete! General Infoa InstallSuccessCaptionR. Setup Complete! Setup Not Complete! General Infoa On-line RegistrationR8 General Infoa InstallSuccessMsg1R, %s has been successfully installed to your system.b) General Infoa InstallSuccessMsg2R4 You should register your application in order to qualify for technical support and to receive information on other exciting products from Br derbund Software., If you have not already done so, you should register your application in order to qualify for technical support and to receive information on other exciting products from Br derbund Software. Some files could not be updated because they are currently in use by other programs on your system.a These files will be updated the next time you restart your system. System Re-startb, Remove any disks from their drives, and then click FINISH to complete Setup.A General Infoa Reboot_SystemR4 One or more of the files added to your system require a re-start of your system in order to perform effectively.a You can choose to have your system re-started for you now, or you may re-start it yourself later on. Choose below. System Re-startb, Remove any disks from their drives, and then click FINISH to complete Setup.A Command Line Argument Errora Unable to run %sb4 General Infoa BackgroundBitmapR General Infoa Allow_256ColorsR $Install_FromDrive$( $Install_FromDrive$! $Install_ToDirectory$( $Install_ToDirectory$! $SetupEXE_AutorunEXE_Directory$( $SetupEXE_AutorunEXE_Directory$! $Windows$( $Windows$! $WinSys$( $WinSys$! $Install_SupportDirectory$( $Install_SupportDirectory$! $Install_FromRoot$( $Install_FromRoot$! $Install_FromDrive$( $Install_ToDirectory$( $SetupEXE_AutorunEXE_Directory$( $Windows$( $WinSys$( $Install_FromRoot$( Default_DestinationDirectory( a $Install_FromDrive$$ $ $Install_ToDirectory$$ $ $SetupEXE_AutorunEXE_Directory$$ $ $Windows$$ $ $WinSys$$ $ $Install_FromRoot$$ $ Default_DestinationDirectory Start Menu Itemsa FolderR CreateProgramFolder() failed! Itemb _Caption& Start Menu Itemsb? Caption Too Long: %s Icon Caption limit is 40 characters!b Itemb _CmdLine& Start Menu Itemsb? Itemb _WrkDir& Start Menu Itemsb? Itemb _Icon& Start Menu Itemsb? Itemb _CmdLine .INI File Error!a No command line reference for %sb? Start Menu Itemsa UninstallOnStartMenuR Start Menu Itemsa UninstallPMCaptionR Uninstall %sb) General Infoa UninstDLLR directoriesa InstallFromRootb directoriesa InstallToDirb directoriesa InstallFromDirb installa InstallFromRootb installa InstallToDirb installa InstallFromDirb installa InstallToDriveb installa InstallFromDriveb Third Party Executablesa DlgHeaderR You may now run the following processes. Please note whether each process is REQUIRED or OPTIONAL. Third Party Executablesa DlgFooterR Press OK, and you will be prompted through each process in sequence. All files for %s have been successfully installed!b) Itemb _Description& Third Party Executablesb? Item%i_WrkDirB Third Party Executablesb Itemb _Executable& Third Party Executablesb? ErroraE An error occurred while trying to launch the following executable: Itemb _FileType& Associationsb? Itemb _FileExtension$ Associationsb@ Itemb Create Directoriesb> Configuration Errora' Was unable to create the directory '%s'b Path is invalid:b Configuration Errorb> SOFTWARE\Classes\b Itemb _TypeDescription& Associationsb? Itemb _AssocExecutable& Associationsb? shell\open\commandQ Itemb _DefaultIcon& Associationsb? DefaultIconQ Itemb _Print& Associationsb? shell\print\commandQ Itemb _DragPrint& Associationsb? shell\printto\commandQ SOFTWARE\Classes\b The character '<' is not legal on the command line!A .INI File Error!a Unable to find '%s'b> setup.ini startupa BroderConfigFile32R startupa BroderConfigFile16R .INI File Error!a Unable to find '%s'b> setup.ini .INI File Error!a Unable to find '%s'b> .INI File Error!a$ Unable to find a configuration file!Y .INI File Error!a Default configuration file is %sb SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\b SOFTWARE\b SOFTWARE\b $Install_ToDirectory$2 Installera ProductVersionR Installera InstallToDirR Versiona VersionR The configuration file %s does not have a version number. The current installer script version number is %s.b The configuration file %s has version number %s. The current installer script version number is %s.b Version Transfera Customize CodeR 3DHA! Version Transfera Product NameR Version Transfera INI FileR Version Transfera Registry PathR Version Transfera Registry Value NameR Product Namea INI Filea Registry Patha Registry Value Namea Version Transferb Version Transferb Version Transferb Version Transferb Project Path& Pathsb Projects# Projects A version of %s was found on your system. Would you like to copy the project files from Finished copying project files! The new projects directory is %s. If projects were saved in any directory other than %s, including subdirectories, you will have to transfer the files yourself. Transferring files to b Version Transfera Project FileR Project Filea Version Transferb File Copy Error -- copying did not complete correctly for the following reason: Error Number: %s Description: Unable to create directory %s. Description: Insufficient memory (RAM). Description: Insufficient space on drive %s. Description: Unable to open files in %s. Description: Unable to copy file(s) to %s. Description: %s is "read only". Description: Non-specific. 3dhome.iniR Setup can now search for Project Files from previous versions of 3D Home Architect. Search Drive %s?b Searching %sb Projects Project Files transferred to %sb Finished copying project files!b Version Transfera SuccessMsg1R 3dh*.exe@ 3dhab 3dhacdrmb 3dhomeb 3dhome2b Samples\ Project Filea Version Transferb profileb sampleb tutorialb Transferring files to b Itema Install Optionsb Install Optionsa ComponentDlg_HeaderR Components to Installb There are currently NO components selected for installation!a Installation cannot proceed without a valid set of components to install.* There is not enough disk space available for this installation! %P will take up the amount of disk space listed below. Available Disk Spaceb Bytes Required Space:$ Available Space:$ Drivea Default_DestinationDirectory( AlwaysInstall( AlwaysInstall_OverRideable( AlwaysInstall_OR_InsertCD( Deselection Error Messagesa DESELECTED_AlwaysInst_MsgHeaderR Installation cannot continue without the file(s) listed below. Deselection Error Messagesa DESELECTED_AlwaysInst_MsgFooterR Please review your selections and ensure that you have included all required components. Deselection Error Messagesa DESELECTED_Overideable_MsgHeaderR The file(s) listed below are required in order for the installed application to run properly.a You should not attempt to continue unless you are sure that these files already exist on your system. Deselection Error Messagesa DESELECTED_Overideable_MsgFooterR Would you like to revise your selections? Deselection Error Messagesa DESELECTED_OrInsertCD_MsgHeaderR You have de-selected the file(s) listed below which are required in order for the application to run correctly.a If you install the application in this manner, you MUST have the CD inserted when you run the application. Deselection Error Messagesa DESELECTED_OrInsertCD_MsgFooterR Would you like to revise your selections? Itemb Install Optionsb> DefaultStatus_SELECTED( DefaultStatus_UNSELECTED( AlwaysInstall_OR_InsertCD( AlwaysInstall_OverRideable( description! DefaultStatus_UNSELECTED( Itemb Componentsb> FileSize_KBR SubComponenta '%s' serves no purpose under '[%s]' because %s contains SUB-Components.a FileSize_KBb The item will be ignored, but please make a note to eliminate this reference in the .INI file.* This installation may fail if '%s' is not specified under '[%s]' in the .INI file.a FileSize_KBb Please check this entry and try again.* XferFiles_SourceR XferFiles_DestinationR DescriptionR SUBLIST SubComponentb General Infoa Default_DestinationDirectoryR Default_DestinationDirectory( XferFiles_Source%iB DISABLE_UNINSTALLR SHARED_FILER LOCKED_FILER Copying archive files to %sb Copying font files to %sb DEBUGa Installing Fonts to %sb Transferring files to %sb *.*B8 File Transfer Erroral The installer was unable to transfer %s to %s. It is recommended that you exit the installer and try again.b IncludeSubdirsR Fonts File Transfer Erroral The installer was unable to transfer %s to %s. It is recommended that you exit the installer and try again.b File Transfer Erroral The installer was unable to transfer %s to %s. It is recommended that you exit the installer and try again.b DEBUGa( InstallFont() Calling CopyFile( %s, %s )b InstallFont(): CopyFile() failed!A DEBUGa) Calling (32bit) Reg_FontUpdate( %s, %s )b DEBUGa' Calling (16bit) FontUpdate16( %s, %s )b Call to 'FontUpdate16(%s)' failed!b4 Call to 'AddFontResource(%s)' failed!b (TrueType) WIN.INI Fontsb .XXX! .ttf( SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows( \CurrentVersion\Fonts (TrueType) (TrueType) WIN.INI DEBUGa3 FontIsNew() calling GetProfString( %s, %s, %s, %s )b Fontsb Fontsb DEBUGa FontIsNew() szResult = %sb FontIsNew16() returning TRUEA FontIsNew16() returning FALSEA SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows( \CurrentVersion\Fonts (TrueType) edit( SETUPSTR862R> Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb? _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA cust_SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA Installation Configuration& Install Optionsa ConfigOptsDlg_HeaderR SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA Itemb Install Optionsb> DescriptionR SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! TheBigFS Installing Fonts Fileset Transfer Errora" Failed to create Target Directory. Fileset Transfer Errora$ Failed to find file in Packing List. Fileset Transfer Errora Failed to find file in archive. Fileset Transfer Errora1 General Fileset transfer error. Error number: %dB Default_DestinationDirectory( Copying archive files to %sb Transferring files to %sb General Infoa DistributionMediaR floppy! Itemb _Key& RegEditb? Itemb _ValueName& RegEditb? Itemb _Value& RegEditb? Itemb _Append& RegEditb? Registry ErroraH Unsupported Type retrieved from Registry: Key = [%s}, Value Name = [%s}b Itemb _Separator& RegEditb? Itemb _DuplicatesInAppend& RegEditb? Itemb _DisableUninstall& RegEditb? Registry Errora5 Could not create key [%s] under root [%s] in Registryb Registry Errora5 Could not create key [%s] under root [%s] in Registryb Registry ErroraM Could not set value [%s] in Registry: ValueName = [%s] Root = [%s] Key = [%s]b Configuration Errora$ Not a valid Registry Root Key: [%s]b HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE( HKEY_CURRENT_USER( HKEY_USERS( Registry ErroraA RegDBAppendValue(): Unsupported type specified in paramter list!/ Registry ErroraH Unsupported Type retrieved from Registry: Key = [%s}, Value Name = [%s}b Registry ErroraO Could not retrieve value from Registry: ValueName = [%s] Root = [%s] Key = [%s]b Registry ErroraM Could not set value [%s] in Registry: ValueName = [%s] Root = [%s] Key = [%s]b General Infoa SetupPathFromRootR Could not find Installer Relative Path [%s] in Absolute Path[%s]b Check the value of INI section "[%s]", key "%s" in INI file.a General Infoa SetupPathFromRoot$ Configuration Errorb Itemb Company& Other App Detectionb@ Itemb ProductTitle& Other App Detectionb@ Itemb ExecutableFile& Other App Detectionb@ Itemb ProductVersion& Other App Detectionb@ %s Version %sb Other App Detectiona MessageHeaderR4 Other App Detectiona MessageFooterR5 SOFTWARE\b Process Controla LaunchAndExitCommandR Process Controla LaunchAndExitMsg1R Setup has finished installing %P. Check the box below to view the Readme file., Process Controla LaunchAndExitMsg2R Process Controla LaunchAndExitCaptionR Application Launch, Process Controla LaunchAndExitOptionTextR Yes, I want to view the Readme file., Process Controla LaunchAndExitDefaultR The Drive or Volume is not valid!, Cannot install to a CD-ROM drive.! This drive is removable:b Are you sure you want to install to this drive? Removable Mediab, :\..( Invalid Directoryb, Path is invalid:b Unsuitable Directoryb, This is the ROOT Directory of a drive.a5 This product cannot be installed to a root directory!aS The default installation directory will be appended to the drive you have selected.aC You will have the opportunity to accept or change this destination. General Infoa Default_DestinationDirectoryR $ComponentDir_/ Setup is incomplete. One or more files were not successfully transferred. ODBC has not been properly configured. DirectX 3 may not have been properly installed. $Install_FromRoot$A $Install_ToDirectory$A $Install_FromDrive$A $Windows$A $WinSys$A $Install_SupportDirectory$A %s%da FolderB Delete Start Menu Itemsb %s_%s%db ItemB Delete Start Menu Itemsb %s_%s%db ItemB Delete Start Menu Itemsb Delete Start Menu Itemsa ConfirmDeleteItemsMsgR %s%sb _Delete& Delete Start Menu Itemsb Delete Start Menu Itemsa ConfirmDeleteFolderMsgR %s%da FolderB Delete Start Menu Itemsb Dialog_AskDestPatha MessageR Messageb Dialog_AskDestPathb Dialog_AskDestPatha DialogCaptionR Select Install Directory Dialog_AskDestPatha ChildDialogCaptionR Dialog_AskDestPatha ChildDialogMessageR General Infoa FileSizePaddingPrimaryR General Infoa FileSizePaddingAltR Itemb _Script& Launch Scriptb? Itemb _CmdLine& Launch Scriptb? Itemb _Wait& Launch Scriptb? Itemb _Description& Launch Scriptb? Loading external script - please wait... General Infoa UninstDLLR SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALLb UninstallString2 UninstallStringB Setup Errorsa ExitCodeb General Infoa ErrorLogFileR CfgFileb FileName& Config File Entriesb> DestDir& Config File Entriesb> Item$ _Section& Config File Entriesb@ Item$ _Key& Config File Entriesb@ Item$ _Value& Config File Entriesb@ Item$ _DisableUninstall& Config File Entriesb@ Installera ProductVersionb Installera InstallToDirb Installera InstallerVersionb Auxilliary Components Dialoga NumberOfItemsR4 Auxilliary Components Dialoga DlgHeaderR Auxilliary Components Dialoga DialogButtonTypeR4 NonExclusiveb4 Itemb _Text Auxilliary Components Dialogb Itemb _Component Auxilliary Components Dialogb Itemb _DefaultSelection Auxilliary Components Dialogb noneb sysinf.dll Hardware Reqdb TestR Configuration Errora Unable to find '%s'b VideoResb VideoColorsb Memoryb WaveOutb CDROMb MessageBoxStyleR OKCANCELb MinValueR MaxValueR Debuga% Calling SysInf_GetCPUSpeedRating(),,, Debuga+ Returned from SysInf_GetCPUSpeedRating(),,,( %d/%dB MessageR MinValueR MaxValueR %d X %dB MessageR MinValueR MaxValueR Setup Configuration Errora4 Invalid entry in INI file for Video Color test: %s.b Setup Configuration Errora4 Invalid entry in INI file for Video Color test: %s.b Setup Configuration ErroraX Invalid entry in INI file for Video Color test: Min and Max formats must be consistent.! MessageR 2 bit( 4 bit( 8 bit( 16 bit( 24 bit( 16.7M( 16.7M( %ld bitB 16.7M, %ldKB9 MinValueR MaxValueR %ldMBB MessageR MinValueR MaxValueR 11.025b 22.05b 44.1b 11.025b 22.05b 44.1b 11.025b 22.05b 44.1b 11.025b 22.05b 44.1b MessageR MinValueR MaxValueR CD_Test_TestFileR Setup DEBUGa CD test file = %s.b CDTestFileR Setup Errora Failed to find CD test file %s.b Setup Errora Failed to open CD test file %s.b Setup Errora& Failed to allocate memory for CD test./ Setup Errora+ Unspecified error while performing CD test./ MessageR Pentium( sysinf.dll Configuration Errora Unable to find '%s'b %d.%dB DirectXb QuickTimeb An installer executable could not be found in the configuration file.A display dialogR false( dialog titleR dialog headerR dialog footerR express button textR express textR custom button textR custom textR selectedR express( custom( la laJ 13000b express, custom status msgR selectedR install flagR false( DetectUtilityMsgR Floppy Install MsgR Unable to launch the following executable: %sb express( Retry Install QueryR successful install message! failed install message! minimum versionR version file%dA version file listR version file%dB DirectX( QuickTime( DirectX( install flag( display dialog( dialog title( DirectX 3, dialog header( DirectX 3 is required by %P. Select one of the options to begin the DirectX 3 Setup., dialog footer( To install using the selected method, click Next. To exit Setup without installing %P or DirectX 3, click Cancel., express button text( Express Setup (recommended)., express text( This is the choice for almost all users. Setup will automatically install the latest version of DirectX 3., custom button text( Advanced Setup., custom text( This choice is for users who want more control over the DirectX 3 installation process., status msg( Installing DirectX 3, Floppy Install Msg( This product requires DirectX 3. Please refer to your user's manual for instructions on installing DirectX 3., Retry Install Query( Do you want to retry installation of DirectX 3?, selected( express, express( ..\DXSetup\DXInst.exe, custom( ..\DXSetup\DXInst.exe, minimum version( version file list( successful install message( DirectX 3 is a product of Microsoft Corporation. Please contact Microsoft if you have any questions regarding DirectX 3., failed install message( DetectUtilityMsg( Detecting DirectX version... please wait. DirectX( result fileR DEBUGa4 Could not find a value for key=%s section=%s file=%sa result fileb DXInstalla ResultR DirectX( D3DHALF.DLL D3DIM.DLL, D3DRAMPF.DLL D3DRG16F.DLL D3DRG24F.DLL D3DRG24X.DLL D3DRG32F.DLL D3DRG32X.DLL D3DRG55X.DLL D3DRG56X.DLL D3DRG8F.DLL D3DRG8X.DLL D3DRGBF.DLL D3DRGBXF.DLL D3DRM.DLL D3DRM16F.DLL D3DRM24F.DLL D3DRM32F.DLL D3DRM8F.DLL D3DXOF.DLL DDHELP.EXE DDRAW.DLL DDRAW16.DLL DINPUT.DLL DPLAYX.DLL DPMODEMX.DLL DPWSOCKX.DLL DSOUND.DLL DSOUND.VXD JOY.CPL VJOYD.VXD D3DHALF.DLL D3DIM.DLL, D3DRAMPF.DLL D3DRG16F.DLL D3DRG24F.DLL D3DRG24X.DLL, D3DRG32F.DLL D3DRG32X.DLL, D3DRG55X.DLL, D3DRG56X.DLL, D3DRG8F.DLL D3DRG8X.DLL, D3DRGBF.DLL D3DRGBXF.DLL, D3DRM.DLL D3DRM16F.DLL D3DRM24F.DLL D3DRM32F.DLL D3DRM8F.DLL D3DXOF.DLL DDHELP.EXE DDRAW.DLL DDRAW16.DLL DINPUT.DLL DPLAYX.DLL DPMODEMX.DLL DPWSOCKX.DLL DSOUND.DLL DSOUND.VXD JOY.CPL VJOYD.VXD QuickTime( install flag( display dialog( dialog title( QuickTime for Windows, dialog header( QuickTime for Windows Setup., dialog footer( To install using the selected method, click Next. To exit Setup without installing %P or QuickTime for Windows, click Cancel., express button text( Express Setup (recommended)., express text( This is the choice for almost all users. Setup will automatically update all versions of QuickTime for Windows to the latest revision., custom button text( Advanced Setup., custom text( This choice is for users who want to keep multiple versions of QuickTime on their system. You will be asked whether or not to update each version of QuickTime for Windows found on your system., status msg( Installing QuickTime for Windows, Floppy Install Msg( This product requires QuickTime for Windows. Please refer to your user's manual for instructions on installing QuickTime for Windows., Retry Install Query( Do you want to retry installation of QuickTime for Windows?, selected( express, express( ..\qtwsetup\win32\express\qt32inst.exe, custom( ..\qtwsetup\win32\custom\qt32inst.exe, minimum version( version file list( win32, successful install message( failed install message( DetectUtilityMsg( Detecting QuickTime version... please wait. QuickTime( win32( win16( CMGR32.DLL CVID32.QTC DCI32.QTC DHIO32.QTC HNDLR32.DLL IV32QT32.QTC JPEG32.QTC MC32.QTC MCIQTENU.Q32 NAVG32.QTC QTIM32.DLL QTOLE32.DLL QTW32.CPL QTWMCI32.DLL RAW32.QTC RLE32.QTC RPZA32.QTC SMC32.QTC PLAY32.EXE VIEW32.EXE QTOLD.QTC MCIQTW.DRV MCIQTENU.DLL QTIMCMGR.DLL QCMC.QTC NAVG.QTC QTCVID.QTC QTIM.DLL QTRAW.QTC QTRLE.QTC QTRPZA.QTC QTSMC.QTC QTJPEG.QTC IV32QT16.QTC REELMGIC.QTC QTMOVIE.VBX QTPIC.VBX QTOLE.DLL QTHNDLR.DLL QTVHDW.QTC DHIO_DH.QTC QTNOTIFY.EXE ATIVIDEO.QTC CIRRUS.QTC TSENG.QTC QTW16.CPL PLAYER.EXE VIEWER.EXE PLAYENU.DLL VIEWENU.DLL QuickTimea modify QTWINIR false( QuickTimea modify QTWINIR force( $WINDOWS$\QTW.INI Videoa Optimizea Driver% Video 32a Optimizea Driver% General Infoa ProductFamilySupportR General Infoa FamilyParentKeyR General Infoa FamilyDirValueNameR General Infoa FamilyNameR General Infoa FamilyDirMessageHeaderR One or more %s products have been installed to: %s General Infoa FamilyDirMsg1R By installing to the same directory, you can save disk space and facilitate access to shared data. General Infoa FamilyDirMsg2R If this directory does not reside on a network or removeable drive, (e.g. a Jaz drive), we highly recommend that you install to this directory. General Infoa FamilyDirMsg3R Click on Back to change your selection, or Next to install to the directory you have selected. Install to %s?b Shared Destination Directorya TypeR Shared Destination Directorya SearchKeyR Shared Destination Directorya SearchSubKeyR Shared Destination Directorya SearchKeyValueR Shared Destination Directorya SearchKey Pattern MatchR Shared Destination Directorya display dialogR true( Shared Destination Directorya dialog titleR Shared Destination Directorya dialog headerR Shared Destination Directorya group nameR Shared Destination Directorya dialog body 1R Shared Destination Directorya dialog body 2R Shared Destination Directorya dialog body 3R RedOrbZone( display dialog( TRUE, dialog title( Install to %s?, dialog header( One or more %s products have been installed to: %s, dialog body 1( By installing to the same directory, you can save disk space and facilitate access to shared data., dialog body 2( If this directory does not reside on a network or removeable drive, (e.g. a Jaz drive), we recommend that you install to this directory., dialog body 3( Click on Back to change your selection, or Next to install to the directory you have selected. SearchKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Orb Entertainment\Red Orb Zone, SearchKey Pattern Match( Red Orb Zone, SearchSubKey( Current Version\Install, SearchKeyValue( Target Location, display dialog( TRUE, dialog title( Install to %s?, group name( the Red Orb Zone, dialog header( Basic components of %s are already installed to: dialog body 1( By installing to the same directory, you can save disk space and facilitate access to shared data., dialog body 2( If this directory does not reside on a network or removeable drive, (e.g. a Jaz drive), we recommend that you install to this directory., dialog body 3( Click on Back to change your selection, or Next to install to the directory you have selected. 3.00.077