===================================================================== ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ===================================================================== This is the BETA 2 release of LOST in Paris ][... Fully functionnal, Episode 3 levels 1,2,3. Includes new sounds, graphics, and musics. If you can think of any improvement, please give me some feedback, as I intend to release it quite soon (hopefully by the end of the week). Thanks. ===================================================================== ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ===================================================================== ================================================================ Title : Lost in Paris ][ Filename : LOST.WAD Author : Herv‚ Benvel Email Address : Herve.Benvel@inria.fr Additional Credits to : see below ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Episode 3, level 1 through 3 (E3M1, E3M2, E3M3) Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Music : Yes * Construction * Base : From scratch Editor(s) used : DEU GCC, MIDI2MUS, MUS2PWAD, BSP 1.1, REJECT Known Bugs : None ================================================================ Description A pack of three levels. You wanted a place where you could have some fun, I hope you got it! This is a sequel of a PWAD I haven't released, with tons of things modified, ... thanks to the very helpful comments of many people (see the credits below). The first two levels are not that large, but take your time, and make sure you get as many weapons as possible. I hope you'll enjoy level three... I have also released a Death Match version of these levels, codename lost_dth ;-D ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels (as long as proper credits are given to the author). You MAY distribute this PWAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ================================================================ Very special thanks to the wonderful crew that helped me get Lost to where it now is, by giving me very convincing arguments on how to improve the level. Namely: jayson@cs.tamu.edu, Tom.Holmes%8N1@hyit.oau.org, fookilla@u.washington.edu, BARNASH@COLLEGE.MED.UFL.EDU, geertges@rintintin.Colorado.EDU, LordJim718@aol.com, stasiak@iinet.com.au, and all the other helpful people I cannot think of right now. Thanks you guies. I hope our next Episode's gonna rock! (of this I am almost sure, you're so talented!) BTW We're still looking for some graphicians and beta-testers. If you wanna help, drop me a note, I'd be so happy. And of course, nothing would have been possible without the devotion of scores of people like those at iD, the authors of Deu, BSP, MIDI2MUS, MUS2PWAD, ... Sicere congratulations to all of them. ================================================================ Read the install.txt file for further details. This package should include the following files: descript.ion 316 4.08.94 23:23 LOST description file install.txt 1170 4.08.94 23:27 LOST Installation sheet lost2.bat 991 4.08.94 23:25 LOST Dos 6.x launcher lost2.btm 295 4.08.94 23:26 LOST 4Dos launcher lost2.txt 3304 2.08.94 16:35 LOST readme file lost_gfx.wad 122293 9.07.94 18:41 LOST graphics lost_lev.wad 512148 4.08.94 12:26 LOST levels lost_pic.wad 74900 2.08.94 15:52 LOST title picture lost_snd.wad 557154 2.08.94 18:38 LOST sounds and music