-- card: 6818 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 53398 -- flags: 4000 -- background id: 2669 -- name: cell2 ----- HyperTalk script ----- On opencard put " A Droolish guard enters your cell carrying a tray of"& " something meant to look like food. " & return & " " & quote & "Would you like anything else?" & quote & " he asks.Ÿ" into field "info" global filter put "yes" into filter pass opencard end opencard on cont ask "What would you like to say to the Drool?" if it is "" then put " ""e&"Answer me when I ask you a question, human "& "slime!""e&" The Drool growls.Ÿ" into field "info" exit cont end if if it contains "no"then put " "& quote & "Good,""e&" the Drool snickers. ""e& "I wasn't going to give you anything anyway.""e into field "info" cont2 exit cont end if if it contains "yes" or it contains "yeah" then put " "& quote & "Tough,""e&" the Drool snickers. "& quote & "I'm not going to give you anything.""e into field "info" cont2 exit cont end if put " " & quote & "Yeah," & quote & " the Drool snickers. ""e&"And you're" & " my Aunt Sally."& quote into field "info" cont2 end cont on cont2 put return & " The Drool leaves, dropping the tray on the floor." after last word of field "info" put return & " Obviously, the Drool thinks he's "& "smart. Obviously, he isn't, as he leaves the door open.Ÿ" after last word of field "info" end cont2 on closecard global filter put "" into filter pass closecard end closecard -- part contents for background part 18 ----- text ----- Cell -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- "Tough," the Drool snickers. "I'm not going to give you anything." The Drool leaves, dropping the tray on the floor. Obviously, the Drool thinks he's smart. Obviously, he isn't, as he leaves the door open.Ÿ